19 research outputs found

    Ispitivanje nekih funkcionalnih svojstava mesa tolstolobika (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix Val.) i Ŕarana Cyprinus carpio Lin

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    Water binding ability (WBA), held water (HW) and gel-forming properties of silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix Val) and carp (Cyprinus carpio Lin) meat were examined in this paper. Two variants of fish meat gels: A with 50% of meat and B with 60% of meat were examined at temperatures: 70 75, 80, 85 and 90Ā°C. The variant A of silver carp meat gels has shown the maximum of WBA and HW at 80 oC, and the variant B at 75Ā°C. In both variants of carp meat gels slow increase of WBA and HW with rise of temperature to 80Ā°C was established. Silver carp meat gels have had better WBA than control gels (beef and poultry meat), and carp meat gels have better HW, but somewhat worse WBA than control gels. In gels of variant A of silver carp meat the highest module of elasticity (6.862 N/cm2) was found at thermal treatment at 85Ā°C, but statistically significant differences in relation to other temperatures were not established. In variant B, with the rise of temperature, the module of elasticity increases; statistically significant differences were established among gels treated at 70 oC and others. Differences between variants A and B were statistically significant at all examined temperatures. Meat gels of silver carp have significantly lower module of elasticity compared to control gels. Under conditions of our experiment the module of elasticity of carp meat was below measuring limit.Nekonvencionalni tehnoloÅ”ki procesi, u preradi ribe, postaju sve zastupljeniji zahvaljujući mogućnostima koje pružaju u pogledu asortimana i racionalnom (ekonomičnom) iskoriŔćenju sirovine, i baziraju se na usitnjenom ribljem mesu ili surimiju kao sirovini. Kvalitet finalnog proizvoda uslovljen je funkcionalnim karakteristikama sirovine, kao Å”to su sposobnost vezivanja vode i sposobnost geliranja i/ili uslovima toplotnog procesa. U ovom radu ispitivane su sposobnost vezivanja vode (SVV) i zadržavanja vode (HW) i sposobnost geliranja mesa belog tolstolobika (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix Val) i Å”arana (Cyprinus carpio Lin). SVV, HW i sposobnost geliranja varijanti gelova sa 50 i 60% mesa (A i B) ispitivane su na temperaturama: 70, 75, 80, 85 i 90Ā°C. Varijanta A gelova od mesa tolstolobika pokazuje maksimalnu SVV i HW na 80Ā°C, a varijanta B na 75Ā°C. Obe varijante gelova od mesa Å”arana pokazuju blago povećanje SVV i HW sa porastom temperature do 80oC. Gelovi od mesa tolstolobika pokazuju znatno bolju SVV od kontrolnih gelova (goveđe i pileće meso), a gelovi od mesa Å”arana bolju HW, ali neÅ”to loÅ”iju SVV od kontrolnih gelova. Kod varijante gelova A od mesa tolstolobika najveći modul elastičnosti 6.862 N/cm2 utvrđen je pri toplotnoj obradi na 85oC, međutim, nisu utvrđene i statistički značajne razlike u odnosu na ostale temperature. Kod varijante B, sa povećanjem temperature povećava se i modul elastičnosti, statistički značajne razlike utvrđene su između gelova tretiranih na 70Ā°C, i ostalih. Razlike između varijanti A i B su statistički značajne na svim ispitivanim temperaturama. Gelovi od mesa tolstolobika imaju statisički značajno manji modul elastičnosti, u odnosu na kontrolne gelove

    Uticaj toplotnog tretmana na sadržaj tanina i antioksidativni efekat ekstrakta hrastovog žira quercus cerris

