7 research outputs found

    Context-dependent gain and loss of variability in <i>lin-22(icb38)</i> mutants.

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    <p>(A) Quantification of brood size in wild-type (<i>n</i> = 13) and <i>lin-22(icb38)</i> mutants (<i>n</i> = 15). Black bars show mean ± SEM. (B) Quantification of P3.p division frequency in wild-type and <i>lin-22(icb38)</i> animals. Note that almost all mutant animals show division of P3.p. (C) Model showing <i>lin-22</i> interactions discovered in this study (orange), while previously known interactions are shown with dashed grey lines. These new interactions may not be direct. Seam cell number variability is increased in <i>lin-22</i> mutants due to loss and gain of symmetric divisions. Stochastic loss of symmetric divisions at the L2 stage generates more neuroblasts at the expense of seam cells. Stochastic gain of symmetric divisions towards the seam cell fate mostly at the L3/L4 stage generates more seam cells. Cell-to-cell variability in Wnt pathway activation correlates with phenotypic variability. Numerical data used for Fig 7A, B can be found in <a href="http://www.plosbiology.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pbio.2002429#pbio.2002429.s003" target="_blank">S2 Data</a>. L2, second larval stage; L3, third larval stage; L4, fourth larval stage.</p

    The <i>icb38</i> mutation represents a loss of function mutation in <i>lin-22</i>.

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    <p>(A) Illustration of the <i>lin-22(icb38)</i> mutation, which is a 3,329 bp deletion removing part of the distal <i>lin-22</i> promoter (2,371 bp upstream of the <i>lin-22</i> ATG). The deletion also removes part of the third exon and 3′ UTR of the upstream gene Y54G2A.3. The deleted part is replaced by a 1,733 bp insertion consisting of exon 7 and parts of introns 6 and 7 of the downstream gene <i>mca-3</i>. The position of other <i>lin-22</i> alleles described in the manuscript is shown on the wild-type sequence. (B) Quantification of the number of PDE neurons (<i>dat-1</i>∷<i>GFP</i> foci) in the EMS-derived <i>lin-22(icb-38)</i> mutant and CRISPR-derived <i>lin-22</i> mutants (<i>n</i> ≥ 30). Reference sample is <i>egIs1</i> containing only the marker. (C) Quantification of seam cell number in <i>lin-22(icb38)</i> and other CRISPR-derived <i>lin-22</i> mutants (<i>n</i> ≥ 30). Note an increase in seam cell number variance in <i>lin-22</i> mutants depicted with red stars. Black stars show statistically significant changes in the mean with one-way ANOVA followed by the Dunnett test, and red stars depict changes in variance with a Levene’s median test (in both cases, **** corresponds to <i>P</i> value < 0.0001). Error bars show mean ± SEM (B) or mean ± SD (C). Numerical data used for Fig 2B, C can be found in <a href="http://www.plosbiology.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pbio.2002429#pbio.2002429.s003" target="_blank">S2 Data</a>. CRISPR, Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats; EMS, ethyl methanesulfonate; GFP, green fluorescent protein; PDE, post-deirid; scm, seam cell marker; UTR, untranslated region.</p

    Quantification of <i>lin-22</i> expression in the seam.

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    <p>(A) Transgenic animals carrying transcriptional reporters consisting of various fragments of upstream of <i>lin-22</i> sequences fused to GFP. From top to bottom: full <i>lin-22</i> endogenous promoter, distal <i>lin-22</i> promoter region that is deleted in <i>lin-22(icb38)</i>, proximal <i>lin-22</i> promoter present in <i>lin-22(icb38)</i>, distal <i>lin-22</i> promoter with deleted CR1, and CR1 only driving expression of GFP. White arrows indicate expression in the seam cells; white arrowheads expression in the hypodermis and green arrowheads expression in intestinal cells. (B) Quantification of expression pattern for each transcriptional reporter (<i>n</i> ≥ 35 animals). (C) Representative smFISH images showing <i>lin-22</i> expression (black spots correspond to mRNAs and seam cells are labelled in green due to <i>scm</i>∷<i>GFP</i> expression) in wild-type V cells after the symmetric L2 division (top), the L2 asymmetric division (middle), and late after the L2 asymmetric division (bottom). (D) Quantification of <i>lin-22</i> spots per seam cell in wild-type and <i>lin-22(icb38)</i> animals at the late L1 stage (<i>n</i> ≥ 10 cells per genotype). (E) Quantification of <i>lin-22</i> spots in wild-type, <i>lin-22(ot267)</i>, <i>lin-22(ot269)</i>, and <i>lin-22(icb49)</i> mutants in pools of H cells and V cells at the late L1 stage (<i>n</i> ≥ 41). (F-G) Comparison of number of <i>lin-22</i> spots between wild-type and the <i>elt-1(ku491)</i> mutant (F) or the <i>egl-18(ok290)</i> mutant, (G) both at the late L1 stage in pools of H and V cells (<i>n</i> ≥ 49). Black stars show statistically significant changes in the mean with a <i>t</i> test or one-way ANOVA as follows: * <i>P</i> < 0.05, ** <i>P</i> < 0.01, *** <i>P</i> < 0.001, **** <i>P</i> < 0.0001. Reference samples for comparisons in E, F, G are the control samples depicted in black. Scale bars in A and C are 100 μm and 10 μm, respectively. Error bars show mean ± SEM (D, F, G) or mean ± SD (E). Numerical data used for Fig 3B, D, E, F, G can be found in <a href="http://www.plosbiology.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pbio.2002429#pbio.2002429.s003" target="_blank">S2 Data</a>. CR1, conserved region 1; GFP, green fluorescent protein; L1, first larval stage; L2, second larval stage; smFISH, single molecule fluorescent in situ hybridization.</p

