10 research outputs found

    Material recognition with a 252Cf source

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    Material recognition is studied by measuring simultaneously the transmission of neutron and gamma rays produced by a time-tagged 252Cf source. Light elements (C,N,O) are identified by using the measured transmission versus neutron time of flight. The yield of the transmitted gamma ray as a function of energy provides high precision identification of the atomic number of the sample up to Z=83 . A tomography system, currently under construction, is described

    The effect of customer perceived value on customer satisfaction: a case study of Malay upscale restaurants

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    Stiff competition and increasingly high operating costs have driven many international and domestic players to introduce new outlet concepts. Malay fine dining, upscale restaurant segment is gaining popularity among Malaysian, especially in Kuala Lumpur. This study examined the effect of perceived value on customer satisfaction in Malay upscale restaurants in terms of emotional responses, monetary prices, behavioral price and reputation. Primary data were gathered from 170 questionnaires returned by respondents from five Malay upscale restaurants in Kuala Lumpur, and statistically analysed using SPSS version 21. The findings of this study revealed that monetary prices had a high positive relationship with customer satisfaction. In addition, the beta value for emotional responses (β=0.530, p<0.01), behavioral price (β=0.180, p<0.01) and reputation (β=0.168, p<0.01) also indicated the respective contributions made to customer satisfaction

    A speed of sound aberration correction algorithm for curvilinear ultrasound transducers in ultrasound-based image-guided radiotherapy

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    Conventional ultrasound (US) devices use the time of flight (TOF) of reflected US pulses to calculate distances inside the scanned tissues and thus create images. The speed of sound (SOS) is assumed to be constant in all human soft tissues at a generally accepted average value of 1540 m s−1. This assumption is a source of systematic errors up to several millimeters and of image distortion in quantitative US imaging. In this work, an extension of a method recently published by Fontanarosa et al (2011 Med. Phys. 38 2665–73) is presented: the aim is to correct SOS aberrations in three-dimensional (3D) US images in those cases where a spatially co-registered computerized tomography (CT) scan is also available; the algorithm is then applicable to a more general case where the lines of view (LOV) of the US device are not necessarily parallel and coplanar, thus allowing correction also for US transducers other than linear. The algorithm was applied on a multi-modality pelvic US phantom, scanned through three different liquid layers on top of the phantom with different SOS values; the results show that the correction restores a better match between the CT and the US images, reducing the differences to sub-millimeter agreement. Fifteen clinical cases of prostate cancer patients were also investigated: the SOS corrections of prostate centroids were on average +3.1 mm (max + 4.9 mm–min + 1.3 mm). This is in excellent agreement with reports in the literature on differences between measured prostate positions by US and other techniques, where often the discrepancy was attributed to other causes

    Automated computed tomography-ultrasound cross-modality 3-D contouring algorithm for prostate

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    A novel fully automated algorithm is introduced for 3-D cross-modality image segmentation of the prostate, based on the simultaneous use of co-registered computed tomography (CT) and 3-D ultrasound (US) images. By use of a Gabor feature detector, the algorithm can outline in three dimensions and in cross-modality the prostate, and it can be trained and optimized on specific patient populations. We applied it to 16 prostate cancer patients and evaluated the conformity between the automatically segmented prostate contours and the contours manually outlined by an experienced physician, on the CT–US fusion, using the mean distance to conformity (MDC) index. When only the CT scans were used, the average MDC value was 4.5 ± 1.7 mm (maximum value = 9.0 mm). When the US scans also were considered, the mean ± standard deviation was reduced to 3.9 ± 0.7 mm (maximum value = 5.5 mm). The cross-modality approach acted on all the largest distance values, reducing them to acceptable discrepancies

    The EURITRACK project: development of a tagged neutron inspection system for cargo containers

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    International audienceThe EURopean Illicit TRAfficing Countermeasures Kit project is part of the 6th European Union Framework Program, and aims at developing a neutron inspection system for detecting threat materials (explosives, drugs, etc.) in cargo containers. Neutron interaction in the container produces specific gamma-rays used to determine the chemical composition of the inspected material. An associated particle sealed tube neutron generator is developed to allow precise location of the interaction point by direction and time-of-flight measurements of the neutrons tagged by alpha-particles. The EURITRACK project consists in developing: a transportable deuterium-tritium neutron generator including a position sensitive alpha detector (8×8 matrix of YAP:Ce crystals coupled to a multi-anode photomultiplier), fast neutron and gamma-ray detectors, front-end electronics to perform coincidence and spectroscopic measurements, and an integrated software which manages neutron generator and detectors positioning, data acquisition and analysis. Hardware components have been developed and tested by the consortium partners. Current status of this work and provisional performances of the system assessed by Monte Carlo calculations are presented