7 research outputs found


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    Agricultural production and agricultural policy has many special dimensions. The production structure, income positions, and labour input have large regional disparities, the production intensity is not homogenous in space, and farms have different risk factors and market possibilities in the different regions of Hungary. Land use and production technology also varies largely, in many regions farming is competitive, highly specialized with big corporate farms, while other regions have small individual farms with mixed production structure and less concentration in land use. There are no direct data for spatial analysis less aggregated than NUTS 3 level. Only the data of agricultural census and administrative database for direct payments are available at settlement and microregional level, but these databases do not provide information of farm income. The income statistics either cannot be disaggregated to micro-regional level (agricultural accounts) or are not representative at this level (FADN). The administrative database of the Paying Agency contains the land use data and limited livestock numbers for all farms receiving direct payments. The FADN database contains a large accountancy dataset for a low number of farms. Statistical matching combines these two databases and provides a possibility for detailed regional analysis using estimated data.micro-regional, statistical matching, administrative data, FADN, Agricultural and Food Policy, Community/Rural/Urban Development,

    Analysis of Hungarian Agricultural Subsidies on the Basis of FADN Database

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    On the basis of the micro-economic data of the Hungarian FADN system we analysed the role of subsidies in the profitability of farms, we aimed to reveal which types of farming and economic sizes are effected more by subsidies related to efficiency and profitability. The agricultural enterprises' balance of taxes and subsidies counted from the micro-economic data of FADN enterprises was also analysed in the different type of farming categories and economic size classes. Our aim was to find out what types of farms are subsidized and what types are net payers to the central budget. Examining the pre-tax profit we made the conclusion that with the increase of economic size not only the proportion of profitable farms rises, but the profit per size unit increases and the loss decreases. Analysing the effect of production based subsidies and interest subsidies on the pre-tax profit we made the conclusion that the sum of subsidies received from government per size unit is almost equal in all economic size classes.agricultural subsidies, profitability, payments of agricultural enterprises, FADN, Agricultural Finance, Q12,


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    Agricultural production and agricultural policy has many special dimensions. The production structure, income positions, and labour input have large regional disparities, the production intensity is not homogenous in space, and farms have different risk factors and market possibilities in the different regions of Hungary. Land use and production technology also varies largely, in many regions farming is competitive, highly specialized with big corporate farms, while other regions have small individual farms with mixed production structure and less concentration in land use. There are no direct data for spatial analysis less aggregated than NUTS 3 level. Only the data of agricultural census and administrative database for direct payments are available at settlement and microregional level, but these databases do not provide information of farm income. The income statistics either cannot be disaggregated to micro-regional level (agricultural accounts) or are not representative at this level (FADN). The administrative database of the Paying Agency contains the land use data and limited livestock numbers for all farms receiving direct payments. The FADN database contains a large accountancy dataset for a low number of farms. Statistical matching combines these two databases and provides a possibility for detailed regional analysis using estimated data

    Nyertes és vesztes gazdaságok Magyarországon

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    Az EU-csatlakozás után fokozódó piaci verseny, majd az elmúlt években kirobbant pénzügyi válság kihívásaira az agrárgazdaságban is megindultak az ellenszerkeresési próbálkozások, az élelmiszer-gazdaság egyes szereplői eltérő túlélési vagy továbbfejlődési stratégiát alakítottak ki, változtattak a termelési és költségszerkezetükön, értékesítési csatornáikon és technológiájukon. Elemzésünk az élelmiszer-gazdaságon belül a mezőgazdasági alapanyag-termeléssel foglalkozik, ahol nem az átlagos termelőket veszi célba, hanem az EUcsatlakozás és az azóta eltelt évek nyerteseit és veszteseit. A tesztüzemi rendszer hosszú idősoros adatainak elemzésével arra a kérdésre kerestük a választ, hogy milyen tényezők különböztetik meg a sikeres, tartósan jövedelmező üzemeket a sikertelen, veszteséges vagy jobb esetben stagnáló gazdaságoktól. A ténylegesen lejátszódott és jelenleg is tartó folyamatok, a több év átlagában regisztrált események a globális kihívásokra nem egészen azokat a magyar válaszokat sugallják, mint amelyeket az új agrárstratégiából sokan előszeretettel kiemelnek. A nyertes gazdaságok a veszteseknél nagyobb területen gazdálkodnak, kevesebb állatot tartanak, a takarmányt főként saját maguk termelik, a vizsgált időszakban csökkentették az állatállományukat, beruházásaikat viszont jelentősen növelték. Magasabb hozamokat és jobb értékesítési árakat érnek el, jobban megfizetik a munkavállalóikat. A nyertes üzemek nagyobb részét vezetik mezőgazdasági képesítéssel rendelkező szakemberek. Mind a szakmai irányításnak (szakképzés, szaktanácsadás, kutatás, logisztika, terelő-ösztönző szabályozás stb.), mind a szakmai szervezeteknek bőven van lehetősége példaértékű kezdeményezésekre, azonban az életképes, versenyképes és fenntartható fejlődésért legtöbbet maguk a gazdálkodók tehetnek! Az ő tulajdonukban/ használatukban van a föld; rájuk vannak bízva az erdők, a mezők, a vizek; rajtuk áll az együttműködés, a szervezettség, az alkuerő. Maguk döntenek termelési szerkezetükről, piaci kapcsolataikról, saját maguk továbbképzéséről. --------------------------------------------- Increasing market competition after European Union (EU) accession and the financial crisis from 2009 onwards created extra challenges for the Hungarian food sector. Agricultural producers, food processors and other actors in the food chain developed different strategies for surviving and growing: they changed their production and cost structures, marketing channels and technology. Our analysis deals with the food economy within the production of agricultural raw materials. It does not examine the average farmers, but looks at the winners and losers of the EU accession. Analysing the long time-series FADN data we sought to answer the following question: which factors distinguish the successful, long-term profitable from the unsuccessful, loss making farms. Our findings for the recent and current events do not really underpin the hypothetical results what many agricultural experts like to emphasise based on the new Hungarian agricultural strategy. The successful farms manage larger areas than the unsuccessful farms, they keep fewer animals, the feed is produced mainly by themselves and they reduced their livestock numbers during the examined period, but their investments were significantly increased. They achieve higher yields, higher selling prices; and their workers are better paid. Most of the successful farms are led by agriculturally qualified professionals. Both the professional management (training, consultancy, research, logistics, guiding incentive regulation etc.) and the professional organisations have many opportunities to work out best practice initiatives. However, the farmers themselves could do the most to achieve viable, competitive and sustainable development. They own or rent the land and the forests, they use the water. Co-operation, organising and bargaining power depend on them. They can decide on their production structure, market contacts and their own training programmes

    Analysis of Hungarian Agricultural Subsidies on the Basis of FADN Database

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    On the basis of the micro-economic data of the Hungarian FADN system we analysed the role of subsidies in the profitability of farms, we aimed to reveal which types of farming and economic sizes are effected more by subsidies related to efficiency and profitability. The agricultural enterprises' balance of taxes and subsidies counted from the micro-economic data of FADN enterprises was also analysed in the different type of farming categories and economic size classes. Our aim was to find out what types of farms are subsidized and what types are net payers to the central budget. Examining the pre-tax profit we made the conclusion that with the increase of economic size not only the proportion of profitable farms rises, but the profit per size unit increases and the loss decreases. Analysing the effect of production based subsidies and interest subsidies on the pre-tax profit we made the conclusion that the sum of subsidies received from government per size unit is almost equal in all economic size classes