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    The results of investigation of the tannin content in the oak acorn kernel Quercus cerris, qualitative analysis of tannin and antioxidation effect of ethanol extracts of acorn on porcine lipid (prime steam lard) as a substrate are presented in this paper. Experiments were carried out on kernel samples of the domestic oak acorn, from the location Zaglavak, near by the town of Bajina BaÅ”ta. Tannin content was determined by spectrophotometric procedure using phosphorus Wolframic acid on wave length of 715 nm. Qualitative analysis of tannin included sediment and stain responses as well as tannoform test with formalaldehyde and HCl. Antioxidant effect of ethanol extracts was investigated on fat samples treated at the temperature of 600C in the dark (Schaaloven test). The rate of oxidation was determined by measuring Peroxide value (Pb) and TBA value. The investigated extracts were obtained based on drying of acorn kernel and extracts based on thermal treatment - dry frying of acorn kernel. The obtained results show that dried acorn kernel contains 11.69 % of tannin and thermally treated acorn kernel 8.55%. Qualitative analysis confirmed the presence of gallic acid (pyrogallic, hydrolysing) tannins based on positive general sediment and stain responses on tannins. Ethanol extracts demonstrate antioxidation traits on porcine lipids in trial conditions. Synergistic effect of citric acid with primary anti oxidant was not proved. Thermal treatment of acorn kernel does not reduce the antioxidation activity of extracts.U radu su prikazani rezultati ispitivanja sadržaja tanina u jezgru hrastovog žira Quercus cerris, kvalitativna analiza tanina i antioksidaciono dejstvo etanolnih ekstrakata žira na svinjsku mast (pripremljenu vlažnim postupkom) kao supstratu. Ogledi su vrÅ”eni na uzorcima jezgra hrastovog žira domaćeg porekla, sa lokaliteta Zaglavak, okolina Bajine BaÅ”te. Sadržaj tanina određivan je spektrofotometrijskim postupkom sa fosforvolframovom kiselinom na talasnoj dužini od 715 nm. Kvalitativna analiza tanina obuhvatila je taložne i bojene reakcije kao i tanoformsku probu sa formaldehidom i HCl. ZaÅ”titni efekat etanolnih ekstrakata ispitivan je na uzorcima masti koji su temperirani na 600C u mraku. Tok oksidacije masti praćen je određivanjem TBA vrednosti ekstincije na 532 nm i peroksidnog broja. Ispitivani ekstrakti su dobijeni na bazi osuÅ”enog jezgra žira i ekstrakata na bazi termički tretiranog - suvo prženog žira. Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da osuÅ”eno jezgro hrastovog žira sadrži 11,69% tanina a termički tretirano 8,55%. Kvalitativnim analizama dokazano je prisustvo galnih (pirogalnih hidrolizujućih) tanina na osnovu pozitivnih opÅ”tih taložnih i bojenih reakcija na tanine. Etanolni ekstrakti ispoljavaju antioksidaciona svojstva na svinjsku mast pri uslovima ogleda, sinergistički efekat limunske kiseline sa primarnim antioksidantom nije dokazan, termički tretman jezgra hrastovog žira ne smanjuje antioksidacionu aktivnost ekstrakata

    Sadržaj holesterola u mesu pojedinih Cyprinidae

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    The aim of this paper was to examine cholesterol content in meat of five Cyprinidae species: white bream (Bllica bjoerkna L.), carp bream (Abramis brama L.), baltic vimba (Vimba vimba carinata Pallas), zope (Abramis balerus L.) and crucian carp (Carassius carassius gibelio Bloch) from the river Danube. Cholesterol content was examined in the function of season factor and individual weight. Cholesterol concentration in meat of white bream carp bream, baltic vimba, zope and crucian carp is on average level below 20 mg/100 g of meat, which makes meat of these fish species nutritively very valuable. Cholesterol content is variable during the season. Its concentration in meat and in lipids is lowest during spring, during summer it increases and during autumn decreases, except in meat of white bream. Body weight has influence on cholesterol content when its concentration is expressed as % of cholesterol in lipids. Its content in lipids decreases with increasing of individual weight, except in meat of carp bream.Jedan od najznačajnijih faktora rizika koji dovodi do razvoja ateroskleroze i bolesti srca i krvnih sudova je poviÅ”en nivo holesterola u krvi. Stoga je cilj ovog rada bio da se ispita sadržaj holesterola u mesu pet vrsta Ciprinida poreklom iz reke Dunav, u funkciji sezonskog faktora i mase jedinki. Sadržaj holesterola u mesu, svih ispitivanih vrsta riba, je na niskom nivou. Njegova prosečna vrednost tokom perioda proleće-jesen kreće se od 14.85 mg/100g u mesu Å”picera, do 31.40 mg/100g u mesu krupatice. Sadržaj holesterola, u mesu deverike, plavonosa, Å”picera i babuÅ”ke je ispod 20 mg/100g mesa, Å”to su znatno niže vrednosti no u mesu toplokrvnih životinja. Koncentracija holesterola u mesu i u masti najmanja je tokom proleća, tokom leta se povećava, a u toku jeseni smanjuje, osim u mesu krupatice. Masa trupa utiče na sadržaj holesterola u slučaju kada je njegova koncentracija iskazana kao % holesterola u masti. Njegov sadržaj u masti smanjuje se sa povećanjem mase jedinki, osim u mesu deverike

