2,408 research outputs found

    Galois groups of multivariate Tutte polynomials

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    The multivariate Tutte polynomial Z^M\hat Z_M of a matroid MM is a generalization of the standard two-variable version, obtained by assigning a separate variable vev_e to each element ee of the ground set EE. It encodes the full structure of MM. Let \bv = \{v_e\}_{e\in E}, let KK be an arbitrary field, and suppose MM is connected. We show that Z^M\hat Z_M is irreducible over K(\bv), and give three self-contained proofs that the Galois group of Z^M\hat Z_M over K(\bv) is the symmetric group of degree nn, where nn is the rank of MM. An immediate consequence of this result is that the Galois group of the multivariate Tutte polynomial of any matroid is a direct product of symmetric groups. Finally, we conjecture a similar result for the standard Tutte polynomial of a connected matroid.Comment: 8 pages, final version, to appear in J. Alg. Comb. Substantial revisions, including the addition of two alternative proofs of the main resul

    Improved periodic spectral analysis with application to diesel vibration data

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    The purpose of this work is to begin the development of a comprehensive time/frequency spectral analysis approach that can be applied to complex signals associated with real world systems, such as rotating machinery. Rotating machinery operating at nominally constant speed comprise a large class of important real world systems that have received relatively little attention in terms of stochastic characterizations of any greater sophistication than those associated with wide sense stationary processes. In this work, a periodic-time/frequency characterization procedure is introduced in the context of vibration analysis associated with a diesel engine operating at nominally constant speed. This application highlights a number of difficulties, such as the need for accurate period estimation, accommodation of noninteger periods in relation to digital processing, and identification and separation of tonal components from the signature in order to arrive at a more parsimonious characterization. A theorem relating to the limiting influence of these difficulties is presented. These difficulties are addressed using advanced signal processing tools, such as a recently developed tone identification procedure and extended Kalman filtering, which to the authors\u27 knowledge have not been considered to date in such a setting. Results include a simple correction algorithm for noninteger periods, excellent separation of tonal components whose frequencies are slowly varying, and subsequently a modest improvement in the spectral characterization of the remainder of the process. These results have some significance in relation to diesel engine vibration, since they unambiguously identify tonal vibration components, in addition to a random structure which appears to include random excitation of resonances

    Two-gap superconductivity with line nodes in CsCa2_2Fe4_4As4_4F2_2

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    We report the results of a muon-spin rotation (μ\muSR) experiment to determine the superconducting ground state of the iron-based superconductor CsCa2_2Fe4_4As4_4F2_2 with Tc≈28.3 T_{\rm c} \approx 28.3\,K. This compound is related to the fully-gapped superconductor CaCsFe4_4As4_4, but here the Ca-containing spacer layer is replaced with one containing Ca2_2F2_2. The temperature evolution of the penetration depth strongly suggests the presence of line nodes and is best modelled by a system consisting of both an ss- and a dd-wave gap. We also find a potentially magnetic phase which appears below ≈10 \approx 10\,K but does not appear to compete with the superconductivity. This compound contains the largest alkali atom in this family of superconductors and our results yield a value for the in-plane penetration depth of λab(T=0)=423(5) \lambda_{ab}(T=0)=423(5)\,nm.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure

    Robustness of superconductivity to competing magnetic phases in tetragonal FeS

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    We have determined the superconducting and magnetic properties of a hydrothermally synthesized powder sample of tetragonal FeS using muon spin rotation ({\mu}SR). The superconducting properties are entirely consistent with those of a recently published study, showing fully gapped behavior and giving a penetration depth of {\lambda}_{ab} = 204(3) nm. However, our zero-field {\mu}SR data are rather different and indicate the presence of a small, non-superconducting magnetic phase within the sample. These results highlight that sample-to-sample variations in magnetism can arise in hydrothermally prepared phases, but interestingly the superconducting behavior is remarkably insensitive to these variations.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Shear-free perfect fluids with a solenoidal electric curvature

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    We prove that the vorticity or the expansion vanishes for any shear-free perfect fluid solution of the Einstein field equations where the pressure satisfies a barotropic equation of state and the spatial divergence of the electric part of the Weyl tensor is zero.Comment: 9 page

    Influence of hunger on attentional engagement with and disengagement from pictorial food cues in women with a healthy weight

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    Because of inconsistencies in the field of attentional bias to food cues in eating behavior, this study aimed to re-examine the assumption that hungry healthy weight individuals have an attentional bias to food cues, but satiated healthy weight individuals do not. Since attentional engagement and attentional disengagement have been proposed to play a distinct role in behavior, we used a performance measure that is specifically designed to differentiate between these two attentional processes. Participants were healthy weight women who normally eat breakfast. In the satiated condition (n = 54), participants were instructed to have breakfast just before coming to the lab. In the fasted condition (n = 50), participants fasted on average 14 h before coming into the lab. Satiated women showed no stronger attentional engagement or attentional disengagement bias to food cues than to neutral cues. Fasted women did show stronger attentional engagement to food cues than to neutral cues that were shown briefly (100 ms). They showed no bias in attentional engagement to food cues that were shown longer (500 ms) or in attentional disengagement from food cues. These findings are in line with the assumption that healthy weight individuals show an attentional bias to food cues when food stimuli are motivationally salient. Furthermore, the findings point to the importance of differentiating between attentional engagement and attentional disengagement

    Robustness of superconducting properties to transition metal substitution and impurity phases in Fe1-xVxSe

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    We have performed transverse- and zero-field muon spin rotation/relaxation experiments, as well as magnetometry measurements, on samples of Fe1-xVxSe and their Li+NH3 intercalates Li0.6(NH2)0.2(NH3)0.8 Fe1-x Vx Se. We examine the low vanadium substitution regime: x = 0.005, 0.01, and 0.02. The intercalation reaction significantly increases the critical temperature (Tc) and the superfluid stiffness for all x. The nonintercalated samples all exhibit Tc = 8.5 K while the intercalated samples all show an enhanced Tc > 40 K. Vanadium substitution has a negligible effect on Tc, but seems to suppress the superfluid stiffness for the nonintercalated samples and weakly enhance it for the intercalated materials. The optimal substitution level for the intercalated samples is found to be x = 0.01, with Tc = 41 K and {\lambda}_{ab}(0) = 0.18 {\mu}m. The nonintercalated samples can be modeled with either a single d-wave superconducting gap or with an anisotropic gap function based on recent quasiparticle imaging experiments, whereas the intercalates display multigap nodal behavior which can be fitted using s + d- or d + d-wave models. Magnetism, likely from iron impurities, appears after the intercalation reaction and coexists and competes with the superconductivity. However, it appears that the superconductivity is remarkably robust to the impurity phase, providing an avenue to stably improve the superconducting properties of transition metal substituted FeSe.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Formative Evaluation of a Hepatitis C Virus Computer Assisted Instruction Tool or Communities of African Descent

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    Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) has become increasingly prevalent within traditionally undeserved communities. The paper describes the formative evaluation of a HCV Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI) tool. Specific aims are to describe the feasibility of a CAI tool with a high-risk population, and the use of Nigrescence Theory to develop targeted messages. Three participants, recruited at an all-male substance abuse halfway house, reviewed the CAI in a mini-focus group. A Health History/HCV Knowledge Questionnaire, The Cross Racial Identity Scale and a focus group question route were used to collect qualitative and quantitative data. The analysis plan utilized descriptive statistics, content analysis and profile analysis. Results suggested that the CAI was acceptable to this segment of the population, and Nigrescence Theory provided a context for targeting messages to differing segments of the target group. Recommendations are offered to health promotion programs targeting people of African descent
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