21 research outputs found

    Étude comparative des pratiques d’enseignement de la lecture en 4e primaire : des questions de didactique pointées par l’étude internationale PIRLS 2011

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    Cette étude vise à mettre en lumière des pratiques d‘enseignement de la lecture susceptibles de rendre compte des disparités de performances observées dans différents systèmes éducatifs. Les comparaisons portent sur les pratiques d’enseignement de la lecture déclarées par les enseignant.e.s de huit systèmes éducatifs contrastés tant au plan de la langue enseignée (français, anglais, allemand) qu’au plan des performances moyennes obtenues à l’épreuve PIRLS 2011. Les résultats mettent en évidence des différences parfois importantes dans la fréquence à laquelle sont mises en place certaines facettes de l’enseignement de la lecture et plus spécifiquement de la compréhension. Ces pratiques témoignent de visions contrastées, parfois éloignées de ce que l’on pourrait attendre d’un enseignement de la lecture experte.Peer reviewe

    Inflammatory marker concentrations in serum from asymptomatic controls and two whiplash groups (recovered or milder symptoms at 3 months) measured at two time points.

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    <p> NDI: Neck Disability Index; WAD: Whiplash Associated Disorders</p>*<p>denotes significant difference from control group at p<0.05</p>^<p>denotes significant difference between WAD groups at p<0.05</p

    Characteristics of participant groups at 3 months post injury.

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    <p>NDI: Neck Disability Index; BMI: Body Mass Index; SF-36: Short Form 36</p

    Physical and psychological data (mean ± SD) for WAD groups at each time point.

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    <p>PPT: pressure pain threshold; MFI: muscle fatty infiltrate; PDS: posttraumatic stress diagnostic scale; CSQ: coping strategies questionnaire</p

    The effect of naloxone treated and naloxone untreated on the cAMP inhibition of 50–11, BE 1–13, BE 1–17, and BE 1–31 in HEK 293 cells expressing DOR.

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    <p>Naloxone (100 µM) was added to the cells (20000 cells/well) 30 min prior adding opioid peptide and FSK (50 µM) in order to block MOR. The opioid peptides inhibition of the accumulation of cAMP was blocked by pre-treatment with naloxone. In naloxone treated cells cAMP levels were significantly higher than those in absence of naloxone (*<i>P<0.05</i>), one-way anova, post-test newman-keuls multiple comparison test). Values represent mean ± SEM of at least three independent experiments. Values represent mean ± SEM of at least three independent experiments. FSK: No opioid peptide. STIM: No opioid peptide and no FSK.</p

    Biotransformation of BE 1–17 in homogenised inflamed tissue at 37°C.

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    <p><b>A</b>. The TIC spectra of BE 1–17 and its fragments detected after 45 minutes incubation at 37°C with inflamed tissue at pH 5.5. <b>B</b>. Peak <b>a</b> at retention time of 17.6 minutes is BE 1–11 with following observed mass/charge values [M+H]<sup>+1</sup>:1235.2 and [M+H]<sup>+2</sup>: 618.2. <b>C</b>. Peak b at retention time of 18.6 minutes is BE 1–13 with following observed mass/charge values [M+H]<sup>+1</sup>:1433.3 and [M+H]<sup>+2</sup>: 717.4.</p

    Screening of BE 1–31 and its metabolites on cAMP inhibition in HEK 293 cells expressing KOR (10 nM and 1 µM).

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    <p>The screening of BE 1–31 and its fragments were performed by using 1000 cells/well with FSK (300 µM) to investigate the effect of BE 1–31 and its fragments on activation of KOP by measuring the level of cAMP. Values represent mean ± SEM of at least three independent. BE 1–31 and its fragments had limited activity at KOR modulation of cAMP.</p