    Uticaj načina dimljenja na prinos, hemijski sastav i senzorna svojstva dimljene ribe

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    This study compared the effects of smoking processes on the production weight losses, chemical and sensory characteristics of smoked fish - rainbow trout (Oncorchynchus mykiss, Walbaum) and common carp (Cyprinus carpio L). The averge production weight losses, determined in the conditions of our experiments, ranged from 9.60 % (cold smoked carp fillets) to 20.90% (cold smoked trout fillets). The smoking process reduced the moisture content and increased the protein, lipids and NaCl content in all investigated samples. The overall sensory quality of coldsmoked trout fillets was best estimated (4.66), while the overall sensory quality of coldsmoked carp fillets was the least acceptable (3.94)

    Mogućnost upotrebe kozjeg mesa u proizvodnji tradicionalnog sudžuka

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    Two variants of sucuk were made: one of beef meat and beef tail fat and another of goat meat and goat tail fat with meat/fat ratio of 75/25 and the same ingredients. After filling, the sausages were hung to dry in a traditional smoking house (without the possibility to control the temperature or humidity). Weight loss, pH, non-protein nitrogen content, basic chemical composition, instrumental colour measurement and sensory evaluation were done for both variants. Both variants had an almost identical weight loss (36.98 beef sucuk and 36.25 goat sucuk). Changes in pH value and non-protein nitrogen content had the same tendency and end values did not differ. The basic chemical composition at the end of production indicates that both variants were of very good quality. L*and b*values did not differ, but there was a significant difference in a*value (11.72 beef and 14.15 goat). In terms of appearance, texture and taste, assessors gave poorer grades to goat sucuk, but these grades do not indicate that the product is unacceptable (they were more than 5). It is possible to replace goat tail fat with beef fat to appease the specific flavour of the product and to make it more acceptable to consumers who may not be used to such flavour.U Srbiji, sudžuk se tradicionalno proizvodi u planinskom delu, uglavnom u malim pogonima ili domaćinstvima, u jesenjem i zimskom periodu, kada to klimatski uslovi (temperatura i relativna vlažnost) dozvoljavaju. U ovom ogledu napravljene su dve varijante sudžuka: prva od goveđeg mesa i masnog tkiva sa repa goveda i druga od kozjeg mesa i masnog tkiva sa repa koza. Kod obe grupe kobasica je odnos meso/masno tkivo bio 75/25 i koriŔćeni su isti začini i aditivi. Nakon punjenja, kobasice su suÅ”ene u tradicionalnoj puÅ”nici. Kod obe varijante kobasica određen je: gubitak mase tokom suÅ”enja, pH, neproteinski azot, osnovni hemijski sastav i izvrÅ”eno je instrumentalno merenje boje i senzorska ocena. Obe grupe kobasice su imale skoro identičan gubitak mase tokom suÅ”enja (36,98 kod goveđeg i 36,25 kod kozjeg sudžuka). Promene pH vrednosti i neproteinskog azota tokom zrenja su imale istu tendenciju i njihove krajnje vrednosti se nisu značajno razlikovale. Na osnovu podataka za osnovni hemijski sastav na kraju procesa proizvodnje, zaključeno je da su obe grupe kobasica bile veoma dobrog kvaliteta. L*i b* vrednosti se nisu značajno razlikovale, dok je statistički značajna razlika između grupa utvrđena za vrednost a*(11,72 kod goveđih i 14,15 kod kozjih kobasica). U pogledu senzornih karakteristika: spoljnog izgleda, teksture i ukusa, kozji sudžuk je ocenjen neÅ”to slabije, međutim, takav proizvod je i dalje bio veoma prihvatljiv (sve ocene su bile iznad 5). Jedan od načina da se smanji specifična aroma sudžuka napravljenog od kozjeg mesa, Å”to bi ga učinilo prihvatlivijim za Å”iru grupu potroÅ”ača, jeste zamena kozjeg loja sa goveđim

