15 research outputs found

    Targeting chondrosarcoma and osteosarcoma cell metabolism : the IGF pathway and beyond

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    Thesis explored potential new therapeutic strategies by identifying cellular pathways that are essential for chondrosarcoma and osteosarcoma cell survival. Although clinical trials with IGF1R inhibitors have disappointing results in osteosarcoma, this thesis strengthens the view that the IGF pathway can be an effective target for osteosarcoma therapy if an appropriate selection of patients is treated with IGF1R/IR dual inhibitors. When optimized clinical trials targeting the IGF pathway will be performed in the future, chondrosarcoma patients should not be recruited, as there is limited preclinical rationale for the efficacy of IGF1R targeting agents in chondrosarcoma. We identified two promising pathways that can be used to target chondrosarcoma; the NAD+ synthesis pathway and glutaminolysis. Our results suggest that chondrosarcoma patients should be included in future studies with drugs that interfere in these pathways, regardless of their IDH1/2 mutation status. LUMC / Geneeskund

    Simulating Population-Level Effects of Colorectal Cancer Screening Policies

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    The aim of this thesis was to estimate population-level effects of colorectal cancer screening policy changes or interventions

    Cost-effectiveness of prophylactic hysterectomy in first-degree female relatives with Lynch syndrome of patients diagnosed with colorectal cancer in the United States: a microsimulation study

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    Background To evaluate the cost-effectiveness of prophylactic hysterectomy (PH) in women with Lynch syndrome (LS). Methods We developed a microsimulation model incorporating the natural history for the development of hyperplasia with and without atypia into endometrial cancer (EC) based on the MISCAN-framework. We simulated women identified as first-degree relatives (FDR) with LS of colorectal cancer patients after universal testing for LS. We estimated costs and benefits of offering this cohort PH, accounting for reduced quality of life after PH and for having EC. Three minimum ages (30/35/40) and three maximum ages (70/75/80) were compared to no PH. Results In the absence of PH, the estimated number of EC cases was 300 per 1,000 women with LS. Total associated costs for treatment of EC were 5.9million.OfferingPHtoFDRsaged40−80yearswasconsideredoptimal.Thisstrategyreducedthenumberofendometrialcancercasesto5.4(−985.9 million. Offering PH to FDRs aged 40-80 years was considered optimal. This strategy reduced the number of endometrial cancer cases to 5.4 (-98%), resulting in 516 quality-adjusted life years (QALY) gained and increasing the costs (treatment of endometrial cancer and PH) to 15.0 million (+154%) per 1,000 women. PH from earlier ages was more costly and resulted in fewer QALYs, although this finding was sensitive to disutility for PH. Conclusions Offering PH to 40- to 80-year-old women with LS is expected to add 0.5 QALY per person at acceptable costs. Women may decide to have PH at a younger age, depending on their individual disutility for PH and premature menopause.Development and application of statistical models for medical scientific researchAnalysis and support of clinical decision makin

    Pharmacological inhibition of Bcl-xL sensitizes osteosarcoma to doxorubicin

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    High-grade conventional osteosarcoma is the most common primary bone tumor. Prognosis for osteosarcoma patients is poor and resistance to chemotherapy is common. We performed an siRNA screen targeting members of the Bcl-2 family in human osteosarcoma cell lines to identify critical regulators of osteosarcoma cell survival. Silencing the anti-apoptotic family member Bcl-xL but also the pro-apoptotic member Bak using a SMARTpool of siRNAs as well as 4/4 individual siRNAs caused loss of viability. Loss of Bak impaired cell cycle progression and triggered autophagy. Instead, silencing Bcl-xL induced apoptotic cell death. Bcl-xL was expressed in clinical osteosarcoma samples but mRNA or protein levels did not significantly correlate with therapy response or survival. Nevertheless, pharmacological inhibition of a range of Bcl-2 family members showed that inhibitors targeting Bcl-xL synergistically enhanced the response to the chemotherapeutic agent, doxorubicin. Indeed, in osteosarcoma cells strongly expressing Bcl-xL, the Bcl-xL-selective BH3 mimetic, WEHI-539 potently enhanced apoptosis in the presence of low doses of doxorubicin. Our results identify Bcl-xL as a candidate drug target for sensitization to chemotherapy in patients with osteosarcoma.Toxicolog

    The impact of the rising colorectal cancer incidence in young adults on the optimal age to start screening

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    BACKGROUND: In 2016, the Microsimulation Screening Analysis-Colon (MISCAN-Colon) model was used to inform the US Preventive Services Task Force colorectal cancer (CRC) screening guidelines. In this study, 1 of 2 microsimulation analyses to inform the update of the American Cancer Society CRC screening guideline, the authors re-evaluated the optimal screening strategies in light of the increase in CRC diagnosed in young adults. METHODS: The authors adjusted the MISCAN-Colon model to reflect the higher CRC incidence in young adults, who were assumed to carry forward escalated disease risk as they age. Life-years gained (LYG; benefit), the number of colonoscopies (COL; burden) and the ratios of incremental burden to benefit (efficiency ratio [ER] = ΔCOL/ΔLYG) were projected for different screening strategies. Strategies differed with respect to test modality, ages to start (40 years, 45 years, and 50 years) and ages to stop (75 years, 80 years, and 85 years) screening, and screening intervals (depending on screening modality). The authors then determined the model-recommended strategies in a similar way as was done for the US Preventive Services Task Force, using ER thresholds in accordance with the previously accepted ER of 39. RESULTS: Because of the higher CRC incidence, model-predicted LYG from screening increased compared with the previous analyses. Consequently, the balance of burden to benefit of screening improved and now 10-yearly colonoscopy screening starting at age 4

    Optimizing colorectal cancer screening by race and sex

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    BACKGROUND: Colorectal cancer (CRC) risk varies by race and sex. This study, 1 of 2 microsimulation analyses to inform the 2018 American Cancer Society CRC screening guideline, explored the influence of race and sex on optimal CRC screening strategies. METHODS: Two Cancer Intervention and Surveillance Modeling Network microsimulation models, informed by US incidence data, were used to evaluate a variety of screening methods, ages to start and stop, and intervals for 4 demographic subgroups (black and white males and females) under 2 scenarios for the projected lifetime CRC risk for 40-year-olds: 1) assuming that risk had remained stable since the early screening era and 2) assuming that risk had increased proportionally to observed incidence trends under the age of 40 years. Model-based screening recommendations were based on the predicted level of benefit (life-years gained) and burden (required number of colonoscopies), the incremental burden-to-benefit ratio, and the relative efficiency in comparison with strategies with similar burdens. RESULTS: When lifetime CRC risk was assumed to be stable over time, the models differed in the recommended age to start screening for whites (45 vs 50 years) but consistently recommended screening from the age of 45 years for blacks. When CRC risk was assumed to be increased, the models recommended starting at the age of 45 years, regardless of race and sex. Strategies recommended under both scenarios included colonoscopy every 10 or 15 years, annual fecal immunochemical testing, and computed tomographic colonography every 5 years through the age of 75 years. CONCLUSIONS: Microsimulation modeling suggests that CRC screening should be considered from the age of 45 years for blacks and for whites if the lifetime risk has increased proportionally to the incidence for younger adults