309 research outputs found

    The Physicians and Surgeons of Koper from the 14th to the 17th Century

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    Koper stands out among Istrian towns of the nordeastern Adriatic coast for its highly advanced medicine. Communal service developed between the 13th and 15th century. Beside the hospital, almshouse and a quarantine, the city also boasted highly trained physicians, surgeons and barbers. Trade, crafts and navigation prospered and numerous town intellectuals established an academy whose most active members were medical doctors. The aim of this article is to give a chronological presentation of physicians related to Koper by their birth or work and of other scientists who contributed to the development of local medicine. These includes (about forty names) S. Santorio, Ser Benvenuto, P. P. Vergerio, G. Nuzio, F. Nuzio, P. de Castaldi, I. de Albertis, L. Zarotti, B. Petronio, I. Bratti, Z. Zarotti, A.Valdera, G. Vergerio and C. Zarotti of whom some are well known. The author wishes to systematisize the bibliography, fill the gaps and show ways for further research in the archives and museums of Istria, Triest, Venice and Vienna

    The Physicians and Surgeons of Koper from the 14th to the 17th Century

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    Koper stands out among Istrian towns of the nordeastern Adriatic coast for its highly advanced medicine. Communal service developed between the 13th and 15th century. Beside the hospital, almshouse and a quarantine, the city also boasted highly trained physicians, surgeons and barbers. Trade, crafts and navigation prospered and numerous town intellectuals established an academy whose most active members were medical doctors. The aim of this article is to give a chronological presentation of physicians related to Koper by their birth or work and of other scientists who contributed to the development of local medicine. These includes (about forty names) S. Santorio, Ser Benvenuto, P. P. Vergerio, G. Nuzio, F. Nuzio, P. de Castaldi, I. de Albertis, L. Zarotti, B. Petronio, I. Bratti, Z. Zarotti, A.Valdera, G. Vergerio and C. Zarotti of whom some are well known. The author wishes to systematisize the bibliography, fill the gaps and show ways for further research in the archives and museums of Istria, Triest, Venice and Vienna

    The Rate of Heat Flow through Non-Isothermal Vertical Flat Plate

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    Tipping time of a quantum rod

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    The behaviour of a quantum rod, pivoted at its lower end on an impenetrable floor and restricted to moving in the vertical plane under the gravitational potential is studied analytically under the approximation that the rod is initially localised to a small-enough neighbourhood around the point of classical unstable equilibrium. It is shown that the rod evolves out of this neighbourhood. The time required for this to happen, i.e., the tipping time is calculated using the semi-classical path integral. It is shown that equilibrium is recovered in the classical limit, and that our calculations are consistent with the uncertainty principle.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figure, To appear in Euro. J. Phy


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    U 1. razredu smo puno aktivnosti posvetili ekološkoj svijesti kopna. Naš planet se zove Plavi planet, zbog toga je ispravno da djecu također osvijestimo i o očuvanju rijeka, mora i oceana. Djeca su dobila na poklon slikovnicu „Stogodišnja riba Alba“. Riba Alba zahvalna je djeci što se na otoku brinu o čistoj rijeci koja se slijeva u more i što su zabranili plastične vrećice i razvrstavaju otpad. Time su spasili koraljni greben, koji je bio njezin dom više od jednog stoljeća. Djeca su došla na ideju da dramatiziraju priču iz slikovnice o spašavanju oceana, te da je izvedu učenicima drugih razreda i djeci iz vrtića. Time bi doprinijeli njihovom podizanju ekološke svijesti. Izradili su ručne lutke morskih životinja, ribu Albu i koraljni greben


