194 research outputs found

    How Are Autism and Schizotypy Related? Evidence from a Non-Clinical Population

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    Both autism spectrum conditions (ASCs) and schizophrenia spectrum conditions (SSCs) involve altered or impaired social and communicative functioning, but whether these shared features indicate overlapping or different etiological factors is unknown. We outline three hypotheses (overlapping, independent, and diametric) for the possible relationship between ASCs and SSCs, and compare their predictions for the expected relationships between autistic and schizotypal phenotypes using the Autism Spectrum Quotient and the Schizotypal Personality Questionnaire-Brief Revised from a large non-clinical sample of undergraduate students. Consistent with previous research, autistic features were positively associated with several schizotypal features, with the most overlap occurring between interpersonal schizotypy and autistic social and communication phenotypes. The first component of a principal components analysis (PCA) of subscale scores reflected these positive correlations, and suggested the presence of an axis (PC1) representing general social interest and aptitude. By contrast, the second principal component (PC2) exhibited a pattern of positive and negative loadings indicative of an axis from autism to positive schizotypy, such that positive schizotypal features loaded in the opposite direction to core autistic features. These overall PCA patterns were replicated in a second data set from a Japanese population. To evaluate the validity of our interpretation of the PCA results, we measured handedness and mental rotation ability, as these are established correlates of SSCs and ASCs, respectively. PC2 scores were significantly associated with hand preference, such that increasingly ‘schizotypal’ scores predicted reduced strength of handedness, which is consistent with previous research. PC1 scores were positively related to performance on the mental rotation task, suggesting trade-offs between social skills and visual-spatial ability. These results provide novel evidence for an autism-positive schizotypy axis, and highlight the importance of recognizing that psychological variation involving reduced social interest and functioning may have diverse causes

    Cognitive Empathy as Imagination: Evidence From Reading the Mind in the Eyes in Autism and Schizotypy

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    How is cognitive empathy related to sociality, imagination, and other psychological constructs? How is it altered in disorders of human social cognition? We leveraged a large data set (1,168 students, 62% female) on the Reading the Mind in the Eyes test (RMET), the Autism Quotient (AQ), and the Schizotypal Personality Questionnaire (SPQ-BR) to test the hypotheses that the RMET, as a metric of cognitive empathy, reflects mainly social abilities, imagination, or both. RMET showed the expected female bias in performance, though only for eyes that expressed emotions and not for neutral expressions. RMET performance was significantly, and more strongly, associated with the AQ and SPQ subscales that reflect aspects of imagination (AQ-Imagination and SPQ-Magical Ideation) than aspects of social abilities (AQ-Social, AQ-Communication, and SPQ-Interpersonal subscales). These results were confirmed with multiple regression analysis, which also implicated increased attention (AQ-Attention Switching and, marginally non-significantly, AQ-Attention to Detail) in RMET performance. The two imagination-related correlates of RMET performance also show the strongest sex biases for the AQ and SPQ: male biased in AQ-Imagination, and female biased in SPQ-Magical Ideation, with small to medium effect sizes. Taken together, these findings suggest that cognitive empathy, as quantified by the RMET, centrally involves imagination, which is underdeveloped (with a male bias) on the autism spectrum and overdeveloped (with a female bias) on the schizotypy spectrum, with optimal emotion-recognition performance intermediate between the two. The results, in conjunction with previous studies, implicate a combination of optimal imagination and focused attention in enhanced RMET performance

    Early life exposure to broccoli sprouts confers stronger protection against enterocolitis development in an immunological mouse model of inflammatory bowel disease

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    Crohn’s disease (CD) is a presentation of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) that manifests in childhood and adolescence and involves chronic and severe enterocolitis, immune and gut microbial dysregulation, and other complications. Diet and gut-microbiota-produced metabolites are sources of anti-inflammatories that could ameliorate symptoms. However, questions remain on how IBD influences biogeographic patterns of microbial location and function in the gut, how early life transitional gut communities are affected by IBD and diet interventions, and how disruption to biogeography alters disease mediation by diet components or microbial metabolites. Many studies on diet and IBD use a chemically induced ulcerative colitis model, despite the availability of an immune-modulated CD model. Interleukin-10-knockout (IL-10-KO) mice on a C57BL/6 background, beginning at age 4 or 7 weeks, were fed a control diet or one containing 10% (wt/wt) raw broccoli sprouts, which was high in the sprout-sourced anti-inflammatory sulforaphane. Diets began 7 days prior to, and for 2 weeks after inoculation with Helicobacter hepaticus, which triggers Crohn’s-like symptoms in these immune-impaired mice. The broccoli sprout diet increased sulforaphane in plasma; decreased weight stagnation, fecal blood, and diarrhea associated; and increased microbiota richness in the gut, especially in younger mice. Sprout diets resulted in some anatomically specific bacteria in younger mice and reduced the prevalence and abundance of pathobiont bacteria which trigger inflammation in the IL-10-KO mouse, for example, Escherichia coli and Helicobacter. Overall, the IL-10-KO mouse model is responsive to a raw broccoli sprout diet and represents an opportunity for more diet-host-microbiome research

