14 research outputs found

    Tailoring the FeO/SiO2 ratio in electric arc furnace slags to minimize the leaching of vanadium and chromium

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    Based on recently published research on leaching control mechanisms in electric arc furnace (EAF) slags, it is assumed that a FeO/SiO2 ratio of around one leads to low leached V and Cr concentrations. This ratio influences the mineral phase composition of the slag toward higher amounts of spinel and a lower solubility of calcium silicate phases by suppressing the formation of magnesiowuestite and highly soluble calcium silicate phases. To evaluate this hypothesis, laboratory and scaled up tests in an EAF pilot plant were performed on slag samples characterized by elevated V and Cr leaching and a high FeO/SiO2 ratio. Prior to the melting experiments, the optimum FeO/SiO2 ratio was calculated via FactSageTM. In the melting experiments, the ratio was adjusted by adding quartz sand, which also decreased the basicity (CaO/SiO2) of the slag. As a reference, remelting experiments without quartz sand addition were conducted and additionally, the influence of the cooling rate of the slag was examined. The remelted (without quartz sand) and the remelted modified slags (with quartz sand) were analyzed chemically and mineralogically and the leaching behavior was investigated. The modification of the slags yielded a minimized release of V and Cr, supporting the hypothesis that the FeO/SiO2 ratio influences the mineralogy and the leaching behavior

    Decomposition of γ-Fe in 0.4C–1.8Si-2.8Mn-0.5Al steel during a continuous cooling process: A comparative study using in-situ HT-LSCM, DSC and dilatometry

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    Continuous cooling transformation (CCT) diagrams represent roadmaps for producing all heat-treatable steels. CCT curves provide valuable information on the solid-state phase transformation sequence, depending on the defined cooling strategies, the alloying concept of the steel and previous processing steps. The experimental characterization of CCT diagrams is usually done on a laboratory scale applying thermal analysis of dilatometry. In current research studies, however, also other in-situ methods such as high-temperature laser scanning confocal microscopy (HT-LSCM) or differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) are frequently used to investigate phase transformations during thermal cycling. In the present study, HT-LSCM observations and DSC analysis are critically compared with dilatometry results by investigating the CCT diagram of a 0.4%C-1.8%Si-2.8%Mn-0.5%Al (in mass pct.) advanced steel grade. Furthermore, classical examinations by optical microscopy and hardness measurements were performed to support the analysis. In general, very good consistencies between all experimental techniques were identified in determining the transformation start temperature for pearlite, bainite and martensite. The optical microscopy confirmed the observed phase transformations and the results correlated with the measured hardness response. Based on the results, coupling of HT-LSCM and DSC is considered as a valuable novel approach to plot CCT diagrams in future research.Web of Science2

    The influence of intergranular oxidation on surface crack formation in continuous casting of steel

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    High-temperature oxidation phenomena play an important role in steel processing. What is mostly underrated is the importance of internal oxidation in casting processes, namely the continuous casting process. To investigate the impact of intergranular oxidation on surface defect formation, experiments for two cooling strategies and time sequences for a conventional slab caster were conducted. As the influence of silicon on high-temperature oxidation is well known and its effect on surface ductility is marginal silicon was chosen as an alloying element to provoke intergranular oxidation. The methods used were the In-Situ Material Characterization by Bending test (IMC-B), which provides the investigation of the susceptibility to surface crack formation by 3-point bending under oxidizing testing conditions and simultaneous thermal analysis for the well-controlled study of high-temperature oxidation phenomena. The results show that during a cooling cycle supporting highly oxidizing conditions, silicon favors the formation of a low-melting eutectic (FeO–Fe2SiO4) at the interface, infiltrating the steel along the austenite grain boundaries. The intergranular oxidation formed has a depth of less than 50 μm but leads to a stress concentration during a subsequent tensile deformation. In consequence, cracks may easily nucleate and propagate along austenite grain boundaries. A change in the steel composition by reducing the silicon content to almost zero or a less harmful temperature sequence reduces intergranular oxidation and subsequently the susceptibility to crack formation

    Experimental Study of High Temperature Phase Equilibria in the Iron-Rich Part of the Fe-P and Fe-C-P Systems

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    During the solidification of steel, phosphorus strongly segregates in the interdendritic liquid phase. In the continuous casting process, even low levels of P may have a detrimental effect on the final product quality. However, phosphorus is partly added up to 0.10 wt pct to improve the mechanical properties of advanced steel grades nowadays,e.g.,High-Strength Interstitial-Free (HSIF). To provide new experimental data for the development of thermodynamic databases and solidification models for P alloyed steel grades, phase equilibria in the Fe-P and Fe-C-P key systems were studied up to 1550 degrees C using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and high temperature laser scanning confocal microscopy (HT-LSCM). Special focus was placed on solid/liquid equilibrium temperatures in the Fe-rich part of the binary Fe-P system between 0.025 and 9 wt pct P. In the ternary system, three isoplethal sections with 0.10 mass pct. P, 0.20 mass pct. C and constant mass percent ratio P/C of 2 were investigated. In the latter section, HT-LSCM observations were linked with DSC signals to optically identify present phase stabilities. Particularly at [pct P] < 1, significant differences between performed measurements and calculated phase equilibrium temperatures using thermodynamic assessments from the literature were identified. In all ternary sections, the experiments indicate less influence of P on the hypo-peritectic range compared to the thermodynamic calculations.11Ysciescopu

    Modeling Inclusion Formation during Solidification of Steel: A Review

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    The formation of nonmetallic inclusions in the solidification process can essentially influence the properties of steels. Computational simulation provides an effective and valuable method to study the process due to the difficulty of online investigation. This paper reviews the modeling work of inclusion formation during the solidification of steel. Microsegregation and inclusion formation thermodynamics and kinetics are first introduced, which are the fundamentals to simulate the phenomenon in the solidification process. Next, the thermodynamic and kinetic models coupled with microsegregation dedicated to inclusion formation are briefly described and summarized before the development and future expectations are discussed