266 research outputs found

    A Question of Law: The Chinese Legal Discourse under the Guomindang in the 1920s and 1930s

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    The 1920s and 1930s saw discussions of Chinese legal discourse shift from being premised on the rule of law to an increasing acceptance of authoritarian government. Prominent intellectuals like Hu Shih demonstrated this shift via their writings in the respective time periods. While the years preceding the late 1920s did not witness widespread rule of law in China, the Guomindang’s rise to power put the nail in the coffin for any sort of democratic government, subordinate to the law, ruling China

    Management strategies for endangered Florida Key deer

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    Urban development is of particular concern in the management of endangered Key deer (Odocoileous virginianus clavium) because highway mortality is the greatest single cause of deer mortality (≈ 50%), and the rural community of Big Pine Key, Florida constitutes the majority of Key deer habitat. Study objectives were to provide and synthesize management strategies useful in the recovery of Key deer. Specifically, I (1) used simulation modeling to evaluate effects of fetal sex ratios (FSR) on Key deer population structure, (2) evaluated the most efficient and socially acceptable urban deer capture methods, (3) evaluated changes in fawn survival, mortality agents, and range size between 1968-2002, and (4) conducted an ethnography of the human population on Big Pine Key to ascertain cultural dynamics within the community and provide guidelines for community based management of Key deer. Key deer were radio-collared (n = 335) as part of 2 separate field studies (1968-1972, 1998-2002), and mortality and survey estimates were collected throughout the entire period (1966-2002). During 1990-2002, I used an ethnographic approach to analyze the conflict surrounding Key deer management and explored how conflict and moral culture applied to this endangered species. These data were used to address my study objectives. I found the most commonly cited FSR (2.67:1, male:female) for Florida Key deer to be inaccurate. A male biased FSR of 1.45:1 was more probable. Modified drop and drive nets were appropriate methods for urban deer capture because they are passive, silent, fast, generally accepted by the public, and yielded low mortality and injury rates. Between 1968-2002 Key deer fawn survival increased in tandem with human development while range sizes decreased. This suggests a positive, but not sustainable, relationship between fawn survival and development. I found disputants on Big Pine Key divided into 2 moral cultures, 1 grounded in stewardship and the other in private property rights. Successful management strategies for the Key deer require understanding and addressing issues at several levels including: Key deer demographics, community perspectives, and cultural norms. Collectively this information can be used by wildlife managers to improve the management and recovery of Key deer

    Developing Online Learning Materials for Higher Education: An Overview of Current Issues

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    The changing roles and challenges for higher education and the increased productivity required of faculty are driving forces for the development of more diverse and efficient teaching methods. Educational trends are toward more learner-centered materials. In response to these trends, colleges and universities are now offering courses at a distance and in forms other than traditional delivery. Online courseware materials may be a viable means of fulfilling these numerous requirements but are very resource-intensive to develop. Multiple approaches to developing online learning have been tried, with limited success. The primary approach has been for faculty to enter their own course materials into the computer. To maximize university resources, the most effective approach for developing online learning materials must be determined and institutionalized. While faculty are the most logical persons to provide course content and design, faculty should not be expected to complete the technical tasks associated with developing online learning materials

    Sympathy for the environment predicts green consumerism but not more important environmental behaviours related to domestic energy use

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    SUMMARY Household consumption is a major contributor to global greenhouse gas emissions. Some behaviours (for example energy use and vehicle use) may have far larger impacts than others (for example green consumerism of household products). Here, the driving forces of green consumerism and two domestic energy uses (electricity consumption and vehicle fuel use) are compared. This study found that environmental attitudes predicted green consumerism, but not electricity consumption or vehicle fuel use. Furthermore, green consumerism was correlated with income and individual level demographic factors, while energy consumption was primarily predicted by household size and structural constraints. Because household energy consumption has greater environmental impacts than green consumerism, policies that aim to improve pro-environmental attitudes may not be effective in mitigating greenhouse gas emissions. Policies should rather aim to change structural constraints influencing transportation and household energy decisions and improve the conspicuousness of household energy consumption

    The radicalisation of rural resistance: How hunting counterpublics in the Nordic countries contribute to illegal hunting