    Selective Breeding for a Behavioral Trait Changes Digit Ratio

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    The ratio of the length of the second digit (index finger) divided by the fourth digit (ring finger) tends to be lower in men than in women. This 2D∶4D digit ratio is often used as a proxy for prenatal androgen exposure in studies of human health and behavior. For example, 2D∶4D ratio is lower (i.e. more “masculinized”) in both men and women of greater physical fitness and/or sporting ability. Lab mice have also shown variation in 2D∶4D as a function of uterine environment, and mouse digit ratios seem also to correlate with behavioral traits, including daily activity levels. Selective breeding for increased rates of voluntary exercise (wheel running) in four lines of mice has caused correlated increases in aerobic exercise capacity, circulating corticosterone level, and predatory aggression. Here, we show that this selection regime has also increased 2D∶4D. This apparent “feminization” in mice is opposite to the relationship seen between 2D∶4D and physical fitness in human beings. The present results are difficult to reconcile with the notion that 2D∶4D is an effective proxy for prenatal androgen exposure; instead, it may more accurately reflect effects of glucocorticoids, or other factors that regulate any of many genes

    Effects of temperature and microbial disruption on juvenile kelp Ecklonia radiata and its associated bacterial community

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    Ocean warming can affect the development and physiological responses of kelps, and under future climate change scenarios, increasing seawater temperatures pose a major threat to these habitat-forming species. However, little is known about the effects of warming on epiphytic bacterial communities and how an altered microbiome may interact with temperature stress, affecting the condition and survival of kelp, particularly of the potentially more vulnerable early life stages. Here, we tested the effects of thermal stress on the growth and physiological responses of juvenile kelp Ecklonia radiata in which their epiphytic bacterial community was experimentally disrupted using antimicrobials, simulating dysbiosis. We hypothesized that, under thermal stress (23°C, simulating a extreme scenario of ocean warming in Tasmania), kelp with a disrupted bacterial community would be more strongly affected than kelp with an undisrupted microbiome or kelp under ambient temperature (14°C) but with a disrupted microbiota. Thermal stress reduced growth, increased tissue bleaching and negatively affected net photosynthesis of kelp. In addition, a substantial change in the epiphytic bacterial community structure was also found under thermal stress conditions, with an increase in the abundance of potentially pathogenic bacterial groups. However, microbial disruption did not act synergistically with thermal stress to affect kelp juveniles. These results suggest that effects of elevated temperature on juvenile kelps is not microbially-mediated and that juveniles may be less susceptible to disruptions of their microbiome

    Otitis Media in a New Mouse Model for CHARGE Syndrome with a Deletion in the Chd7 Gene

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    Otitis media is a middle ear disease common in children under three years old. Otitis media can occur in normal individuals with no other symptoms or syndromes, but it is often seen in individuals clinically diagnosed with genetic diseases such as CHARGE syndrome, a complex genetic disease caused by mutation in the Chd7 gene and characterized by multiple birth defects. Although otitis media is common in human CHARGE syndrome patients, it has not been reported in mouse models of CHARGE syndrome. In this study, we report a mouse model with a spontaneous deletion mutation in the Chd7 gene and with chronic otitis media of early onset age accompanied by hearing loss. These mice also exhibit morphological alteration in the Eustachian tubes, dysregulation of epithelial proliferation, and decreased density of middle ear cilia. Gene expression profiling revealed up-regulation of Muc5ac, Muc5b and Tgf-β1 transcripts, the products of which are involved in mucin production and TGF pathway regulation. This is the first mouse model of CHARGE syndrome reported to show otitis media with effusion and it will be valuable for studying the etiology of otitis media and other symptoms in CHARGE syndrome

    Dynamic Imaging of Glucose and Lactate Metabolism by C-13-MRS without Hyperpolarization

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    Abstract Metabolic reprogramming is one of the defining features of cancer and abnormal metabolism is associated with many other pathologies. Molecular imaging techniques capable of detecting such changes have become essential for cancer diagnosis, treatment planning, and surveillance. In particular, 18F-FDG (fluorodeoxyglucose) PET has emerged as an essential imaging modality for cancer because of its unique ability to detect a disturbed molecular pathway through measurements of glucose uptake. However, FDG-PET has limitations that restrict its usefulness in certain situations and the information gained is limited to glucose uptake only.13C magnetic resonance spectroscopy theoretically has certain advantages over FDG-PET, but its inherent low sensitivity has restricted its use mostly to single voxel measurements unless dissolution dynamic nuclear polarization (dDNP) is used to increase the signal, which brings additional complications for clinical use. We show here a new method of imaging glucose metabolism in vivo by MRI chemical shift imaging (CSI) experiments that relies on a simple, but robust and efficient, post-processing procedure by the higher dimensional analog of singular value decomposition, tensor decomposition. Using this procedure, we achieve an order of magnitude increase in signal to noise in both dDNP and non-hyperpolarized non-localized experiments without sacrificing accuracy. In CSI experiments an approximately 30-fold increase was observed, enough that the glucose to lactate conversion indicative of the Warburg effect can be imaged without hyper-polarization with a time resolution of 12s and an overall spatial resolution that compares favorably to 18F-FDG PET