2 research outputs found

    Analysis of water quality in the watershed Brazilian semiarid

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    Water is a renewable natural resource, important for maintenance of life on the entire planet. Even with this significance is a feature that has been degraded and reduced the quality to use. In the Brazilian semi-arid region water scarcity by influencing the quality of life of the population, directly affecting the socio-economic and development means. In this context, the present research was conducted aiming to evaluate the water quality in the watershed Brazilian semiarid. The survey was conducted in three watersheds (Capibaribe river, Ipojuca river and Igarassu river) in the State of Pernambuco, Brazil.  Water Quality Index (WQI) and Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) annual averages of the year 2006 to 2015.  In Capibaribe river watershed the largest concentrations of BOD occurred in 213, 2014 and 2015, with average was 4.95 mg/L. By increasing the BOD value there is a reduction of WQI. The Igarassu river, it was verified that from 2006 to 2014 the hydrographic basin has water quality classified as good. The BOD in the waters of the Ipojuca river has little influence on the water quality index.There is a degradation on the quality of water of basins due mainly to anthropic pollution

    Environmental impact assessment in final disposal areas solid waste in the semiarid.

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    A contaminação de solos, corpos hídricos e demais recursos naturais resultantes de um manejo inadequado da disposição final dos resíduos sólidos urbanos vem se tornando um problema constante, atuando como fonte de significativos impactos ambientais e causando riscos à saúde e à segurança pública. Áreas descritas como lixões, mesmo após desativadas continuam impactando o ambiente por vários anos podendo alterar as propriedades naturais do local e de seu entorno. Dessa forma a pesquisa foi realizada com o objetivo de avaliar os impactos ambientais em locais de disposição final de resíduos sólidos desativados nos municípios de Campina Grande/PB e Toritama/PE localizados no semiárido brasileiro. As áreas de estudo que estão a menos de 10 km das sedes dos citados municípios, situam-se em ambientes inadequados para a deposição de Resíduos Sólidos Urbanos, por estarem próximas a cursos de água, áreas de expansão urbana e rodovias. O presente trabalho trata-se de uma pesquisa de campo exploratória e descritiva. As caracterizações qualitativas dos Impactos Ambientais são resultantes da metodologia espontânea com o uso da listagem descritiva sendo avaliadas características das áreas degradadas a partir de análises do solo, da água e da qualidade do ar assim como a identificação das espécies da vegetação encontradas nos locais. Dentre os impactos ambientais avaliados, o meio físico foi o mais degradado, com a existência de solos predominantemente salinos sódicos, elevados índices de sulfatos e salinidade nos pontos de água, além da contaminação atmosférica com presença de gases que podem apresentar riscos de combustão e explosão nos locais onde a disposição de resíduos sólidos foi realizada por um período de 20 anos. A presença de espécies pioneiras, caracterizam uma vegetação adaptada as condições ambientais e de degradação do local contribuindo para o processo de remediação ambiental.The contamination of soils, water bodies and other natural resources resulting from an inadequate management of the final disposal of urban solid waste has become a constant problem, acting as a source of significant environmental impacts and causing risks to health and public safety. Areas described as dumps, even after deactivated, continue to impact the environment for several years and can alter the natural properties of the site and its surroundings. In this way the research was carried out with the objective of evaluating the environmental impacts at final disposal sites of deactivated solid waste in the municipalities of Campina Grande / PB and Toritama / PE located in the Brazilian semiarid region. The study areas that are less than 10 km from the headquarters of these municipalities, are located in environments unsuitable for the deposition of Urban Solid Waste, because they are close to waterways, urban expansion areas and highways. The present work deals with an exploratory and descriptive field research. The qualitative characterizations of the Environmental Impacts are the result of the spontaneous methodology with the use of the descriptive list, being evaluated characteristics of the degraded areas from soil, water and air quality analyzes as well as the identification of the vegetation species found in the sites. Among the evaluated environmental impacts, the physical environment was the most degraded, with the existence of predominantly saline soils, high sulfate and salinity indexes at the water points, besides the atmospheric contamination with the presence of gases that may present combustion and explosion risks where the disposal of solid wastes was carried out for a period of 20 years. The presence of pioneer species characterize a vegetation adapted to the environmental conditions and the degradation of the site contributing to the environmental remediation process.Cape