41 research outputs found

    The digital whomanities project. Best practices for digital pedagogy in the pandemic era

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    This paper aims to enter the ongoing debate about the critical issues of digital pedagogy through the presentation of Digital WHOmanities, a series of online conferences and workshops held at the University of Bologna. Distance learning has become one of the most discussed topics in educational institutions during the spread of Covid-19, revealing a discrepancy between the rapid development of technology and the ability of learning environments to adapt to this turn. In view of this ongoing debate, Digital WHOmanities tried to define the complex and multifaceted figure of the digital humanist and to provide a methodological framework that could foster further online academic initiatives. Specifically, the accurate organization of timing and contents and the adoption of synchronous and asynchronous approaches have highlighted the effectiveness of flexible digital didactics

    Dual task interference during gait in patients with unilateral vestibular disorders

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Vestibular patients show slower and unsteady gait; they have also been shown to need greater cognitive resources when carrying out balance and cognitive dual tasks (DT). This study investigated DT interference during gait in a middle-aged group of subjects with dizziness and unsteadiness after unilateral vestibular neuronitis and in a healthy control group.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Fourteen individuals with subacute unilateral vestibular impairment after neuronitis and seventeen healthy subjects performed gait and cognitive tasks in single and DT conditions. A statistical gait analysis system was used and spatio-temporal parameters were considered. The cognitive task, consisting of backward counting by three, was tape recorded and the number of right figures was then calculated.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Both patients and controls showed a more conservative gait during DT and between groups significant differences were not found. A significant decrease in cognitive performance during DT was found only in the vestibular group.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Results suggest that less attentional resources are available during gait in vestibular patients compared to controls, and that a priority is given in keeping up the motor task to the detriment of a decrease of the cognitive performance during DT.</p

    Field release of genetically marked Azospirillum brasilense in association with Sorghum bicolor L

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    The agronomic impact of genetically tagged azospirilla (Azospirillum brasilense) was assessed in open field and their fluctuation were monitored in the soil/rhizosphere. Strain performance, upon inoculation of sorghum, was evaluated over a two-years period; agronomic treatments included nitrogen application (0, 80, 160 kg ha-1), and types of inoculant (Sp245 lacZ, Sp6 gusA, Sp6 IAA++ gusA). Grain yield was higher for inoculated seed plots than in non-inoculated ones, whereas nitrogen content, biomass of plant residues and nitrogen in plant residues gave values that were not statistically different. Root length density (RLD) of sorghum at the end of the stem elongation stage was affected only by the indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) overproducer Azospirillum strain (A. brasilense Sp6 IAA++ gusA) with respect to the normal IAA producer (A. brasilense Sp6 gusA), being higher in the first 40 cm of depth, notwithstanding the level of nitrogen fertilization. The traceability of the released genetically modified strains enabled to monitor their ability to colonise soil and roots. Moreover, the genetic modification per se vs. the non-modified counterpart, did not affect the culturable aerobic population in soil, microfungi, streptomycetes, fluorescent pseudomonads, soil microbial biomass, or some microbial activities, all selected as important indicators.status: publishe

    Field release of genetically marked Azospirillum brasilense in association with Sorghum bicolor L.

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    The agronomic impact of genetically tagged azospirilla ( Azospirillum brasilense) was assessed in open field and their fluctuation were monitored in the soil/rhizosphere. Strain performance, upon inoculation of sorghum, was evaluated over a two-years period; agronomic treatments included nitrogen application (0, 80, 160 kg ha(-1)), and types of inoculant (Sp245 lacZ, Sp6 gusA, Sp6 IAA++ gusA). Grain yield was higher for inoculated seed plots than in non-inoculated ones, whereas nitrogen content, biomass of plant residues and nitrogen in plant residues gave values that were not statistically different. Root length density (RLD) of sorghum at the end of the stem elongation stage was affected only by the indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) overproducer Azospirillum strain ( A. brasilense Sp6 IAA++ gusA) with respect to the normal IAA producer ( A. brasilense Sp6 gusA), being higher in the first 40 cm of depth, notwithstanding the level of nitrogen fertilization. The traceability of the released genetically modified strains enabled to monitor their ability to colonise soil and roots. Moreover, the genetic modification per se vs. the non-modified counterpart, did not affect the culturable aerobic population in soil, microfungi, streptomycetes, fluorescent pseudomonads, soil microbial biomass, or some microbial activities, all selected as important indicators

    Neurotransmitters and neuromodulators controlling the hypoxic respiratory response in anaesthetized cats

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    The contributions of neurotransmitters and neuromodulators to the responses of the respiratory network to acute hypoxia were analysed in anaesthetized cats.Samples of extracellular fluid were collected at 1–1.5 min time intervals by microdialysis in the medullary region of ventral respiratory group neurones and analysed for their content of glutamate, γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA), serotonin and adenosine by high performance liquid chromatography. Phrenic nerve activity was correlated with these measurements.Levels of glutamate and GABA increased transiently during early periods of hypoxia, coinciding with augmented phrenic nerve activity and then fell below control during central apnoea. Serotonin and adenosine increased slowly and steadily with onset of hypoxic depression of phrenic nerve activity.The possibility that serotonin contributes to hypoxic respiratory depression was tested by microinjecting the 5-HT-1A receptor agonist 8-OH-DPAT into the medullary region that is important for rhythmogenesis. Hypoxic activation of respiratory neurones and phrenic nerve activity were suppressed. Microinjections of NAN-190, a 5-HT-1A receptor blocker, enhanced hypoxic augmentation resulting in apneustic prolongation of inspiratory bursts.The results reveal a temporal sequence in the release of neurotransmitters and neuromodulators and suggest a specific role for each of them in the sequential development of hypoxic respiratory disturbances