13 research outputs found

    Analisis Potensi Pajak Restoran di Kawasan Wisata Anyer Kabupaten Serang

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    Anyer Tourism Region as one tourist destination in Serang regency has a high potential to be developed. The existence of the restaurant tax is very important as a source of local revenue. Every year, the restaurant tax revenue is always improved and restaurant tax revenue also always meets the target set. The difference between realization restaurant tax revenues and restaurant tax revenues target indicates that the potential is not optimal.The purpose of this study is to analize the potential and effectiveness of the restaurant tax in Anyer Tourism Regions, Serang regency. The data is uses in this study are primary data and secondary data. Primary data includes the number of seats filled, crowded and less crowded period, turn over, average price, number of days in a year and amount of restaurant tax rates. The analytical method uses in this research is descriptive quantitative method and potentiality analize, effectiveness analize, and also pearson product moment correlation analize.The analize shows that the potential of the restaurant tax value is very large compared to the restaurant tax revenue realization. The gap shows that the actual potential is also very large, but local governments have less attention. Effectiveness of tax collection and the restaurant shows that the management of the restaurant tax in Anyer Tourism Regions ineffective. Product moment correlation analysis indicate the potential variables significantly influence the restaurant tax receipts taxes, but only restaurants are in the medium category


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    The radial variations of cell morphologies (cell lengths, vessel diameter, vessel frequency and cell wall thickness of wood fibers) were investigated for 7-year-old Ochroma pyramidale trees planted in East Java, Indonesia by developing the linear or nonlinear mixed-effects models. In addition, xylem maturation process based on the cell morphologies and effects of radial growth rate on cell morphologies were discussed. The mean values of cell morphology were as follow: vessel element length 0.59 mm, fiber length 2.16 mm, vessel diameter 221 µm, and fiber wall thickness 1.03 µm. Radial variations of cell length and vessel diameter were well explained by Michaelis-Menten equation: values increased from pith to certain position and then it became almost stable. Vessel frequency, wood fiber diameter, and wood fiber wall thickness was expressed by the formula of logarithmic formula, quadratic formula, and linear formula, respectively. Variance component ration of category was 66.8%, 46.1%, 31.4%, 1.5%, and 33.7% for vessel element length, wood fiber length, vessel diameter, vessel frequency, and wood fiber wall thickness, respectively, suggesting that many cell morphologies influenced by the radial growth rate. Smaller values of mean absolute error obtained in the models in relation to distance from pith were found in all cell morphologies, except for vessel frequency and wood fiber diameter. Thus, xylem maturation of this species depended on diameter growth rather than cambial age. Boundary of core wood and outer wood was 5 to 10 cm from pith in which increasing ratio of cell length reached less than 0.3%. Core wood was characterized as lower wood density and mechanical properties with shorter cell lengths and thinner wood fiber walls, whereas outer wood was characterized as higher wood density and mechanical properties with longer cell length and thicker wood fiber walls

    The Role of the Defense Institutions in Handling the Covid-19 Pandemic

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    The involvement of the military in the global health crisis has begun since the COVID-19 outbreak broke out in Indonesia, starting from the implementation of Large-Scale Social Distancing to the implementation of the new normal adaptation phase. However, the involvement has received mixed responses. Some parties consider it as natural, while others question the urgency of the military involvement. This study focuses on the role of two defense institutions, namely the Indonesian National Armed Forces and the Ministry of Defense in handling the COVID-19. It employs a qualitative research method and the theory of role, the concept of national defense, and the concept of Pandemic Management to analyze the problem. This study finds that the Indonesian National Armed Forces has a strategic role in several fields such as health, security and socio-economic as part of the efforts to contain COVID-19. The Ministry of Defense also plays a strategic role both internally and externally, by cooperating with other ministries, domestic private companies, state-owned enterprises in the defense industry sector, and with other countries in containing the COVID-19 pandemic

    Penggunaan Garam Berkualitas untuk Peningkatan Mutu Kulit Wetblue Kambing dan Sapi

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    Garam memiliki peran yang sangat penting dalam proses penyamakan kulit. Selain memudahkan masuknya bahan penyamak ke dalam kulit, garam juga berperan dalam menentukan sifat mekanik dan estetika kulit. Selama ini, industri hanya menggunakan garam krosok dengan kadar NaCl rendah, berwarna putih kusam, dan cenderung mengandung kotoran lebih banyak sehingga mutu kulit yang dihasilkan juga rendah. Oleh karena itu dilakukan penelitian ini dengan tujuan memanfaatkan garam berkualitas untuk meningkatkan mutu kulit wetblue kambing dan sapi. Penelitian ini menggunakan kulit kambing dan sapi yang dipikel dengan garam A, B, dan C (kontrol) pada konsentrasi 7 % dan kemudian disamak dengan penyamak krom dimana semua perlakuan diulang sebanyak 3 (tiga) kali. Kulit samak yang diperoleh selanjutnya di uji suhu kerut, pH dan kadar airnya. Data hasil pengujian kemudian dianalisa secara deskriptif dan dibandingkan dengan SNI 1796:2010 dan SNI 3538:2011 serta garam kontrol. Dari penelitian diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa garam A dan B mampu meningkatkan mutu kulit wetblue kambing dan sapi serta memiliki suhu kerut dan penampang melintang kulit yang lebih baik dibandingkan garam C, kecuali untuk pH, dan kadar air yang cenderung sama

    Bunga Rampai Bacaan Calon Pengantin

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    Buku Saku Bunga Rampai Calon Pengantin ini dapat dijadikan sebagai sumber bacaan dan informasi, serta catatan perkembangan kesehatan calon pengantin. Oleh karena itu, dianjurkan bagi setiap calon pengantin mempelajari Buku Saku Bunga Rampai Calon Pengantin ini sebagai panduan pernikahan. Dengan tersedianya Buku Saku Bunga Rampai ini diharapkan dapat membantu Calon Pengantin untuk mempersiapkan kesehatan pada saat akan menikah, dan wira usaha sebagai alternatif tambahan ekonomi keluarga untuk mendukung kesejahteraan keluarga, sehingga akan melahirkan generasi yang sehat