289 research outputs found

    An end-to-end hyperspectral scene simulator with alternate adjacency effect models and its comparison with cameoSim

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    In this research, we developed a new rendering-based end to end Hyperspectral scene simulator CHIMES (Cranfield Hyperspectral Image Modelling and Evaluation System), which generates nadir images of passively illuminated 3-D outdoor scenes in Visible, Near Infrared (NIR) and Short-Wave Infrared (SWIR) regions, ranging from 360 nm to 2520 nm. MODTRAN TM (MODerate resolution TRANsmission), is used to generate the sky-dome environment map which includes sun and sky radiance along with the polarisation effect of the sky due to Rayleigh scattering. Moreover, we perform path tracing and implement ray interaction with medium and volumetric backscattering at rendering time to model the adjacency effect. We propose two variants of adjacency models, the first one incorporates a single spectral albedo as the averaged background of the scene, this model is called the Background One-Spectra Adjacency Effect Model (BOAEM), which is a CameoSim like model created for performance comparison. The second model calculates background albedo from a pixel’s neighbourhood, whose size depends on the air volume between sensor and target, and differential air density up to sensor altitude. Average background reflectance of all neighbourhood pixel is computed at rendering time for estimating the total upwelled scattered radiance, by volumetric scattering. This model is termed the Texture-Spectra Incorporated Adjacency Effect Model (TIAEM). Moreover, for estimating the underlying atmospheric condition MODTRAN is run with varying aerosol optical thickness and its total ground reflected radiance (TGRR) is compared with TGRR of known in-scene material. The Goodness of fit is evaluated in each iteration, and MODTRAN’s output with the best fit is selected. We perform a tri-modal validation of simulators on a real hyperspectral scene by varying atmospheric condition, terrain surface models and proposed variants of adjacency models. We compared results of our model with Lockheed Martin’s well-established scene simulator CameoSim and acquired Ground Truth (GT) by Hyspex cameras. In clear-sky conditions, both models of CHIMES and CameoSim are in close agreement, however, in searched overcast conditions CHIMES BOAEM is shown to perform better than CameoSim in terms of ℓ1 -norm error of the whole scene with respect to GT. TIAEM produces better radiance shape and covariance of background statistics with respect to Ground Truth (GT), which is key to good target detection performance. We also report that the results of CameoSim have a many-fold higher error for the same scene when the flat surface terrain is replaced with a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) based rugged one

    Macrophage depletion protects against cisplatin-induced ototoxicity and nephrotoxicity

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    Cisplatin is a widely used anticancer drug with notable side effects including ototoxicity and nephrotoxicity. Macrophages, the major resident immune cells in the cochlea and kidney, are important drivers of both inflammatory and tissue repair responses. To investigate the roles of macrophages in cisplatin-induced toxicities, we used PLX3397, a U.S. Food and Drug Administration-approved inhibitor of the colony-stimulating factor 1 receptor, to eliminate tissue-resident macrophages. Mice treated with cisplatin alone had considerable hearing loss (ototoxicity) and kidney injury (nephrotoxicity). Macrophage ablation resulted in significantly reduced hearing loss and had greater outer hair cell survival. Macrophage ablation also protected against cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity, as evidenced by markedly reduced tubular injury and fibrosis. Mechanistically, our data suggest that the protective effect of macrophage ablation against cisplatin-induced ototoxicity and nephrotoxicity is mediated by reduced platinum accumulation in both the inner ear and the kidney. Together, our data indicate that ablation of tissue-resident macrophages represents an important strategy for mitigating cisplatin-induced ototoxicity and nephrotoxicity

    Chloroquine and inhibition of Toll-like receptor 9 protect from sepsis-induced acute kidney injury

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    Mortality from sepsis has remained high despite recent advances in supportive and targeted therapies. Toll-like receptors (TLRs) sense bacterial products and stimulate pathogenic innate immune responses. Mice deficient in the common adapter protein MyD88, downstream from most TLRs, have reduced mortality and acute kidney injury (AKI) from polymicrobial sepsis. However, the identity of the TLR(s) responsible for the host response to polymicrobial sepsis is unknown. Here, we show that chloroquine, an inhibitor of endocytic TLRs (TLR3, 7, 8, 9), improves sepsis-induced mortality and acute kidney injury in a clinically relevant polymicrobial sepsis mouse model, even when administered 6h after the septic insult. Chloroquine administration attenuated the decline in renal function, splenic apoptosis, serum markers of damage to other organs, and prototypical serum pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines TNF-alpha and IL-10. An oligodeoxynucleotide inhibitor (H154) of TLR9 and TLR9-deficient mice mirror the actions of chloroquine in all functional parameters that we tested. In addition, chloroquine decreased TLR9 protein abundance in spleen, further suggesting that TLR9 signaling may be a major target for the protective actions of chloroquine. Our findings indicate that chloroquine improves survival by inhibiting multiple pathways leading to polymicrobial sepsis, and that chloroquine and TLR9 inhibitors represent viable broad-spectrum and targeted therapeutic strategies, respectively, that are promising candidates for further clinical development

