27 research outputs found

    Connaissance du droit et psychologie

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    Petard Jean-Pierre. Connaissance du droit et psychologie. In: Revue juridique de l'Ouest, N° Spécial 1989. Droit et médias. pp. 103-109

    Connaissance du droit et psychologie

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    Petard Jean-Pierre. Connaissance du droit et psychologie. In: Revue juridique de l'Ouest, N° Spécial 1989. Droit et médias. pp. 103-109

    L' improvisation musicale (enjeux et contraintes sociales)

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    L'improvisation musicale est fréquemment décrite comme une bagatelle, une distraction sans grande importance, dont on loue la parfaite spontanéité. Pourtant, on constate qu'elle relève parfois d'un véritable travail d'apprentissage et de préparation, le plus souvent savamment dissimulé. Plus encore, on cherche quelques fois à renforcer artificiellement la spontanéité de cette pratique musicale. Ce simple fait démontre que l'improvisation est au centre d'enjeux sociaux majeurs et qu'elle constitue tout sauf un acte gratuit. Face à un auditoire, le musicien qui improvise met en jeu sa dignité et son prestige social, car une frontière ténue sépare la réussite de l'échec. L'improvisateur est par conséquent sujet à des contraintes sociales : il doit absolument faire bonne figure puisqu'en filigrane, s'esquisse le mythe romantique du don. L'improvisation tire son importance de ce qu'elle est perçue comme une extériorisation du musicien. À travers les notes et les rythmes qu'il joue, l'instrumentiste expose, aux oreilles de tous, ce qui constitue sa nature individuelle. Ce dévoilement de l'intimité du musicien est l'objet de toutes les attentions, car il permet à la fois de construire et de revendiquer l'identité sociale. En conséquence, l'improvisation est pensée par beaucoup d'instrumentistes comme un moyen de communication, d'échange, se situant au-delà des motsEven if it perfect spontaneity is praised, musicale improvisation has often been described as trifle, a worthless form of entertainment. However, some genuine training and preparation, must of the times cleverly hidden can be traced in it. Moreover, the spontaneity of this musical performance is sometimes artificially enhanced. This would tend to prove that improvisation is at the heart of major social interests and that it is anything but fortuitous. Facing an audience, improvising performers put their dignity and social prestige at stake, as there is only a thin border-line separating success from failure. Improvisers are this subject to social control : they must be rightly appreciated as, implicitly arises the Romantic myth of gift. Improvisation acquires it importance as it is perceived as an expression of the musician's inner self. Through the notes and rhythms, they play, performers unveil to everybody's hears what the essence of their individual personality is. The fact that musician's intimacy is stripped bare in the process is minutely studied as it makes it possible both to construct and to claim social status. As a consequent improvisation is considered by many performers as a means of communication and exchange that goes beyond the wordsBESANCON-BU Lettres (250562101) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Infrastructure informationnelle pour les pratiques collectives distribuées (entre ontologies et documents)

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    L'objectif du Travail Collaboratif Assisté par Ordinateur est de proposer des guides de conception pour des systèmes assistant les activités collaboratives. Dans le cadre de cette thèse, nous avons pris comme axe d'étude celui du sens : nous faisons pour cela trois hypothèses principales, d'une part celle que toute activité collective implique que les acteurs qui y participent lui donnent du sens, d'autre part que les humains utilisent des objets comme réceptacles de sens, et enfin que l'on peut modifier la façon dont un objet, ou plutôt un réseau d objets, est susceptible d être porteur de sens. Nous cherchons donc à caractériser de bons sémaphores dans un cadre numérique. Nous montrons qu ils sont nécessairement composés d un ensemble d outils et de protocoles agencés au sein de plateformes qui remettent en question les choix effectués en informatique sur des notions faussement simples de nommage, de référence, de groupement et qui sont déléguées le plus couramment aux systèmes d exploitation des ordinateurs. Bien que nous ne proposions pas de méthode d'analyse d'une activité conduisant à un système spécifique, nous nous appuyons pour mettre ce travail à l épreuve sur la conception d une plateforme de ce type.The aim of the Computer Supported Collaborative Work research field is to propose guidelines to design systems supporting collaborative activities. In this thesis, we started from the question of meaning, by making three major hypotheses: first, actors participating in a collective activity give a meaning to it; second, objects are used as support, material base for meaning; third, one can change the way a network of objects supports meaning. Hence, we try to qualify good digital semaphores . We show they must be composed of tools and protocols organized in platforms which duties are usually discharged to operating systems of computers. We do not propose any analysis of a particular activity to make a specific system, but we design such a platform for research laboratories.ORSAY-PARIS 11-BU Sciences (914712101) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Mineralogical, chemical and charge properties of Geric Ferralsols from New Caledonia

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    The mineralogical, chemical and surface charge properties of Geric Ferralsols of New Caledonia were examined. These soils, which corresponded to two soil mantles formed either on ultramafic rocks or volcanic ejecta and ashes, were respectively dominated by iron and aluminium oxides. The electric charge characteristics were studied by measuring retention of Ca (2+) and Cl- different pH values ranging from 3 to 7. The cation exchange capacity (CEC,) increased with soil organic carbon and pH and varied from 0 to 35 cmol(c) kg(-1) soil. The anion exchange capacity (AEC) reached 4.25 cmol(c) kg(-1) soil in Bo horizons at pH 4. The magnitude of the CECT and AEC variations was modelled according to CECT = 10(a1pH) * 10(B1) and AEC = - 10(a2pH) * 10(B2). Parameters a(1) and a(2) were low for samples with high organic carbon (from 0.10 to 0.19 and from - 0.44 to - 0.66, respectively) and could increase to 1.25 and - 0.39, respectively, when organic carbon content decreased. The parameters a(1) and a(2) could be also useful to regroup soil types according to the nature of the properties that can be manipulated for their management. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved

    The relationship between greenspace and personal exposure to PM2.5 during walking trips in Delhi, India.

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    The presence of urban greenspace may lead to reduced personal exposure to air pollution via several mechanisms, for example, increased dispersion of airborne particulates; however, there is a lack of real-time evidence across different urban contexts. Study participants were 79 adolescents with asthma who lived in Delhi, India and were recruited to the Delhi Air Pollution and Health Effects (DAPHNE) study. Participants were monitored continuously for exposure to PM2.5 (particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter of less than 2.5 μm) for 48 h. We isolated normal day-to-day walking journeys (n = 199) from the personal monitoring dataset and assessed the relationship between greenspace and personal PM2.5 using different spatial scales of the mean Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), mean tree cover (TC), and proportion of surrounding green land use (GLU) and parks or forests (PF). The journeys had a mean duration of 12.7 (range 5, 53) min and mean PM2.5 personal exposure of 133.9 (standard deviation = 114.8) μg/m3. The within-trip analysis showed weak inverse associations between greenspace markers and PM2.5 concentrations only in the spring/summer/monsoon season, with statistically significant associations for TC at the 25 and 50 m buffers in adjusted models. Between-trip analysis also indicated inverse associations for NDVI and TC, but suggested positive associations for GLU and PF in the spring/summer/monsoon season; no overall patterns of association were evident in the autumn/winter season. Associations between greenspace and personal PM2.5 during walking trips in Delhi varied across metrics, spatial scales, and season, but were most consistent for TC. These mixed findings may partly relate to journeys being dominated by walking along roads and small effects on PM2.5 of small pockets of greenspace. Larger areas of greenspace may, however, give rise to observable spatial effects on PM2.5, which vary by season