692 research outputs found

    Factors influencing the distribution of charge in polar nanocrystals

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    We perform first-principles calculations of wurtzite GaAs nanorods to explore the factors determining charge distributions in polar nanostructures. We show that both the direction and magnitude of the dipole moment d\mathbf{d} of a nanorod, and its electic field, depend sensitively on how its surfaces are terminated and do not depend strongly on the spontaneous polarization of the underlying lattice. We identify two physical mechanisms by which d\mathbf{d} is controlled by the surface termination, and we show that the excess charge on the nanorod ends is not strongly localized. We discuss the implications of these results for tuning nanocrystal properties, and for their growth and assembly.Comment: Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. B Rapid Communication

    Bromophenyl functionalization of carbon nanotubes : an ab initio study

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    We study the thermodynamics of bromophenyl functionalization of carbon nanotubes with respect to diameter and metallic/insulating character using density-functional theory (DFT). On one hand, we show that the activation energy for the grafting of a bromophenyl molecule onto a semiconducting zigzag nanotube ranges from 0.73 eV to 0.76 eV without any clear trend with respect to diameter within numerical accuracy. On the other hand, the binding energy of a single bromophenyl molecule shows a clear diameter dependence and ranges from 1.51 eV for a (8,0) zigzag nanotube to 0.83 eV for a (20,0) zigzag nanotube. This is in part explained by the transition from sp2 to sp3 bonding occurring to a carbon atom of a nanotube when a phenyl is grafted to it and the fact that smaller nanotubes are closer to a sp3 hybridization than larger ones due to increased curvature. Since a second bromophenyl unit can attach without energy barrier next to an isolated grafted unit, they are assumed to exist in pairs. The para configuration is found to be favored for the pairs and their binding energy decreases with increasing diameter, ranging from 4.34 eV for a (7,0) nanotube to 2.27 eV for a (29,0) nanotube. An analytic form for this radius dependence is derived using a tight binding hamiltonian and first order perturbation theory. The 1/R^2 dependance obtained (where R is the nanotube radius) is verified by our DFT results within numerical accuracy. Finally, metallic nanotubes are found to be more reactive than semiconducting nanotubes, a feature that can be explained by a non-zero density of states at the Fermi level for metallic nanotubes.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures and 3 table

    Density-functional investigation of the rhombohedral to simple cubic phase transition of arsenic

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    We report on our investigation of the crystal structure of arsenic under compression, focusing primarily on the pressure-induced A7 to simple cubic (sc) phase transition. The two-atom rhombohedral unit cell is subjected to pressures ranging from 0 GPa to 200 GPa; for each given pressure, cell lengths and angles, as well as atomic positions, are allowed to vary until the fully relaxed structure is obtained. We find that the nearest and next-nearest neighbor distances give the clearest indication of the occurrence of a structural phase transition. Calculations are performed using the local density approximation (LDA) and the PBE and PW91 generalized gradient approximations (GGA-PBE and GGA-PW91) for the exchange-correlation functional. The A7 to sc transition is found to occur at 21+/-1 GPa in the LDA, at 28+/-1 GPa in the GGA-PBE and at 29+/-1 GPa in the GGA-PW91; no volume discontinuity is observed across the transition in any of the three cases. We use k-point grids as dense as 66X66X66 to enable us to present reliably converged results for the A7 to sc transition of arsenic.Comment: To be published in Physical Review B; material supplementary to this article is available at arXiv:0810.169

    Electrostatic considerations affecting the calculated HOMO-LUMO gap in protein molecules.

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    A detailed study of energy differences between the highest occupied and lowest unoccupied molecular orbitals (HOMO-LUMO gaps) in protein systems and water clusters is presented. Recent work questioning the applicability of Kohn-Sham density-functional theory to proteins and large water clusters (E. Rudberg, J. Phys.: Condens. Mat. 2012, 24, 072202) has demonstrated vanishing HOMO-LUMO gaps for these systems, which is generally attributed to the treatment of exchange in the functional used. The present work shows that the vanishing gap is, in fact, an electrostatic artefact of the method used to prepare the system. Practical solutions for ensuring the gap is maintained when the system size is increased are demonstrated. This work has important implications for the use of large-scale density-functional theory in biomolecular systems, particularly in the simulation of photoemission, optical absorption and electronic transport, all of which depend critically on differences between energies of molecular orbitals.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure

    Unravelling the roles of size, ligands and pressure in the piezochromic properties of CdS nanocrystals

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    Understanding the effects of pressure-induced deformations on the optoelectronic properties of nanomaterials is important not only from the fundamental point of view, but also for potential applications such as stress sensors and electromechanical devices. Here we describe the novel insights into these piezochromic effects gained from using a linear-scaling density functional theory framework and an electronic enthalpy scheme, which allow us to accurately characterize the electronic structure of CdS nanocrystals with a zincblende-like core of experimentally relevant size. In particular we focus on unravelling the complex interplay of size and surface (phenyl) ligands with pressure. We show that pressure-induced deformations are not simple isotropic scaling of the original structures and that the change in HOMO-LUMO gap with pressure results from two competing factors: (i) a bulk-like linear increase due to compression, which is offset by (ii) distortions/disorder and, to a lesser extent, orbital hybridization induced by ligands affecting the frontier orbitals. Moreover, we observe that the main peak in the optical absorption spectra is systematically red-shifted or blue-shifted, as pressure is increased up to 5 GPa, depending on the presence or absence of phenyl ligands. These heavily hybridize the frontier orbitals, causing a reduction in overlap and oscillator strength, so that at zero pressure the lowest energy transition involves deeper hole orbitals than in the case of hydrogencapped nanocrystals; the application of pressure induces greater delocalisation over the whole nanocrystals bringing the frontier hole orbitals into play and resulting in an unexpected red shift for the phenyl-capped nanocrystals, in part caused by distortions. In response to a growing interest in relatively small nanocrystals that can be difficult to accurately characterize with experimental techniques, this work exemplifies the detailed understanding of structure-property relationships under pressure that can be obtained for realistic nanocrystals with state-of-the-art first principles methods and used for the characterization and design of devices based on these and similar nanomaterials

    Toward ab initio optical spectroscopy of the Fenna-Matthews-Olson complex

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    We present progress toward a first-principles parametrization of the Hamiltonian of the Fenna–Matthews–Olson pigment–protein complex, a molecule that has become key to understanding the role of quantum dynamics in photosynthetic exciton energy transfer. To this end, we have performed fully quantum mechanical calculations on each of the seven bacteriochlorophyll pigments that make up the complex, including a significant proportion of their protein environment (more than 2000 atoms), using linear-scaling density functional theory exploiting a recent development for the computation of excited states. Local pigment transition energies and interpigment coupling between optical transitions have been calculated and are in good agreement with the literature consensus. Comparisons between simulated and experimental optical spectra point toward future work that may help to elucidate important design principles in these nanoscale devices
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