5 research outputs found

    A magyar mezőgazdaság technikai erőforrás-állományának vizsgálata = Research for the technical resources of the Hungarian agriculture

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    Kidolgoztunk és a gyakorlati tapasztalatok alapján továbbfejlesztettünk nagyszámú mezőgazdasági gép- és berendezés műszaki-ökonómiai vizsgálatára alkalmas - új vizsgálati módszert. Az új vizsgálati módszer alkalmazásával elvégeztük 16 db aratócséplőgép folyamatos tartósüzemi vizsgálatát, melynek eredményei segítik a gépeket gyártók forgalmazók és természetesen a felhasználók eredményesebb gazdaságosabb tevékenységet. Vizsgálatokat végeztünk mezőgazdasági gépállomány és kapacitás meghatározására. A közös gépüzemeltetésre vonatkozó kutatásunk azt mutatja, hogy ezek az új formák nem terjedtek el olyan mértékben , mint azt korábban vártuk. Az általunk elvégzett vagyonértékelő vizsgálatok és kutatások eredményeként elvégeztük a teljes mezőgazdasági épület állomány és a teljes földterület állomány értékének meghatározását. | We developed and improved an effective method for the technical economical examination of the agricultural machines based upon practical experiences. With the newly developed method we performed an endurance examination of 16 harvesters, and its results are helping a more productive and economical activity of the manufacturers, dealers and users. We reviewed the agricultural machinery arsenal to determine its size and capacity. Our examination on the corporate machinery management showed that these new forms did not spread at the rate we had expected earlier. As a result of our appraisals and research, we determined the value of all agricultural land and building

    Sustainabiliti the Technological Development of the Hungarian Agriculture

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    The final outcome of agricultural production basically depends on applied technologies. In a simplified definition technology is the method of production, the chain of logically and rationally connected operations. The technological development itself has no cease being a self propelling process. The logical development strategy for Hungarian agriculture „here and now” depends on several aspects. The countries in the world can be divided into two major groups; industrialised and developing ones. Hungary would be placed somewhere between the two. The previous „socialist” system has exhausted already, however the new, market-oriented system is not yet established. The paper is dealing with the Hungarian problems and possibilities of agricultural technological development concerning sustainable production

    Sustainability in the Technological Development of the Hungarian Agriculture

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    The final outcome of agricultural production basically depends on applied technologies. In a simplified definition technology is the method of roduction, the chain of logically and rationally connected operations. The technological development itself has no cease being a self propelling process. The logical development strategy for Hungarian agriculture „here and now” depends on several aspects. The countries in the world can be divided into two major groups; industrialised and developing ones. Hungary would be placed somewhere between the two. The previous „socialist” system has exhausted already, however the new, market-oriented system is not yet established. The paper is dealing with the Hungarian problems and possibilities of agricultural technological development concerning sustainable production