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    Populist hunting movements have risen in recent years to safeguard rural interests against nature conservation. In extreme cases this movement has been accompanied by the illegal hunting of protected species. Using Sweden and Finland as a case study, the article elucidates how the perceived exclusion of hunters in the public debate on conservation mobilised this subculture toward resistance against regulatory agencies. Establishment of an alternative discursive platform comprising several ruralities - counterpublic in Negt and Kluge's original term - allowed hunters to publicise oppositional needs, interests and rationalities in the debate, and was a key juncture in their radicalisation trajectory. Finally the paper argues that failure to grant recognition to the counterpublic radicalised some individuals beyond counterpublic by engaging in illegal hunting. This practice is marked by the termination of political debate with society and represents a danger to political legitimacy

    On illegal killings of wildlife in Fennoscandia

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    Rising levels of discontent among rural residents and parts of the hunting community toward large carnivore conservation policy has effected a phenomenon of socio-politically motivated illegal killing of these unpopular species. Such wildlife crime formed the investigation of an interdisciplinary and internationally collaborative research project headed by the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences in Ultuna, Uppsala. Through 3 years of in-depth interview studies with hunters in Sweden, a quantitative survey to hunters, comparative studies in other parts of the world and close collaboration with Fennoscandian researchers and practitioners, this project ran to completion at the end of 2016. The following report marks the dissemination and discussion of the research results and insights for future research produced by this project. Hence, it represents the first time the full research project and its members stand before the public and interest groups. The report synthesizes two days of workshop thematic discussions between 45 participants from societal sectors including hunting and nature conservation NGOs, county administrative boards, Environmental Protection Agencies, law enforcement, environmental attorneys and farming associations as they feature across the Fennoscandian countries: Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland. Its discussions center on social control in wildlife crime, the juridification of hunting issues, the influence of the EU and platforms for going forward to mitigate poaching, in particular of large carnivores like the wolf. The report is an essential read for both researchers and practitioners faced with the problem of socially accepted, but secretive and hidden, forms of illegal hunting in response to governmental legitimacy crises, distrust of policy and policy-makers, and as a manifestation of rural resistance in modernity

    Om illegal jakt i Fennoskandia

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    Ett ökat missnöje bland delar av landsbygdsbefolkningen och jÀgarsamhÀllet gentemot bevarandepolitiken för stora rovdjur har pÄverkat den sociopolitiskt motiverade illegala jakten pÄ dessa arter. Denna typ av jaktbrott har legat som grund för undersökningen i ett tvÀrvetenskapligt internationellt samarbetsprojekt lett av forskare vid Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, vid Ultuna. Efter tre Är av djupintervjuer med jÀgare, en enkÀtundersökning, jÀmförelser med andra delar av vÀrlden och nÀra samarbete med forskare i Fennoskandia avslutades projektet 2016. Föreliggande rapport fullbordar resultatförmedlingen och den avslutande diskussionen omkring forskningsresultaten frÄn projektet och ger samtidigt uppslag för framtida forskning. För första gÄngen presenterades hela projektet och dess medlemmar för en publik bestÄende av praktiker och intressegrupper runt jakt. Rapporten sammanfattar pÄ detta sÀtt tvÄ dagars temadiskussioner i en workshop med 45 representanter frÄn olika samhÀllssektorer, bland annat jÀgare- jordbruks- och naturskyddsorganisationer, lÀnsstyrelser, NaturvÄrdsverket, polis och Äklagare som de ser ut i lÀnderna som utgör Fennoskandia: Sverige, Norge, Danmark och Finland. Diskussionerna handlade om social kontroll och illegal jakt, att flytta viltförvaltningen till domstolarna, EUs inflytande och olika plattformar för att förebygga illegal jakt, speciellt pÄ stora rovdjur, som vargar. Rapporten riktar sig till bÄde forskare och praktiker som möter problem med social accepterade, men hemliga och gömda, former av illegal jakt som i sin tur beror av statsapparatens legitimitetskris, misstro mot politik och politiker och som ocksÄ Àr en manifestation för landsbygdens motstÄnd i ett modernt samhÀlle.The following report marks the dissemination and discussion of the research results and insights for future research produced by this project. Hence, it represents the first time the full research project and its members stand before the public and interest groups. The report synthesizes two days of workshop thematic discussions between 45 participants from societal sectors including hunting and nature conservation NGOs, county administrative boards, Environmental Protection Agencies, law enforcement, environmental attorneys and farming associations as they feature across the Fennoscandian countries: Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland. Its discussions center on social control in wildlife crime, the juridification of hunting issues, the influence of the EU and platforms for going forward to mitigate poaching, in particular of large carnivores like the wolf. The report is an essential read for both researchers and practitioners faced with the problem of socially accepted, but secretive and hidden, forms of illegal hunting in response to governmental legitimacy crises, distrust of policy and policy-makers, and as a manifestation of rural resistance in modernity
