794 research outputs found

    Revisiting the queer : theory, literature and gay male studies

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    Bibliography: leaves 95-100.The main inspiration for a revisit to the topic of homosexuality is not only its noticeable absence from the UCT English curricula, but also the publication of the first Fundamentalist Christian text with a South African slant: The Pink Agenda: Sexool revolution in South Africa (McCafferty and Hammond 2001). Forms of opposing this homophobic view were needed for the gay community. This required an investigation into the academic debates aoout homosexuality: mainly the social constructionist versus the essentialist debate

    EANF learning report 2: building alliances

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    EANF Learning Report 1: Evidence and Data

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    Early Action Neighbourhood Fund: learning and evaluation - year one programme report

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    Amplifying the Security of One-Way Functions — A Proof of Yao's XOR-Lemma

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    In this paper we give a consistent and simple proof for the XOR-Lemma which was hinted at by Yao and subsequently presented by him in lectures. It can be found in print in "E. Kranakis, Primality and Cryptography, Wiley-Teubner Series in Computer Science, 1986". By the lemma we know that the security of any one-way function f:Xlongrightarrow { 0,1} can be substantially amplified if the function is replaced by the XOR with itself, namely by foplus f:X imes Xlongrightarrow { 0,1}, (x,y)longrightarrow f(x)oplus f(y). Applications are in cryptography and complexity theory. However, the existence of one-way functions still remains an open problem

    Talent Match Evaluation: Comparative Report

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    Probabilistic Congestion Control for Non-Adaptable Flows

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    In this paper we present a TCP-friendly congestion control scheme for non-adaptable flows. The main characteristic of these flows is that their data rate is determined by an application and cannot be adapted to the current congestion situation of the network. Typical examples of non-adaptable flows are those produced by networked computer games or live audio and video transmissions where adaption of the quality is not possible (e.g., since it is already at the lowest possible quality). We propose to perform congestion control for non-adaptable flows by suspending them at appropriate times so that the aggregation of multiple non-adaptable flows behaves in a TCP-friendly manner. The decision whether a flow is to be suspended is based on random experiments. In order to allocate probabilities for these experiments, the data rate of the non-adaptable flow is compared to the rate that a TCP flow would achieve under the same conditions. We present a detailed discussion of the proposed scheme and evaluate it through extensive simulations with the network simulator ns-2

    Factoring Integers above 100 Digits using Hypercube MPQS

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    In this paper we report on further progress with the factorisation of integers using the MPQS algorithm on hypercubes and a MIMD parallel computer with 1024 T-805 processors. We were able to factorise a 101 digit number from the Cunningham list using only about 65 hours computing time. We give new details about the hypercube sieve initialisation procedure and describe the structure of the factor graph that saves a significant amount of computing time. At March 3rd, we finished the factorisation of a 104 digit composite