14 research outputs found

    Avoidance of Activities in Early Symptomatic Knee Osteoarthritis: Results from the CHECK Cohort

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    Background Pain-related avoidance of activities is hypothesized to lead to lower muscle strength and thereby activity limitations. Negative affect (e.g., low vitality, depression) is thought to strengthen the tendency to avoid activities. Purpose The aim of this study was to assess the validity of this "avoidance model" in patients with early symptomatic knee osteoarthritis (OA). Methods Cross-sectional data (n=151) were used. The associations between pain, negative affect, avoidance, muscle strength, and activity limitations were modeled using structural equation modeling. Results Pain and negative affect were associated with lower muscle strength via avoidance (mediation by avoidance). Avoidance was associated with activity limitations via lower muscle strength (mediation by muscle strength). There were also direct associations between pain, negative affect, avoidance, muscle strength, and activity limitations. Conclusions The results support the validity of the avoidance model, which explains the associations between pain, negative affect, avoidance, muscle strength, and activity limitations in patients with early symptomatic knee OA. © The Society of Behavioral Medicine 2012

    Consensus-based recommendations on communication and education regarding primary care physical therapy for patients with systemic sclerosis

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    Objective: This study aimed to develop recommendations for communication and postgraduate education regarding primary care physical therapy for systemic sclerosis (SSc) patients.Methods: A virtual Nominal Group Technique was used with tasks forces for communication (n = 18) and education = 21). Both included rheumatologists, physical therapists (PTs) in primary, secondary or tertiary care, rheumatology nurses, advanced nurse practictioners and patient representatives. Three online meetings were organised for each task force to discuss (1) current bottlenecks; (2) potential solutions; and (3) the resulting draft recommendations. After the final adjustments, participants rated their level of agreement with each recommendation on a scale from 0 (not at all agree) to 100 (totally agree), using an online questionnaire.Results: 19 and 34 recommendations were formulated for communication and education, respectively. For communication the main recommendations concerned the provision of an overview of primary care physical therapists with expertise in rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases to patients and rheumatologists, the inclusion of the indication by the rheumatologist in the referral to the physical therapist and low-threshold communication with the rheumatologist in case of questions or concerns of the physical therapist. For postgraduate education three types of "on demand" educational offerings were recommended with varying levels of content and duration, to match the competencies and preferences of individual primary care physical therapists.Conclusion: Using a systematic qualitative approach, two multi-stakeholder task forces developed practical recommendations for primary care physical therapists' communication with hospital-based care providers and postgraduate education regarding the treatment of SSc patients.Analysis and support of clinical decision makin

    De herziene KNGF-richtlijn artrose heup-knie.

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    In april 2010 is de herziene KNGF richtlijn artrose heup- knie gepubliceerd. Deze richtlijn is ook van toepassing op oefentherapeuten die mensen met heup- en/of knieartrose behandelen. Sinds de eerste versie van deze richtlijn uit 2001 zijn er diverse nieuwe wetenschappelijke artikelen, nationale en internationale richtlijnen over de behandeling van mensen met heup- en knieartrose gepubliceerd. In deze herziene versie van de richtlijn is het beschrijven volgens patiëntenprofielen verlaten en worden de gezondheidsproblemen van de patiënt met heup- en knieartrose beschreven aan de hand van de International Classification of Functioning, disability and health (ICF). Verder is het systematisch literatuuronderzoek in diverse databases naar interventies uitgebreid naar onder andere de perioperatieve behandeling en is er meer aandacht besteed aan de evaluatie van de behandeling door middel van meetinstrumenten. (aut. ref.