828 research outputs found

    Efficient Quantum Transforms

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    Quantum mechanics requires the operation of quantum computers to be unitary, and thus makes it important to have general techniques for developing fast quantum algorithms for computing unitary transforms. A quantum routine for computing a generalized Kronecker product is given. Applications include re-development of the networks for computing the Walsh-Hadamard and the quantum Fourier transform. New networks for two wavelet transforms are given. Quantum computation of Fourier transforms for non-Abelian groups is defined. A slightly relaxed definition is shown to simplify the analysis and the networks that computes the transforms. Efficient networks for computing such transforms for a class of metacyclic groups are introduced. A novel network for computing a Fourier transform for a group used in quantum error-correction is also given.Comment: 30 pages, LaTeX2e, 7 figures include

    On The Power of Exact Quantum Polynomial Time

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    We investigate the power of quantum computers when they are required to return an answer that is guaranteed correct after a time that is upper-bounded by a polynomial in the worst case. In an oracle setting, it is shown that such machines can solve problems that would take exponential time on any classical bounded-error probabilistic computer.Comment: 10 pages, LaTeX2e, no figure

    On Quantum Algorithms for Noncommutative Hidden Subgroups

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    Quantum algorithms for factoring and discrete logarithm have previously been generalized to finding hidden subgroups of finite Abelian groups. This paper explores the possibility of extending this general viewpoint to finding hidden subgroups of noncommutative groups. We present a quantum algorithm for the special case of dihedral groups which determines the hidden subgroup in a linear number of calls to the input function. We also explore the difficulties of developing an algorithm to process the data to explicitly calculate a generating set for the subgroup. A general framework for the noncommutative hidden subgroup problem is discussed and we indicate future research directions.Comment: 13 pages, no figures, LaTeX2

    Lower Bounds on Quantum Query Complexity

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    Shor's and Grover's famous quantum algorithms for factoring and searching show that quantum computers can solve certain computational problems significantly faster than any classical computer. We discuss here what quantum computers_cannot_ do, and specifically how to prove limits on their computational power. We cover the main known techniques for proving lower bounds, and exemplify and compare the methods.Comment: survey, 23 page

    An Exact Quantum Polynomial-Time Algorithm for Simon's Problem

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    We investigate the power of quantum computers when they are required to return an answer that is guaranteed to be correct after a time that is upper-bounded by a polynomial in the worst case. We show that a natural generalization of Simon's problem can be solved in this way, whereas previous algorithms required quantum polynomial time in the expected sense only, without upper bounds on the worst-case running time. This is achieved by generalizing both Simon's and Grover's algorithms and combining them in a novel way. It follows that there is a decision problem that can be solved in exact quantum polynomial time, which would require expected exponential time on any classical bounded-error probabilistic computer if the data is supplied as a black box.Comment: 12 pages, LaTeX2e, no figures. To appear in Proceedings of the Fifth Israeli Symposium on Theory of Computing and Systems (ISTCS'97

    Optimal Protocols for Nonlocality Distillation

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    Forster, Winkler, and Wolf recently showed that weak nonlocality can be amplified by giving the first protocol that distills a class of nonlocal boxes (NLBs) [Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 120401 (2009)]. We first show that their protocol is optimal among all non-adaptive protocols. We next consider adaptive protocols. We show that the depth 2 protocol of Allcock et al. [Phys. Rev. A 80, 062107, (2009)] performs better than previously known adaptive depth 2 protocols for all symmetric NLBs. We present a new depth 3 protocol that extends the known region of distillable NLBs. We give examples of NLBs for which each of Forster et al.'s, Allcock et al.'s, and our protocol performs best. The new understanding we develop is that there is no single optimal protocol for NLB distillation. The choice of which protocol to use depends on the noise parameters for the NLB.Comment: RevTeX4, 6 pages with 4 figure

    A Quantum Observable for the Graph Isomorphism Problem

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    Suppose we are given two graphs on nn vertices. We define an observable in the Hilbert space \Co[(S_n \wr S_2)^m] which returns the answer ``yes'' with certainty if the graphs are isomorphic and ``no'' with probability at least 1−n!/2m1-n!/2^m if the graphs are not isomorphic. We do not know if this observable is efficiently implementable.Comment: 5 pages, no figure
