1,075 research outputs found

    The impact of hierarchical relationship quality on the content and timing of evaluative feedback: An affectively-driven process model

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    A review of the literature revealed that interpersonal affect has been relatively neglected as a potential moderator of the performance feedback process. In an attempt to ameliorate this oversight, a model was proposed which views supervisors’ feedback behavior as being the product of a set of social cognitive operations, all of which may be regarded as having their basis in affective responses. A laboratory study was undertaken to assess the validity of the proposed linkages in the model. While all of the connections did not receive empirical support, affect. was found to influence certain aspects of supervisors’ feedback and evaluative behaviors. Specifically, supervisors who were induced to like the subordinate judged the quality of the subordinate\u27s creativity performance to be higher and indicated that they were more emotionally satisfied with the subordinate\u27s performance than did supervisors who were induced to dislike the subordinate. Additionally, when the subordinate’s objective performance was poor, supervisors who liked the subordinate delayed transmitting evaluative feedback to the subordinate longer than did supervisors who disliked the subordinate. However, when the evaluative assessments to be made were based upon criteria of an objective and verifiable nature, the affect manipulation had a relatively negligible impact on supervisors‘ feedback and evaluative behaviors. The implications of these results for organizational contexts are discussed

    Transformative education: Pathways to identity, independence and hope

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    In 2008–2010, the Australian Government’s social inclusion agenda and the Bradley Review of Higher Education profiled the importance of education for people from disadvantaged backgrounds. This education needs to be transformative in both its nature and its outcomes. The Clemente Australia program is presented here as a means of providing such transformative education for people who are disadvantaged or socially isolated. This case study of Clemente Australia shows how the program is built upon a psychology of hope and provides pathways not only to new hope but also to a new sense of identity and independence. Clemente Australia (CA) is an example of community embedded, socially supported university education (CESS). Essential elements of CA are respecting people for who they are and for where they are within their individual life journeys; building student capacity to be more proactive in reflecting upon and engaging with the world; learning with and relating to others; and promoting educative justice through the recognition of the students’ human rights to participate in tertiary education in a way that meets their personal and academic learning needs. For the students, the university (Australian Catholic University) and other partners in CA, it is evident that there has been an ongoing shift from dependence upon the provision of materials and services to empowerment and enhanced capabilities in identifying the supports and processes required to meet the personal and professional needs of students, staff and community agencies. This shift has occurred through the scaffolding processes provided, the establishment of innovative partnerships and purposeful reflection. It has involved listening to one another, welcoming people into new worlds and challenging one another in the provision of transformative education to realise the fulfilment of hope for many Australians experiencing disadvantage. key words: transformation; education; community; hope; homelessness; disadvantag

    The extraction of gold and silver from ore by the cyanide process

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    The object of our investigation was to determine whether the ore could be treated by the Cyanide Process, and to find the conditions for maximum extraction. The following points were investigated:- 1. Best size for maximum extraction. 2. Best strength of solution. 3. Minimum length of time for maximum extraction. 4. Minimum amount of cyanide solution required --page ii

    A framework for high speed lexical classification of malicious URLs

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    Phishing attacks employ social engineering to target end-users, with the goal of stealing identifying or sensitive information. This information is used in activities such as identity theft or financial fraud. During a phishing campaign, attackers distribute URLs which; along with false information, point to fraudulent resources in an attempt to deceive users into requesting the resource. These URLs are made obscure through the use of several techniques which make automated detection difficult. Current methods used to detect malicious URLs face multiple problems which attackers use to their advantage. These problems include: the time required to react to new attacks; shifts in trends in URL obfuscation and usability problems caused by the latency incurred by the lookups required by these approaches. A new method of identifying malicious URLs using Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) has been shown to be effective by several authors. The simple method of classification performed by ANNs result in very high classification speeds with little impact on usability. Samples used for the training, validation and testing of these ANNs are gathered from Phishtank and Open Directory. Words selected from the different sections of the samples are used to create a `Bag-of-Words (BOW)' which is used as a binary input vector indicating the presence of a word for a given sample. Twenty additional features which measure lexical attributes of the sample are used to increase classification accuracy. A framework that is capable of generating these classifiers in an automated fashion is implemented. These classifiers are automatically stored on a remote update distribution service which has been built to supply updates to classifier implementations. An example browser plugin is created and uses ANNs provided by this service. It is both capable of classifying URLs requested by a user in real time and is able to block these requests. The framework is tested in terms of training time and classification accuracy. Classification speed and the effectiveness of compression algorithms on the data required to distribute updates is tested. It is concluded that it is possible to generate these ANNs in a frequent fashion, and in a method that is small enough to distribute easily. It is also shown that classifications are made at high-speed with high-accuracy, resulting in little impact on usability

    The Forensic Restrictiveness Questionnaire : development, validation and revision

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    Introduction: Forensic psychiatric care is often practiced in closed institutions. These highly regulated, secure, and prescriptive environments arguably reduce patient autonomy, self-expression, and personhood. Taken together these settings are restrictive as patients’ active participation in clinical, organizational, community, and personal life-worlds are curtailed. The consequences of patients’ experiences of restrictiveness have not been explored empirically. This study aimed to develop a psychometrically-valid measure of experiences of restrictiveness. This paper presents the development, validation, and revision of the Forensic Restrictiveness Questionnaire (FRQ). Methods: In total, 235 patients recruited from low, medium, and high secure hospitals across England completed the FRQ. The dimensionality of the 56-item FRQ was tested using Principle Axis Factor Analysis and parallel analysis. Internal consistency was explored with Cronbach’s α. Ward climate (EssenCES) and quality of life (FQL-SV) questionnaires were completed by participants as indicators of convergent validity. Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) and Cronbach’s α guided the removal of items that did not scale adequately. Results: The analysis indicated good psychometric properties. EFA revealed a unidimensional structure, suggesting a single latent factor. Convergent validity was confirmed as the FRQ was significantly negatively correlated with quality of life (Spearman’s ρ = −0.72) and ward climate (Spearman’s ρ = −0.61). Internal consistency was strong (α = 0.93). Forty-one items were removed from the pilot FRQ. The data indicate that a final 15-item FRQ is a valid and internally reliable measure. Conclusion: The FRQ offers a novel and helpful method for clinicians and researchers to measure and explore forensic patients’ experiences of restrictiveness within secure hospitals

    Descriptions of four Nearctic Procladius Skuse pupal exuviae

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    Associated Procladius Skuse (Holotanypus Roback) material from the Sublette collection was found to have specimens with undescribed immature stages. Pupal exuviae of two species are described for the first time: P. barbatulus Sublette and P. clavus Roback. Adult and larval features are included for P. barbatulus. In addition, specimens of Nearctic P. denticulatus Sublette are compared to Palearctic P. signatus (Zetterstedt) to determine if exuviae can separate these species or suggest that P. signatus is a senior synonym. Finally, associated pupal and larval traits of P. prolongatus Roback are compared to the original description, corroborating the theory that features are unique enough to warrant subgeneric status

    Working paper 18: Prescribed and wildland use fires in the southwest: Do frequency and timing matter?

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    Support for the use of prescribed fire and wildland fire use has increased in the Southwest in recent decades. However, the frequency and seasonality of these contemporary fires is typically different than historical fires, which burned during late spring and early summer in the driest and windiest time of the year. Contemporary changes in the landscape, including unprecedented fuel loads and human development in and around forests, now limit the ability to use fire during those times of the year. Most managed fire now occurs outside the windy fire season because it is safer and allows managers to provide greater protection to susceptible cultural or natural resources, such as historic structures or dry snags
