6,383 research outputs found

    Theory of anisotropic exchange in laterally coupled quantum dots

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    The effects of spin-orbit coupling on the two-electron spectra in lateral coupled quantum dots are investigated analytically and numerically. It is demonstrated that in the absence of magnetic field the exchange interaction is practically unaffected by spin-orbit coupling, for any interdot coupling, boosting prospects for spin-based quantum computing. The anisotropic exchange appears at finite magnetic fields. A numerically accurate effective spin Hamiltonian for modeling spin-orbit-induced two-electron spin dynamics in the presence of magnetic field is proposed.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures; paper rewritte

    Employment and Distribution Effects of the Minimum Wage

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    This paper analyzes the effects of the minimum wage on wage inequality, relative employment and over-education. Using an effciency wage model we show that over-education can be generated endogenously and that an increase in the minimum wage can raise both total and low-skill employment, and produce a fall in inequality. Evidence from the US suggests that these theoretical results are empirically relevant. The over-education rate has been increasing and our regression analysis suggests that the decrease in the minimum wage may have led to a deterioration of the employment and relative wage of low-skill workers. JEL Categories: J31, J41, J42Minimum wage, earnings inequality, monopsony, effciency wage, over-education.

    Theory of Single Electron Spin Relaxation in Si/SiGe Lateral Coupled Quantum Dots

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    We investigate the spin relaxation induced by acoustic phonons in the presence of spin-orbit interactions in single electron Si/SiGe lateral coupled quantum dots. The relaxation rates are computed numerically in single and double quantum dots, in in-plane and perpendicular magnetic fields. The deformation potential of acoustic phonons is taken into account for both transverse and longitudinal polarizations and their contributions to the total relaxation rate are discussed with respect to the dilatation and shear potential constants. We find that in single dots the spin relaxation rate scales approximately with the seventh power of the magnetic field, in line with a recent experiment. In double dots the relaxation rate is much more sensitive to the dot spectrum structure, as it is often dominated by a spin hot spot. The anisotropy of the spin-orbit interactions gives rise to easy passages, special directions of the magnetic field for which the relaxation is strongly suppressed. Quantitatively, the spin relaxation rates in Si are typically 2 orders of magnitude smaller than in GaAs due to the absence of the piezoelectric phonon potential and generally weaker spin-orbit interactions.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figure

    Spin-orbit coupling and anisotropic exchange in two-electron double quantum dots

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    The influence of the spin-orbit interactions on the energy spectrum of two-electron laterally coupled quantum dots is investigated. The effective Hamiltonian for a spin qubit pair proposed in F. Baruffa et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 126401 (2010) is confronted with exact numerical results in single and double quantum dots in zero and finite magnetic field. The anisotropic exchange Hamiltonian is found quantitatively reliable in double dots in general. There are two findings of particular practical importance: i) The model stays valid even for maximal possible interdot coupling (a single dot), due to the absence of a coupling to the nearest excited level, a fact following from the dot symmetry. ii) In a weak coupling regime, the Heitler-London approximation gives quantitatively correct anisotropic exchange parameters even in a finite magnetic field, although this method is known to fail for the isotropic exchange. The small discrepancy between the analytical model (which employes the linear Dresselhaus and Bychkov-Rashba spin-orbit terms) and the numerical data for GaAs quantum dots is found to be mostly due to the cubic Dresselhaus term.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figure
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