    Proizvodnja i odlike suve svinjske plećke

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    This paper investigates selected quality properties of dry cured pork shoulders, prepared using traditional procedure. Shoulders were salted with sea-salt for 30 days. Smoking, drying and ripening lasted 6 months (experimental group A), 9 months (experimental group B), and 12 months (experimental group C), respectively. Physico-chemical parameters (weight looses during salting, smoking, drying and ripening, share of meat subcutaneous fat, skin and bone in product composition and chemical composition of products slices) and sensory characteristics were analyzed. Depending of duration of dry cured pork shoulders salting, smoking, drying and ripening processes, weight loses during mentioned processes were 31.72% (experimental group A), 32.64% (experimental group B) and 34.14% (experimental group C), respectively. It was established that during salting smoking, drying and ripening, in dry cured pork shoulders of experimental groups A, B and C specifi c sensory properties were formed. Dry cured pork shoulder of experimental group A has characteristics of fresh fermented smoked and dried product. Slices of butt meat of this pork shoulder contained: 57.17% water, 26.66% proteins, 5.16% fat and 8.34% NaCl. Dry cured pork shoulder of experimental group B has usual sensory properties for dry meat products, and its slices of butt meat contained: 53.71% water, 30.62% proteins, 5.30% fat and 8.18% NaCl. Dry cured pork shoulder of experimental group C, has characteristics of full mature dry product. Slices of butt meat of this product contained: 53.68% water, 28.65% proteins, 5.51% fat and 8.75% NaCl.U ovom radu su ispitivana odabrana svojstva kvaliteta suve svinjske plećke spravljene tradicionalnim postupkom. Plećke su soljenje morskom solju, u trajanju od 30 dana. Dimljenje, suÅ”enje i zrenje plećki je trajalo Å”est meseci (eksperimentalna grupa A), devet meseci (eksperimentalna grupa B) odnosno dvanaest meseci (eksperimentalna grupa C). Ispitivani su fi zičko-hemijski pokazatelji kvaliteta (gubici mase tokom soljenja, dimljenja i suÅ”enja, količine mesa, potkožnog masnog tkiva, kože i kosti u sastavu proizvoda, osnovni hemijski sastav narezaka proizvoda) i senzorne karakteristike proizvoda. U zavisnosti od trajanja procesa dimljenja, suÅ”enja i zrenja plećki gubici mase tokom pomenutih procesa iznose 31,72 posto (eksperimentalna grupa A), 32,64 posto (eksperimentalna grupa B), odnosno 34,14 posto (eksperimentalna grupa C). Utvrđeno je da se tokom soljenja dimljenja i suÅ”enja kod suvih svinjskih plećki eksperimentalnih grupa A, B i C formiraju specifi čna senzorna svojstva. Suva svinjska plećka eksperimentalne grupe A ima odlike svežeg fermentisanog, dimljenog i suÅ”enog proizvoda. Naresci mesa nadlaktice ove svinjske plećke sadrže: 57,17 posto vode, 26,66 posto proteina, 5,16 posto masti i 8,34 posto soli. Suva svinjska plećka eksperimentalne grupe B uobičajenih je senzornih svojstava za suÅ”ene suvomesnate proizvode, a njeni naresci mesa nadlaktice sadrže: 53,71 posto vode, 30,62 posto proteina, 5,30 posto masti i 8,18 posto soli. Suva svinjska plećka eksperimentalne grupe C ima odlike potpuno zrelog suvomesnatog proizvoda. Naresci mesa nadlaktice ovog proizvoda sadrže: 53,68 posto vode 28,65 posto proteina, 5,51 posto masti i 8,75 posto soli

    Examination of some functional properties of silver carp (hypophthalmichthys molitrix val) and carp (cyprinus carpio lin) meat

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    Water binding ability (WBA), held water (HW) and gel-forming properties of silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix Val) and carp (Cyprinus carpio Lin) meat were examined in this paper. Two variants of fish meat gels: A with 50% of meat and B with 60% of meat were examined at temperatures: 70 75, 80, 85 and 90 oC. The variant A of silver carp meat gels has shown the maximum of WBA and HW at 80 oC, and the variant B at 75 oC. In both variants of carp meat gels slow increase of WBA and HW with rise of temperature to 80oC was established. Silver carp meat gels have had better WBA than control gels (beef and poultry meat), and carp meat gels have better HW, but somewhat worse WBA than control gels. In gels of variant A of silver carp meat the highest module of elasticity (6.862 N/cm2) was found at thermal treatment at 85 oC, but statistically significant differences in relation to other temperatures were not established. In variant B, with the rise of temperature, the module of elasticity increases; statistically significant differences were established among gels treated at 70 oC and others. Differences between variants A and B were statistically significant at all examined temperatures. Meat gels of silver carp have significantly lower module of elasticity compared to control gels. Under conditions of our experiment the module of elasticity of carp meat was below measuring limit

