6 research outputs found

    Controlled Growth of High-Aspect-Ratio Single-Crystalline Gold Platelets

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    We describe the wet-chemical synthesis of high-aspect-ratio single-crystalline gold platelets with thicknesses down to 20 nm and edge lengths up to 0.2 mm. By employing statistical analysis of a large number of platelets, we investigate the effect of temperature on the growth velocities of the top and side facets for constant concentrations of the three common ingredients: ethylene glycol, chloroauric acid, and water. We further show that by varying the chemical environment during growth, the ratio between the growth velocities can be adjusted, and thus thickness and lateral size can be tuned independently. Very large but ultrathin single-crystalline gold platelets represent an important starting material for top-down nanofabrication and may also find applications as transparent conducting substrates as well as substrates for high-end scanning probe and electron microscopy

    Normal-Incidence PEEM Imaging of Propagating Modes in a Plasmonic Nanocircuit

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    The design of noble-metal plasmonic devices and nanocircuitry requires a fundamental understanding and control of the interference of plasmonic modes. Here we report the first visualization of the propagation and interference of guided modes in a showcase plasmonic nanocircuit using normal-incidence nonlinear two-photon photoemission electron microscopy (PEEM). We demonstrate that in contrast to the commonly used grazing-incidence illumination scheme, normal-incidence PEEM provides a direct image of the structure’s near-field intensity distribution due to the absence of beating patterns and despite the transverse character of the plasmonic modes. Based on a simple heuristic numerical model for the photoemission yield, we are able to model all experimental findings if global plane wave illumination and coupling to multiple input/output ports, and the resulting interference effects are accounted for

    Sample collections.

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    *<p>Numbers of samples by country of origin are listed in the <a href="http://www.plosgenetics.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pgen.1003270#s3" target="_blank">Methods</a> section.</p><p>Case cohort names represent location of genotyping, and do not reflect country of origin of samples.</p

    Association signal at the mapping intervals flanking rs34593439 and rs7553711.

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    <p>Association scores at 15q25.1 (panel A) and 1q25.1 (panel B). Genotyped (diamonds) and imputed (circles) SNPs are indicated and the top genotyped SNP in the interval is outlined in orange. A SNP in 15q25.1 previously associated with Diabetes is outlined in blue. The degree of red color in each diamond or circle indicates the strength of LD with the top SNP (on a scale shown in the legend at the upper left hand corner of the plot). The X-axis shows the chromosome and physical distance (kb) from the human genome reference sequence (hg19), the left Y-axis shows the negative base ten logarithm of the p-value and the right Y-axis shows recombination rate (cM/Mb) as a navy line. The genome-wide significance threshold (P<5×10<sup>−8</sup>) is given by the dashed grey line. Genes in the regions are annotated at the bottom as green arrows. Also indicated in 1q25.1 is a ∌130 kb region with no SNPs on the ImmunoChip.</p

    Non-HLA narcolepsy risk variant loci reaching genome-wide significance.

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    <p>Chr.: Chromosome; BP: position according to NCBI build 36 (Hg18) coordinates; MAF_N: minor allele frequency in narcolepsy (_N) and controls (_C); P: P value according to variance component model (EMMAX). EMMAX does not provide OR (Odds Ratio) or adjusted allele frequencies, therefore MAF, OR, and 95% confidence intervals (CI) were calculated with Plink on subset of 8,474 samples with the greatest PCA homogeneity (see Figure S2; EV 11.21<0.004, EV 4.12<0.01).</p

    Manhattan Plot of association statistics.

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    <p>The significance threshold used (blue line) was P = 5×10<sup>−8</sup>; The insets depict plots of 1) association results in a broad region encompassing the HLA locus (chr 6:24,067–35,474 kb) that were excluded from the present analysis (see <a href="http://www.plosgenetics.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pgen.1003270#s3" target="_blank">Methods</a>) and 2) QQ plot of results for 109,777 markers after excluding a 1 Mb window surrounding the associated loci (λ = 1.004). The inflation statistic for all 111,240 tested markers is 1.04.</p