94 research outputs found

    Atomic Layer Deposition Josephson Junctions for Cryogenic Circuit Applications

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    Superconducting-insulating-superconducting (SIS) trilayers have been produced for Josephson Junction fabrication by thermal atomic layer deposition (ALD) processes. The trilayers are composed of alternating layers of Ti0.4N0.6/Al2O3/ Ti0.4N0.6, deposited at 450C, in a thermal ALD reactor on Al2O3-coated silicon. The conformal nature of the ALD process provides excellent step coverage of superconducting and insulating films. The film thickness of a single ALD cycle being one mono-layer, allows us to precisely control the tunnel-barrier insulator thickness by counting the number of ALD cycles during the insulator deposition step. Tunnel-junctions with critical current 500 A/cm2 are reported. Fabrication of Josephson Junctions and progress toward development of a single-element ALD Superconducting Quantum Interference Device (SQUID) will be discusse

    Magnetic Calorimeter Option for the Lynx X-Ray Microcalorimeter

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    One option for the detector technology to implement the Lynx x-ray microcalorimeter (LXM) focal plane arrays is the metallic magnetic calorimeter (MMC). Two-dimensional imaging arrays of MMCs measure the energy of x-ray photons by using a paramagnetic sensor to detect the temperature rise in a microfabricated x-ray absorber. While small arrays of MMCs have previously been demonstrated that have energy resolution better than the 3 eV requirement for LXM, we describe LXM prototype MMC arrays that have 55,800 x-ray pixels, thermally linked to 5688 sensors in hydra configurations, and that have sensor inductance increased to avoid signal loss from the stray inductance in the large-scale arrays when the detectors are read out with microwave superconducting quantum interference device multiplexers, and that use multilevel planarized superconducting wiring to provide low-inductance, low-crosstalk connections to each pixel. We describe the features of recently tested MMC prototype devices and simulations of expected performance in designs opti- mized for the three subarray types in LXM

    Multimode bolometer development for the PIXIE instrument

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    The Primordial Inflation Explorer (PIXIE) is an Explorer-class mission concept designed to measure the polarization and absolute intensity of the cosmic microwave background. In the following, we report on the design, fabrication, and performance of the multimode polarization-sensitive bolometers for PIXIE, which are based on silicon thermistors. In particular we focus on several recent advances in the detector design, including the implementation of a scheme to greatly raise the frequencies of the internal vibrational modes of the large-area, low-mass optical absorber structure consisting of a grid of micromachined, ion-implanted silicon wires. With ∼30\sim30 times the absorbing area of the spider-web bolometers used by Planck, the tensioning scheme enables the PIXIE bolometers to be robust in the vibrational and acoustic environment at launch of the space mission. More generally, it could be used to reduce microphonic sensitivity in other types of low temperature detectors. We also report on the performance of the PIXIE bolometers in a dark cryogenic environment.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure

    Development of Transition Edge Sensor Detectors Optimized for Single-Photon Spectroscopy in the Optical and Near-Infrared

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    The search for biosignatures in the atmospheres of exoplanets will be a key focus of future space telescopes that operate in the ultraviolet, visible, and near-infrared bands. Detection of biosignatures requires an instrument with moderate spectral resolving power (R∼100R \sim 100) and a large bandwidth (∼400\sim 400 nm -- ∼1.8\sim 1.8 μ\mum). Additionally, biosignature detection is a photon-starved science; instruments designed for these measurements would ideally combine high optical efficiency with quantum-limited photon detectors (i.e., detectors that exhibit zero dark current). In this work, we report on our efforts to develop energy resolving transition edge sensor (TES)-based detectors designed for biosignature detection. TESs operated as microcalorimeters are compelling detectors for this application. Unlike semiconductor detectors, TESs eliminate the need for dispersive optics and are truly single photon detectors -- fundamental TES noise yields uncertainty in the energies of detected photons, not in the number of detected photons. We introduce TESs designed for this application and discuss the path toward realizing a TES-based dispersionless spectrometer optimized for biosignature detection

    Prototype Magnetic Calorimeter Arrays with Buried Wiring for the Lynx X-Ray Microcalorimeter

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    Metallic magnetic calorimeter (MMC) technology is a leading contender for detectors for the Lynx X-ray Microcalorimeter, which is an imaging spectrometer consisting of an array of greater than 100,000 pixels. The fabrication of such large arrays presents a challenge when attempting to route the superconducting wiring from the pixels to the multiplexed readout. If the wiring is designed to be planar, then an aggressive, submicron scale wiring pitch has to be employed, which is technically challenging to design and fabricate on account of the requirements of low inductance, low cross-talk, high critical currents and high yield. An alternative way to achieve large scale, high density wiring is through the use of multiple buried metal layers, planarized by Chemical Mechanical Planarization. This approach is well-suited for connecting thousands of pixels on a large focal plane to readout chips, and also for fabricating sensor meander coils with narrow line widths, which helps in increasing the sensor inductance and thus alleviates stray inductance issues associated with the wiring in large size arrays. In this work we describe the fabrication of high sensor inductance MMC arrays implementing Lynx concepts and incorporating multiple layers of buried Nb wiring. The detector array is composed of three sub-arrays with pixels optimized to meet the different science driven performance requirements of Lynx. In two of the sub-arrays we adopt a thermal multiplexing scheme to read out pixels by coupling 25 absorbers to a single sensor through thermal links of varied thermal conductance. We demonstrate the successful fabrication of multi-absorber MMCs with fine pitch pixels in very large size arrays

    Multimode Bolometer Development for the PIXIE Instrument

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    The Primordial Inflation Explorer (PIXIE) is an Explorer-class mission concept designed to measure the polarization and absolute intensity of the cosmic microwave background. In the following, we report on the design, fabrication, and performance of the multimode polarization-sensitive bolometers for PIXIE, which are based on silicon thermistors. In particular we focus on several recent advances in the detector design, including the implementation of a scheme to greatly raise the frequencies of the internal vibrational modes of the large-area, low-mass optical absorber structure consisting of a grid of micromachined, ion-implanted silicon wires. With approximately 30 times the absorbing area of the spider-web bolometers used by Planck, the tensioning scheme enables the PIXIE bolometers to be robust in the vibrational and acoustic environment at launch of the space mission. More generally, it could be used to reduce microphonic sensitivity in other types of low temperature detectors. We also report on the performance of the PIXIE bolometers in a dark cryogenic environment
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