    Recovery and mapping of mutants with variable seam cell number.

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    <p>(A) Cartoon illustrating the seam cell lineages in WT. Fluorescent images show expression of 10 <i>scm</i>∷<i>GFP</i> (<i>wIs51</i>) positive cells at the L1 (above) and 16 cells at the early adult stage (below). (B) Design of the genetic screen to recover mutants with a Vsc phenotype as opposed to Msc or Lsc, based on selection of extreme seam cell number at the F2 generation. Control represents representative data for JR667 (<i>wIs51</i>) strain, black bar shows mean ± SD. (C) Relationship between SD and mean scn. Each point represents an independently recovered mutant from our EMS screen. Control strain JR667 is depicted in blue and the <i>vsc1</i> mutant in red. (D) <i>vsc1</i> mutants show variable seam cell numbers (SD = 0.33, <i>n</i> = 278 animals for control JR667, and SD = 1.87, <i>n</i> = 563 for <i>vsc1</i> mutants). Note that only 1 animal shows extreme seam cell counts in this experiment in WT. Error bar shows mean ± SD and red stars depict statistically significant change in variance in relationship to control with a Levene’s median test (<i>P</i> < 0.0001). Numerical data used for Fig 1, B, C, D can be found in <a href="http://www.plosbiology.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pbio.2002429#pbio.2002429.s003" target="_blank">S2 Data</a>. SD, standard deviation; EMS, ethyl methanesulfonate; GFP, green fluorescent protein; L1, first larval stage; Vsc, variable seam cell number phenotype; Lsc, less seam cells phenotype; Msc, more seam cells phenotype; SCM, seam cell marker; scn, seam cell number; WT, wild-type.</p

    <i>lin-22</i> is both upstream and downstream of Wnt signalling.

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    <p>(A) Wild-type and <i>lin-22(icb38)</i> animals at the L2 asymmetric division stage carrying a POP-1:GFP translational reporter. Note aberrant polarity in <i>lin-22(icb38)</i> mutants (white arrowhead) and variable intensity (we found 50% of pairs showing comparable intensity to the wild-type posterior and 50% to the wild-type anterior cells). (B) Representative wild-type and selection of <i>lin-22(icb38)</i> animals at the L2 stage carrying the <i>POPHHOP</i> reporter. Note expression in more anterior seam cells in <i>lin-22(icb38)</i> mutants (white arrowheads). (C) Representative <i>lin-17</i> smFISH images of the anterior body of wild-type and <i>lin-22(icb38)</i> animals at the L3 division stage. (D) Quantification of <i>lin-17</i> smFISH spots (in black) in V1 and H cells (labelled with GFP) of wild-type (<i>n</i> = 12) and <i>lin-22(icb38)</i> (<i>n</i> = 17) animals at the L3 asymmetric division stage. (E) Quantification of seam cell numbers in wild-type animals expressing <i>lin-17</i> under a seam cell-specific promoter. (F) Quantification of <i>lin-22</i> smFISH spots in wild-type and the Wnt ligand double mutant, <i>cwn-1(ok546);egl-20(n585)</i> at the late L1 stage in pools of H (<i>n</i> > 49) and V cells (<i>n</i> > 68). Black stars show statistically significant changes in the mean with a <i>t</i> test (reference sample in D, F is <i>wIs51</i> depicted in black). Scale bars are 10 μm. Error bars show mean ± SD (D, E) or mean ± SEM (F). Numerical data used for Fig 6D, E, F can be found in <a href="http://www.plosbiology.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pbio.2002429#pbio.2002429.s003" target="_blank">S2 Data</a>. GFP, green fluorescent protein; L2, second larval stage; L3, third larval stage; POPHHOP, POP-1 and HMG-helper optimal promoter; SCM, seam cell marker; smFISH, single molecule fluorescent in situ hybridization.</p

    Gene expression changes associated with loss and gain of daughter cell fate symmetry in <i>lin-22</i> mutants.