    An air-stable DPP-thieno-TTF copolymer for single-material solar cell devices and field effect transistors

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    Following an approach developed in our group to incorporate tetrathiafulvalene (TTF) units into conjugated polymeric systems, we have studied a low band gap polymer incorporating TTF as a donor component. This polymer is based on a fused thieno-TTF unit that enables the direct incorporation of the TTF unit into the polymer, and a second comonomer based on the diketopyrrolopyrrole (DPP) molecule. These units represent a donor–acceptor copolymer system, p(DPP-TTF), showing strong absorption in the UV–visible region of the spectrum. An optimized p(DPP-TTF) polymer organic field effect transistor and a single material organic solar cell device showed excellent performance with a hole mobility of up to 5.3 × 10–2 cm2/(V s) and a power conversion efficiency (PCE) of 0.3%, respectively. Bulk heterojunction organic photovoltaic devices of p(DPP-TTF) blended with phenyl-C71-butyric acid methyl ester (PC71BM) exhibited a PCE of 1.8%

    Status of Muon Collider Research and Development and Future Plans

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    The status of the research on muon colliders is discussed and plans are outlined for future theoretical and experimental studies. Besides continued work on the parameters of a 3-4 and 0.5 TeV center-of-mass (CoM) energy collider, many studies are now concentrating on a machine near 0.1 TeV (CoM) that could be a factory for the s-channel production of Higgs particles. We discuss the research on the various components in such muon colliders, starting from the proton accelerator needed to generate pions from a heavy-Z target and proceeding through the phase rotation and decay (πμνμ\pi \to \mu \nu_{\mu}) channel, muon cooling, acceleration, storage in a collider ring and the collider detector. We also present theoretical and experimental R & D plans for the next several years that should lead to a better understanding of the design and feasibility issues for all of the components. This report is an update of the progress on the R & D since the Feasibility Study of Muon Colliders presented at the Snowmass'96 Workshop [R. B. Palmer, A. Sessler and A. Tollestrup, Proceedings of the 1996 DPF/DPB Summer Study on High-Energy Physics (Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, Menlo Park, CA, 1997)].Comment: 95 pages, 75 figures. Submitted to Physical Review Special Topics, Accelerators and Beam

    Bone marrow stromal cells attenuate sepsis via prostaglandin E2–dependent reprogramming of host macrophages to increase their interleukin-10 production

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    Sepsis causes over 200,000 deaths yearly in the US; better treatments are urgently needed. Administering bone marrow stromal cells (BMSCs—also known as mesenchymal stem cells) to mice before or shortly after inducing sepsis by cecal ligation and puncture reduced mortality and improved organ function. The beneficial effect of BMSCs was eliminated by macrophage depletion or pretreatment with antibodies specific for interleukin-10 (IL-10) or IL-10 receptor. Monocytes and/or macrophages from septic lungs made more IL-10 when prepared from mice treated with BMSCs versus untreated mice. Lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-stimulated macrophages produced more IL-10 when cultured with BMSCs, but this effect was eliminated if the BMSCs lacked the genes encoding Toll-like receptor 4, myeloid differentiation primary response gene-88, tumor necrosis factor (TNF) receptor-1a or cyclooxygenase-2. Our results suggest that BMSCs (activated by LPS or TNF-α) reprogram macrophages by releasing prostaglandin E2 that acts on the macrophages through the prostaglandin EP2 and EP4 receptors. Because BMSCs have been successfully given to humans and can easily be cultured and might be used without human leukocyte antigen matching, we suggest that cultured, banked human BMSCs may be effective in treating sepsis in high-risk patient groups

    Bone marrow stromal cells attenuate sepsis via prostaglandin E2— dependent reprogramming of host macrophages to increase their interleukin-10 production

