3,081 research outputs found

    Quantum simulation of partially distinguishable boson sampling

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    Boson Sampling is the problem of sampling from the same output probability distribution as a collection of indistinguishable single photons input into a linear interferometer. It has been shown that, subject to certain computational complexity conjectures, in general the problem is difficult to solve classically, motivating optical experiments aimed at demonstrating quantum computational "supremacy". There are a number of challenges faced by such experiments, including the generation of indistinguishable single photons. We provide a quantum circuit that simulates bosonic sampling with arbitrarily distinguishable particles. This makes clear how distinguishabililty leads to decoherence in the standard quantum circuit model, allowing insight to be gained. At the heart of the circuit is the quantum Schur transform, which follows from a representation theoretic approach to the physics of distinguishable particles in first quantisation. The techniques are quite general and have application beyond boson sampling.Comment: 25 pages, 4 figures, 2 algorithms, comments welcom

    Error probability analysis in quantum tomography: a tool for evaluating experiments

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    We expand the scope of the statistical notion of error probability, i.e., how often large deviations are observed in an experiment, in order to make it directly applicable to quantum tomography. We verify that the error probability can decrease at most exponentially in the number of trials, derive the explicit rate that bounds this decrease, and show that a maximum likelihood estimator achieves this bound. We also show that the statistical notion of identifiability coincides with the tomographic notion of informational completeness. Our result implies that two quantum tomographic apparatuses that have the same risk function, (e.g. variance), can have different error probability, and we give an example in one qubit state tomography. Thus by combining these two approaches we can evaluate, in a reconstruction independent way, the performance of such experiments more discerningly.Comment: 14pages, 2 figures (an analysis of an example is added, and the proof of Lemma 2 is corrected

    Generating entanglement with linear optics

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    Entanglement is the basic building block of linear optical quantum computation, and as such understanding how to generate it in detail is of great importance for optical architectures. We prove that Bell states cannot be generated using only 3 photons in the dual-rail encoding, and give strong numerical evidence for the optimality of the existing 4 photon schemes. In a setup with a single photon in each input mode, we find a fundamental limit on the possible entanglement between a single mode Alice and arbitrary Bob. We investigate and compare other setups aimed at characterizing entanglement in settings more general than dual-rail encoding. The results draw attention to the trade-off between the entanglement a state has and the probability of postselecting that state, which can give surprising constant bounds on entanglement even with increasing numbers of photons.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figures, 1 table, comments welcom

    Randomized benchmarking in measurement-based quantum computing

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    Randomized benchmarking is routinely used as an efficient method for characterizing the performance of sets of elementary logic gates in small quantum devices. In the measurement-based model of quantum computation, logic gates are implemented via single-site measurements on a fixed universal resource state. Here we adapt the randomized benchmarking protocol for a single qubit to a linear cluster state computation, which provides partial, yet efficient characterization of the noise associated with the target gate set. Applying randomized benchmarking to measurement-based quantum computation exhibits an interesting interplay between the inherent randomness associated with logic gates in the measurement-based model and the random gate sequences used in benchmarking. We consider two different approaches: the first makes use of the standard single-qubit Clifford group, while the second uses recently introduced (non-Clifford) measurement-based 2-designs, which harness inherent randomness to implement gate sequences.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, comments welcome; v2 published versio

    Quantum computation over the butterfly network

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    In order to investigate distributed quantum computation under restricted network resources, we introduce a quantum computation task over the butterfly network where both quantum and classical communications are limited. We consider deterministically performing a two-qubit global unitary operation on two unknown inputs given at different nodes, with outputs at two distinct nodes. By using a particular resource setting introduced by M. Hayashi [Phys. Rev. A \textbf{76}, 040301(R) (2007)], which is capable of performing a swap operation by adding two maximally entangled qubits (ebits) between the two input nodes, we show that unitary operations can be performed without adding any entanglement resource, if and only if the unitary operations are locally unitary equivalent to controlled unitary operations. Our protocol is optimal in the sense that the unitary operations cannot be implemented if we relax the specifications of any of the channels. We also construct protocols for performing controlled traceless unitary operations with a 1-ebit resource and for performing global Clifford operations with a 2-ebit resource.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figures, the second version has been significantly expanded, and author ordering changed and the third version is a minor revision of the previous versio

    Degradation of a quantum reference frame

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    We investigate the degradation of reference frames, treated as dynamical quantum systems, and quantify their longevity as a resource for performing tasks in quantum information processing. We adopt an operational measure of a reference frame's longevity, namely, the number of measurements that can be made against it with a certain error tolerance. We investigate two distinct types of reference frame: a reference direction, realized by a spin-j system, and a phase reference, realized by an oscillator mode with bounded energy. For both cases, we show that our measure of longevity increases quadratically with the size of the reference system and is therefore non-additive. For instance, the number of measurements that a directional reference frame consisting of N parallel spins can be put to use scales as N^2. Our results quantify the extent to which microscopic or mesoscopic reference frames may be used for repeated, high-precision measurements, without needing to be reset - a question that is important for some implementations of quantum computing. We illustrate our results using the proposed single-spin measurement scheme of magnetic resonance force microscopy.Comment: 9 pages plus appendices, 4 figures, published versio

    Phase-random states: ensembles of states with fixed amplitudes and uniformly distributed phases in a fixed basis

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    Motivated by studies of typical properties of quantum states in statistical mechanics, we introduce phase-random states, an ensemble of pure states with fixed amplitudes and uniformly distributed phases in a fixed basis. We first show that canonical states typically appear in subsystems of phase-random states. We then investigate the simulatability of phase-random states, which is directly related to that of time evolution in closed systems, by studying their entanglement properties. We find that starting from a separable state, time evolutions under Hamiltonians composed of only separable eigenstates generate extremely high entanglement and are difficult to simulate with matrix product states. We also show that random quantum circuits consisting of only two-qubit diagonal unitaries can generate an ensemble with the same average entanglement as phase-random states.Comment: Revised, 12 pages, 4 figur