791 research outputs found

    Meat, Furs and Skins: Mesolithic Animal Bones from Ringkloster, a Seasonal Hunting Camp in Jutland

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    Meat, Furs and Skins: Mesolithic Animal Bones from Ringkloster, a Seasonal Hunting Camp in Jutlan

    The Egehøj Cereals: Bread Wheat (Triticum aestivum s. l.) in the Danish Early Bronze Age

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    The Egehøj Cereals - Bread Wheat (Triticum aestivum s. l.) in the Danish Early Bronze Ag

    The Single Grave (Corded Ware) Economy at Kalvø

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    The Single Grave (Corded Ware) Economy at Kalv

    Rye in Viking Age Denmark: New Information from Øster Aalum, North Jutland

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    Rye in Viking Age Denmark: New Information from Øster Aalum, North Jutlan

    The Origin of Agriculture in Denmark: A Review of some Theories

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    The Origin of Agriculture in Denmark: A Review of some Theorie