    Osnovne odlike suve svinjske plećke i suve svinjske plećke bez kostiju spravljene tradicionalnim postupkom soljenja, dimljenja i suÅ”enja

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    This paper presents the main characteristics of Dry Cured Pork Shoulder and Boneless Dry Cured Pork Shoulder prepared using traditional procedure of salting, smoking and drying. Dry Cured Pork Shoulder was prepared from shoulders with shanks (without foots), with skin, subcutaneous fatty tissue, meat and bones. Shoulders originated from white meat breeds of pigs of 100 kg live weight. Shoulders were salted 30 days at 6Ā°C, and dried with occasional smoking 108 days at 10Ā°C to 15Ā°C. Smoking was done every 7th day for 1h at 15Ā°C to 30Ā°C. Weight loss during salting was 3.07%, and during smoking and drying 29.72%. Dry Cured Pork Shoulder contains meat of butt and blade 56.89%, and shank 7.70%. Meat at cross section and meat slices are light red to red color, with odor on smoke and meat in the fermentation phase and moderate to expressed saltiness. Meat slices contained: water (moisture) 59.20%, proteins 26.60%, fatty tissue 6.61% and NaCl 6.70%. Boneless Dry Cured Pork Shoulder was prepared with shaped pieces of butt meat (M. quinticeps (triceps) brachii) and meat from blade bones (M. supraspinatus and M. infraspinatus) with accompanying parts of other muscles, subcutaneous fatty tissue and skin of 1.945 kg weight. Shaped pieces of meat from blade bones originated from white meat breeds of pigs of approximately 100 kg live weight. Shaped pieces of shoulder were salted 30 days at 6Ā°C, and dried with occasional smoking 77 days at 10Ā°C to 15Ā°C. Smoking was done every 7th day 1 h at 15Ā°C to 30Ā°C. Salting, smoking and drying of the shaped pieces of meat from shoulders was done at the same time as the shoulders intended for production of Dry Cured Pork Shoulder. Weight loss during preparation of Boneless Dry Cured Pork Shoulder were 2.05% at salting, and 43.54% at smoking and drying. Boneless Dry Cured Pork Shoulder contains meat 79.23%, subcutaneous fatty tissue 13.20% and skin 7.55%. Meat at cross section and meat slices of Boneless Dry Cured Pork Shoulder are of intensive red color with dark red tone, of aromatic smell of smoke and fermented dry meat and temperate to expressed saltiness. Meat slices of Boneless Dry Cured Pork Shoulder contained: water (moisture) 50.33%, proteins 33.04%, fatty tissue 7.81% and NaCl 7.52%.U ovom radu su prikazane osnovne odlike suve svinjske plećke i suve svinjske plećke bez kostiju spravljenih tradicionalnim postupkom soljenja, dimljenja i suÅ”enja. Pri spravljanju suve svinjske plećke upotrebljene su plećke sa podlakticama (bez nogica), sa kožicom, potkožnim masnim tkivom, mesom i kostima. Plećke su poticale od belih mesnatih rasa svinja mase pre klanja oko 100 kg. Soljenje plećki je trajalo 30 dana pri 6Ā°C, a suÅ”enje sa povremenim dimljenjem 108 dana pri 10Ā°C do 15Ā°C. Dimljenje je bilo svakog 7. dana u trajanju 1h pri 15Ā°C do 30Ā°C. Gubici mase tokom soljenja iznosili su 3,07%, a u toku dimljenja i suÅ”enja 29,72%. Suva svinjska plećka sadrži meso nadlaktice i lopatice 56,89%, i meso podlaktice 7,70%. Meso na preseku i naresci mesa su svetlocrvene do crvene boje, sa mirisom na dim i meso u fazi fermentacije i umerene do izražene slanosti. Naresci mesa sadrže: vode (vlage) 59,20%, proteina 26,60%, masti 6,61% i NaCl 6,70%. Pri spravljanju suve svinjske plećke bez kostiju upotrebljeni su oblikovani komadi mesa nadlaktice (M. quinticeps (triceps) brachii) i lopatice (M. supraspinatus i M. infraspinatus) sa pripadajućim delovima ostalih miÅ”ića, potkožnim masnim tkivom i kožicom mase 1,945 kg. Oblikovani komadi mesa plećke su poticali od belih mesnatih rasa svinja mase pre klanja oko 100 kg. Soljenje oblikovanih komada mesa plećke je trajalo 30 dana pri 6Ā°C, a suÅ”enje sa povremenim dimljenjem 77 dana pri 10Ā°C do 15Ā°C. Dimljenje je bilo svakog 7. dana u trajanju 1 h pri 15Ā°C do 30Ā°C. Soljenje, dimljenje i suÅ”enje oblikovanih komada mesa plećki bilo je istovremeno sa plećkama namenjenim za proizvodnju suve svinjske plećke. Pri spravljanju suve svinjske plećke bez kostiju utvrđeni su gubici mase tokom soljenja 2,05%, a tokom dimljenja i suÅ”enja 43,54%. Suva svinjska plećka bez kostiju sadrži mesa 79,23%, potkožnog masnog tkiva 13,20% i kožica 7,55%. Meso na preseku i naresci mesa suve svinjske plećke bez kostiju su intenzivne crvene boje sa zatvoreno crvenim tonom, aromatičnog mirisa na dim i fermentisano suvo meso i umerene do naglaÅ”ene slanosti. Naresci mesa suve svinjske plećke bez kostiju sadrže: vode (vlage) 50,33%, proteina 33,04%, masti 7,81% i NaCl 7,52%