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    Sepsis causes over 200,000 deaths yearly in the US; better treatments are urgently needed. Administering bone marrow stromal cells (BMSCs—also known as mesenchymal stem cells) to mice before or shortly after inducing sepsis by cecal ligation and puncture reduced mortality and improved organ function. The beneficial effect of BMSCs was eliminated by macrophage depletion or pretreatment with antibodies specific for interleukin-10 (IL-10) or IL-10 receptor. Monocytes and/ or macrophages from septic lungs made more IL-10 when prepared from mice treated with BMSCs versus untreated mice. Lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-stimulated macrophages produced more IL-10 when cultured with BMSCs, but this effect was eliminated if the BMSCs lacked the genes encoding Toll-like receptor 4, myeloid differentiation primary response gene-88, tumor necrosis factor (TNF) receptor-1a or cyclooxygenase-2. Our results suggest that BMSCs (activated by LPS or TNF-α) reprogram macrophages by releasing prostaglandin E2 that acts on the macrophages through the prostaglandin EP2 and EP4 receptors. Because BMSCs have been successfully given to humans and can easily be cultured and might be used without human leukocyte antigen matching, we suggest that cultured, banked human BMSCs may be effective in treating sepsis in high-risk patient groups.Sepsis, a serious medical condition that affects 18 million people per year worldwide, is characterized by a generalized inflammatory state caused by infection. Widespread activation of inflammation and coagulation pathways progresses to multiple organ dysfunction, collapse of the circulatory system (septic shock) and death. Because as many people die of sepsis annually as from acute myocardial infarction1, a new treatment regimen is desperately needed. In the last few years, it has been discovered that BMSCs are potent modulators of immune responses2-5. We wondered whether such cells could bring the immune response back into balance, thus attenuating the underlying pathophysiology that eventually leads to severe sepsis, septic shock and death6,7. As a model of sepsis, we chose cecal ligation and puncture (CLP), a procedure that has been used for more than two decades8. This mouse model closely resembles the human disease: it has a focal origin (cecum), is caused by multiple intestinal organisms, and results in septicemia with release of bacterial toxins into the circulation. With no treatment, the majority of the mice die 24-48 h postoperatively. Originally published Nature Medicine, Vol. 15, No. 1, Jan 200

    PARP-1 Val762Ala Polymorphism Is Associated with Risk of Cervical Carcinoma

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    PARP-1 is a nuclear enzyme that plays an important role in DNA repair, recombination, proliferation and the genome stability. The PARP-1 Val762Ala polymorphism has been associated with increased risk of developing cancers of the prostate, esophagus and lung. The aim of this study was to determine whether the PARP-1 Val762Ala polymorphism is associated with the risk of cervical carcinoma. MA-PCR was used to genotype the PARP-1 Val762Ala polymorphism in 539 women with cervical carcinoma, 480 women with CIN and 800 controls. The genotyping method was confirmed by the DNA sequencing analysis. The PARP-1 Val762Ala polymorphism was not associated with the risk of CIN. However, women carrying the PARP-1 Ala762Ala genotype were significantly susceptible to cervical carcinoma (OR: 2.70, 95% CI: 1.47–3.70), and the similar results were also found in squamous cell carcinoma (OR: 2.56, 95% CI: 1.47–3.70). In HPV positive population, the PARP-1 Ala762Ala genotype was also associated with increased risk of cervical carcinoma (OR: 5.56, 95% CI: 2.08–14.3). Our results indicate that the PARP-1 Ala762Ala genotype increases the risk of cervical carcinoma

    The Complete Spectrum of Yeast Chromosome Instability Genes Identifies Candidate CIN Cancer Genes and Functional Roles for ASTRA Complex Components

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    Chromosome instability (CIN) is observed in most solid tumors and is linked to somatic mutations in genome integrity maintenance genes. The spectrum of mutations that cause CIN is only partly known and it is not possible to predict a priori all pathways whose disruption might lead to CIN. To address this issue, we generated a catalogue of CIN genes and pathways by screening ∼2,000 reduction-of-function alleles for 90% of essential genes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Integrating this with published CIN phenotypes for other yeast genes generated a systematic CIN gene dataset comprised of 692 genes. Enriched gene ontology terms defined cellular CIN pathways that, together with sequence orthologs, created a list of human CIN candidate genes, which we cross-referenced to published somatic mutation databases revealing hundreds of mutated CIN candidate genes. Characterization of some poorly characterized CIN genes revealed short telomeres in mutants of the ASTRA/TTT components TTI1 and ASA1. High-throughput phenotypic profiling links ASA1 to TTT (Tel2-Tti1-Tti2) complex function and to TORC1 signaling via Tor1p stability, consistent with the role of TTT in PI3-kinase related kinase biogenesis. The comprehensive CIN gene list presented here in principle comprises all conserved eukaryotic genome integrity pathways. Deriving human CIN candidate genes from the list allows direct cross-referencing with tumor mutational data and thus candidate mutations potentially driving CIN in tumors. Overall, the CIN gene spectrum reveals new chromosome biology and will help us to understand CIN phenotypes in human disease