5 research outputs found

    Efektifitas Musyawarah Perencanaan Pembangunan (Musrenbang) Tingkat Kelurahan Di Kota Manado (Studi Kasus Di Kelurahan Malalayang I Kecamatan Malalayang).

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    The purpose of this study is to analyze the effectiveness and quality of implementation of district level planning meetings in the city of Manado, and to identify factors that support the effective implementation of development planning meetings in villages has a city of Manado to do a case study in the Malalayang I Village. District Malalayang. The research method used in this study is a qualitative method. Primary data obtained through open-ended interviews and observations. Secondary data was taken from the documentation. Determination of the samples was done by using purposive sampling. The number of informants followed the principle of a snowball (snowball sampling) of 15 informants consisting of village officials in charge of organizing musrenbang Malalayang I village, as well as the community and other parties directly involved in the implementation process musrenbang. Data were analyzed descriptively using the interactive model is then presented in a narrative. The results showed that the Regional Planning Council at the village level conducted as required in the legislation that applies specifically to meet the stage of national development planning system in accordance with Undang-undang Nomor 25 tahun 2004 about SPPN. In this case, the stages of strategic planning as well as the substance meets the specified requirements. But in the process of implementation, musrenbang still has some weaknesses in carrying out its function as an agency planner. Implementation process in the Malalayang I Village musrenbang have not been effective, while the quality of musrenbang still needs to be improved. It is suggested that the effectiveness and quality of implementation in the Malalayang I Village Musrenbang one needs to be improved continuously in accordance with the expected needs of Manado City Government and the community by increasing skills Musrenbang Implementation Team, in the form of increased experience, creativity, and work capability. This needs to be done so that more optimal Musrenbang Organizing Team carry out regional development planning to achieve the target set

    Kajian Sistem Dan Posedur Manajemen Persediaan Barang Milik Negara Pada Lembaga Penjaminan Mutu Pendidikan Gorontalo

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    Absrtact The purpose of this study was to obtain a picture of how the implementation and Inventory of State Property, as well as how to assess whether the fixed assets and inventories are in line with Government Regulation No. 6 of 2006 on the management of state property / area. The research was conducted at the Agency for Education Quality Assurance of Gorontalo. The data used in this study was secondary data, namely implementation of Recording Fixed Assets and Inventory of State Property Authority which implemented by User and Administrator of Goods as well as Good Inspection Reports conducted by the Inspectorate of the Ministry of Education and Culture. The methodology used in this study was a descriptive approach. The study description was intended to create a systematic, factual and accurate information on the facts and the properties of certain populations, and because of the use of qualitative data in descriptive study, most of the data rely on the written words or behavior, and interviews that can be observed from the informants. An in-depth interview was conducted to 15 informants referred to the Head of Sub Division of General and Section Chief and staff. The results of this study show that the Recording of Fixed Assets and Inventory of State Property held by the Goods user authority, the Board of Goods was not fully in accordance with Government Regulation No. 6 Year 2006 on the Management of Goods, while the report and the procurement of goods, the administration of goods, adherence to applicable regulations, and the assessment of effectiveness and assessment of achievement of the program , have not been done thorough audit of the items that would produce the number of the existing units, and the value of in rupiah against the goods. The assessment property and equipment was done using the cost method, and the assessed value. The assessment of supplies has not been implemented