    Održivost i senzorna svojstva ćurećeg mesa upakovanog u atmosferu zaÅ”titnih gasova

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    In this paper, the effects of modified atmosphere packaging on the shelf-life and sensory properties (color, flavor and drip appearance) of turkey meat were presented. Three gas combination: O2, CO2 and N2, in two-component mixture were used. In the first part of the experiment, only gas mixture was used, and in the second part, meat was marinated and packed in MAP. Dynamics of total plate count for all the examined variants was basically similar, but there can be noticed less intensive growth of microflora in samples packed in atmosphere with greater share of CO2, as well as positive influence of Na-lactate. Positive influence of the increased share of O2 on color, and CO2 on flavor of meat packed in the mentioned two-component gas mixture was evident.U radu su prikazani efekti pakovanja ćurećeg mesa u modifikovanu atmosferu na održivost i senzorna svojstva mesa (boju, miris i pojavu iscedka). KoriŔćene su kombinacije tri gasa: O2, CO2 i N2, u dvokomponentnim smeÅ”ama. U prvom delu ogleda koriŔćene su samo gasne smeÅ”e, a u drugom je meso marinirano i pakovano u atmosferu zaÅ”titnih gasova. Dinamika ukupnog broja mikroorganizama za sve ispitivane varijante uzoraka je u osnovi slična, ali se može primetiti manje intenzivan rast mikroflore u uzorcima pakovanim u atmosferu sa većim udelom CO2, kao i pozitivan uticaj Na-laktata. Evidentan je pozitivan uticaj povećanog udela O2 na boju, a CO2 na miris mesa upakovanog u navedene dvokomponentne smeÅ”e gasova

    Uticaj različitih aditiva na tehnoloŔka svojstva dimljene svinjske pečenice

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    The authors examined the influence of addition of different concentrations of carrageenan (0.25%, 0.4% and 0.55% related to mass of raw material) and soy isolate (0.75%, 1.00% and 1.25% related to mass of raw material) on selected technological properties of smoked pork loin. Changes in mass during the production process, and water content were observed. Depending on the applied concentration of preparation, the achieved yield for variants with carrageenan and soy isolate ranged from 1.08 to 2.06 and from 2.68% to 3.62%, respectively. With rise in concentration of additives, the water content in smoked pork loins also rose in variants with carrageenan and in variants with soy isolate from 67.05% to 68.31%, and from 68.56% to 70.22%, respectively.Autori su ispitivali uticaj dodavanja različitih koncentracija karagenana (0,25%, 0,40% i 0,55%) i sojinog izolata (0,75%, 1,00% i 1,25%) u odnosu na masu polazne sirovine na odabrana tehnoloÅ”ka svojstva dimljene svinjske pečenice. Praćene su promene mase i sadržaja vode tokom procesa proizvodnje. U zavisnosti od primenjene koncentracije preparata, ostvaren je prirast mase pečenice od 1,08% do 2,06% kod varijanata sa karagenanom, odnosno od 2,68% do 3,52% kod varijanata sa sojinim izolatom. Sa porastom koncentracije dodatih aditiva rastao je i sadržaj vode u gotovim pečenicama: za varijante sa karagenanom se kretao od 67,05% do 68,31%, a za varijante sa sojinim izoltom od 68,56% do 70,22%