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    <p>(A-B) Representative smFISH images and quantification of wild-type and <i>lin-22(icb38)</i> animals at the L2 symmetric division stage using an <i>elt-1</i> probe. (A) Comparable amounts of <i>elt-1</i> spots are detected in wild-type V cell daughters and more spots in the posterior H2 daughter. In <i>lin-22(icb38)</i> animals, more spots are detected in the posterior V daughters than the anterior (marked by arrowheads) and even numbers in the 2 H2.p daughters (arrow points to anterior H2.p daughter cell). (B) Quantification of <i>elt-1</i> expression in H2.p daughters (<i>n</i> > 9) and pools of V.p daughter cells (<i>n</i> > 41) of wild-type and <i>lin-22(icb38)</i> animals at the L2 symmetric division stage. (C) <i>mab-5</i> expression expands to posterior daughters of V1–V4 cells (arrowheads) in <i>lin-22(icb38)</i> animals, reminiscent of the expression in the posterior V5 cell in wild-type (arrow). (D-F) <i>egl-18</i> smFISH images and quantification of wild-type and <i>lin-22(icb38)</i> animals. (D) Quantification of <i>egl-18</i> smFISH spots in the H2.p cell daughters at the L2 stage (<i>n</i> ≥ 21). (E) Images depicting <i>egl-18</i> expression at the L3 stage. Note expression in anterior daughter cells in <i>lin-22(icb38)</i> animals (arrowheads). (F) Quantification of <i>egl-18</i> smFISH spots in V1-V4 cells (<i>n</i> ≥ 68) of wild-type and <i>lin-22(icb38)</i> animals at the L2 asymmetric division stage. (G) Representative <i>eff-1</i> smFISH images of wild-type and <i>lin-22(icb38)</i> animals at the L3 asymmetric division stage. Note absence of signal in the most anterior of the 4 daughter cells in <i>lin-22(icb38)</i> animals (arrowheads). H2 consists of 4 cells that have arisen due to symmetric division at the L2 stage. (H) Quantification of seam cell number in wild-type (<i>n</i> = 39), <i>lin-22(icb38)</i> (<i>n</i> = 29), <i>eff-1(hy21)</i> (<i>n</i> = 31), and <i>lin-22(icb38)</i>; <i>eff-1(hy21)</i> (<i>n</i> = 35) animals. Note that the <i>eff-1(hy21)</i> does not show a significant difference in seam cell numbers compared to wild-type, but the double mutant does in comparison to both parental strains. Black stars show statistically significant changes in the mean with a <i>t</i> test or one-way ANOVA /Dunnett’s test. Scale bars in A, C, E, and G are 10 μm; black spots correspond to mRNAs and green labels the seam cell nuclei. Error bars in B, D, F, H show mean ± SD. Numerical data used for Fig 5B, D, F, H can be found in <a href="http://www.plosbiology.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pbio.2002429#pbio.2002429.s003" target="_blank">S2 Data</a>. GFP, green fluorescent protein; L2, second larval stage; L2sym, symmetric first division at the L2 stage; L3, third larval stage; SCM, seam cell marker; smFISH, single molecule fluorescent in situ hybridization.</p

    The developmental basis of variability in <i>lin-22</i> mutants.

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    <p>(A) The upper panel shows wild-type seam cell lineages, while the bottom panel indicates the most frequently occurring errors in <i>lin-22(icb38)</i> mutants (<i>n</i> = 14 independent complete lineages). The developmental errors are grouped for simplicity in 4 main classes and presented as a function of the developmental stage. The percentages refer to occurrence of these errors within the total number of relevant cell lineages. Note that the errors described are not independent, so they can occur within the same animal and even within the same lineage (see also <a href="http://www.plosbiology.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pbio.2002429#pbio.2002429.s010" target="_blank">S4 Fig</a>). (B) Heat map showing the frequency of errors per cell lineage and developmental stage (<i>n</i> = 14 lineages). Blue depicts errors leading to gain of terminal cell number due to gain of symmetric division, and red depicts errors leading to loss of symmetric division. (C-D) Quantification of seam cell number (C) and number of PDE neurons (D) in wild-type (<i>n</i> ≥ 36) and <i>lin-22(icb38)</i> animals (<i>n</i> ≥ 30) treated with control or <i>lin-28</i> RNAi. Black stars show statistically significant changes in the mean with a <i>t</i> test (<i>P</i> < 0.0001). Error bars show mean ± SD (C) or mean ± SEM in (D). Numerical data used for Fig 4B, C, D can be found in <a href="http://www.plosbiology.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pbio.2002429#pbio.2002429.s003" target="_blank">S2 Data</a>. L2, second larval stage; L3, third larval stage; L4, fourth larval stage; PDE, post-deirid; RNAi, RNA interference.</p