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    U 1. razredu smo puno aktivnosti posvetili ekološkoj svijesti kopna. Naš planet se zove Plavi planet, zbog toga je ispravno da djecu također osvijestimo i o očuvanju rijeka, mora i oceana. Djeca su dobila na poklon slikovnicu „Stogodišnja riba Alba“. Riba Alba zahvalna je djeci što se na otoku brinu o čistoj rijeci koja se slijeva u more i što su zabranili plastične vrećice i razvrstavaju otpad. Time su spasili koraljni greben, koji je bio njezin dom više od jednog stoljeća. Djeca su došla na ideju da dramatiziraju priču iz slikovnice o spašavanju oceana, te da je izvedu učenicima drugih razreda i djeci iz vrtića. Time bi doprinijeli njihovom podizanju ekološke svijesti. Izradili su ručne lutke morskih životinja, ribu Albu i koraljni greben

    Kinematics of mineral wool fibers in air flow

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    Doktorsko delo obravnava nastajanje ligamentov, vlaken, tvorjenje večjih skupkov vlaken in končno formiranje primarne plasti mineralne volne. Zaradi tehničnih omejitev spremljanja procesa sta bila v okviru doktorske naloge izvedena dva laboratorijska eksperimenta na modelni centrifugi in modelni zbiralni komori. Merilni metodi pri eksperimentih sta bili vizualizacija procesa s hitro kamero ter računalniška obdelava podatkov. Študija na modelni centrifugi je bila osredotočena na formiranje vlaken iz perforiranega rotorja ter njihovo medsebojno prepletanje v večje strukture. Rezultati študije so prikazani v obliki multiregresijskih modelov. Na modelni zbiralni komori smo razvili vizualizacijsko metodo določanja površinske gostote primarne plasti z metodo presvetlitve oz. absorpcije svetlobe skozi prosojni material. Ugotovili smo povezavo med obratovalnimi parametri in površinsko gostoto primarne plasti ter njeno teksturo. Povezavo smo kvantitativno formulirali v obliki multiregresijskega modela. Metodo presvetlitve primarne plasti za določitev površinske gostote smo nato uporabili v realnem industrijskem okolju, s tem pa omogočili kvantitativno vrednotenje vpliva obratovalnih parametrov na porazdelitev in teksturo formirane primarne plasti. Spoznanja v opravljenih študijah so privedla do oblikovanja nove tehnične rešitve – zbiralne komore, ki je patentno zaščitena.In this thesis formation of ligament and fibers, formation of larger clusters of fibers and their further accumulation and formation of so called primary layer is investigated. Due to difficult measuring techniques in real industrial environment of the process, two laboratory experimental studies were conducted on model spinner and model collecting chamber. Measuring method was performed by means of visualization with high speed camera and computer analysis of the data. Study on model spinner was focused on formation of fibers generated by perforated rotor, their intertwining and formation of typical larger structures. Results were presented in form of multiple regression models. Study on model collecting chamber was conducted to develop measuring method for determining primary layer mass distribution. The principle of this method is absorption of light through fibrous material. Relation between operation parameters and primary layer mass distribution and its texture was found. This relation was quantitatively formulated in form of multiple regression models. Developed method for measuring mass distribution of accumulated fibers was then used in real industrial plant, where it enabled quantitative evaluation of primary layer characteristics and their relation to operating parameters. Better understanding of the process led to the design of new technical solution for the collecting chamber which is patent protected


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    This paper represents some elements of medicine in the frescoes painted in 1.490 AD by Ivan of Kastav in the Holy Trinity Church in Hrastovlje, Slovenian Istria. Part one deal with some traditional patron saints (Christopher, Cosmas and Damian, Apollonia, Agatha, Rocco and Sebastian). In the series of paintings representing the \u27Creation ofthe World\u27and the\u27Life ofAdam and Eve\u27, this country artist has incorporated numerous details from everyday medieval life, such as farm work, or breast-feeding of the twins Cain and Abel. In part three, the fresco \u27The Dance of Death\u27 is dealt with in detail. Further to primarily moral and social elements, the artist points to his own interesting anatomic imaginations in presenting the human skeletons, which reflect not only his, but also the general ignorance of the human anatomy at that time