7 research outputs found

    Data Paper. Data Paper

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    <h2>File List</h2><blockquote> <p>Data file is in ASCII format. No compression scheme was used. It consists of 588 records, not including header row. </p> <p><br> <a href="Succession_sampling_96-02_data.txt">Succession_sampling_96-02_data.txt</a></p> </blockquote><h2>Description</h2><blockquote> <p>Experimental clearings in macroalgal (<i>Ascophyllum</i><i> nodosum</i>) stands were established in 1996 to determine if mussel beds and macroalgal stands on protected intertidal shores of New England represent alternative community states. Circular clearings 1, 2, 4 and 8 m in diameter were made in<i> Ascophyllum</i> stands at 12 sites on Swan’s Island, Maine. Each site also had an uncleared control. The sites are nested within four bays. The purpose of this data set is to provide access to data on densities and percent cover in the 60 experimental plots from 1996 to 2002. Data include densities of mussels (<i>Mytilus</i><i> edulis</i> and <i>Modiolus</i><i> modiolus</i>), an herbivorous limpet (<i>Tectura</i><i> testudinalis</i>), herbivorous snails (<i>Littorina</i><i> littorea</i>, <i>Littorina</i><i> obtusata</i>), a predatory snail (<i>Nucella</i><i> lapillus</i>), a barnacle (<i>Semibalanus</i><i> balanoides</i>), and fucoid algae ( (<i>Ascophyllum</i><i> nodosum</i> and <i>Fucus</i><i> vesiculosus</i>), and percent cover by mussels, barnacles, and fucoids. Published analyses of the data set show that succession depends on clearing size and not on site-specific differences. </p> <p><i>Key words: <i>alternative stable states; community ecology; Gulf of Maine; LTREB data; marine algae; marine invertebrates; mussels; rocky intertidal shores; succession</i>.</i></p> </blockquote

    Appendix C. Levene's test of heterogeneity of variances and figure of variability in recruitment, density, and cover.

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    Levene's test of heterogeneity of variances and figure of variability in recruitment, density, and cover

    Appendix A. Details of the ANOVAs given in Table 1 and depicted in Fig. 1.

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    Details of the ANOVAs given in Table 1 and depicted in Fig. 1

    Appendix B. North–south differences in percent cover for barnacle cover.

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    North–south differences in percent cover for barnacle cover

    Appendix D. Details of stepwise regressions and canonical correlation analyses.

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    Details of stepwise regressions and canonical correlation analyses

    Data Paper. Data Paper

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    <h2>File List</h2><blockquote> <p><a href="Recruitment_data_97-07.txt">Recruitment_data_97-07.txt</a> -- recruitment data from experimental plots on sheltered intertidal shores in the Gulf of Maine 1997–2007. ASCII text, tab delimited. No compression scheme was used.</p> </blockquote><h2>Description</h2><blockquote> <p>Experimental clearings in macroalgal (<em>Ascophyllum nodosum</em>) stands were made at 12 sites in 1996 to determine if mussel beds and macroalgal stands on sheltered intertidal shores of New England represent alternative community states. Sites were located on Swan’s Island, Maine, USA. At each site an uncleared control plot and four sizes of circular clearings, which mimicked ice scour events, were established. The purpose of this data set is to provide access to recruitment data collected in the experimental plots from 1997 to 2007.</p> <p><i>Key words: alternative stable states; barnacles; community ecology; Gulf of Maine; LTREB data; mussels; recruitment; rocky intertidal shores; seaweed.</i></p> </blockquote

    Appendix A. Figures showing relative abundance distributions for species contributing to community-level analysis, soil and air temperatures for open-top chamber (OTC) and control plots on the upper and lower slope in 2009, and peak flowering time for species included in community-level analyses.

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    Figures showing relative abundance distributions for species contributing to community-level analysis, soil and air temperatures for open-top chamber (OTC) and control plots on the upper and lower slope in 2009, and peak flowering time for species included in community-level analyses