64 research outputs found

    Community Participation for Providing Green Infrastructure of Riverbanks is South Sulawesi, Indonesia

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    The green infrastructure of riverbanks is an indicator of the environmental quality of the watershed area. The community has a leading role in producing green infrastructure. This study describes factors related to community participation in the provision of green infrastructure. Provision of infrastructure which is the planting of protective trees provides land for green infrastructure and maintains green infrastructure. The method of data completion was using the questionnaire as an instrument and involving 200 respondents at Jeneberang River in South Sulawesi. Sample determination using accidental sampling technique. Spearman Correlation analyzed correlation Method. Furthermore, results indicate that the willingness to provide land, assessments of ecological benefits and assessments of economic benefits related to community participation. The strongest factor associated with the willingness of land provision is land ownership. While the assessment factor on ecological benefits is strongest about tree planting and willingness to maintain the green infrastructur

    Implementasi Sustainable Development Di Indonesia

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    Ciptaan ini berupa buku yang menjelaskan tentang konsep Implementasi Sustainable Development Di Indonesi

    Instrumen Pengukuran Kualitas Pelayanan Angkutan Umum

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    Ciptaan ini berupa Instrumen Pengukuran Kualitas Pelayanan Angkutan Umum yang telah diuji validitas dan reliabilitasnya

    Combination of Ecological and Hidraulical in River Management (Case Study at Lawo River South Sulawesi)

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    ABSTRACT: Ecohydraullic is a concept that combines ecological and hydraulical aspect in managing river environment. The ecological issues in this research is the vegetation grown in the river bank as flood retention, while hydraulical aspect refers to the flows of water in river bank to reduce flooding. The aims of the research were to obtain the diameter of vegetationin the river bank and the river management techniques that can reduce the velocity of flow. There are five stages in this study are hydrology analysis, hydraulics analysis, land use analysis, flooding analysis and ecohydraulic analysis. Hydrology analysis is used to obtain 50 annual flood discharge while the hydraulic analysis used to find the flood water level. Land use analysis to obtain the potential land use along the river and the flooding analysis describe the the risk of flooding in the riverbank. Ecohydraulic analysis is used to obtain the optimal width of the banks, the diameter of which is suitable for the management of vegetation along the river as well as the high floodwaters. The results of the analysis suggests that the diameter vegetation of riverbank between 10 cm and 20 cm and width of riverbanks are 100 meters - 150 meters. With the ecohydraulic concept, the river management techniques can reduce the water level along the river and the velocity of flow. Without banks arrangement, flood water level is more than 2.6 meters and the presence of structuring and vegetation in the banks the water level to 0.7 meters - 2.5 meters . The flow velocity can be reduced between 10 % - 76 % . Based on this research, it is known that the arrangement of riverbanks can provide benefits in flood control measures . This arrangement is the basis in determining the demarcation line of the river

    Ecobehavior in The Management of Riverbanks at Soppeng Regency

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the behavior of community in the management of riverbankss and strategy of ecobehaviour in the management of riverbankss. Primary data about people's behavior obtained from the answers of 60 respondents as land managers in border rivers and analyzed by quantitative descriptive method. While the primary data from the expert opinion analyzed using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). The results showed that ecobehaviour society in the management of river banks in the low category. Furthermore ecobehaviour development policy strategy is to prioritize the interests of farmers. The goals of policy focused at economic development and the best-case scenario is the provision of facilities and infrastructure as effort to increase the economic value of land

    Relation between Physical Condition and the Incidence of Pneumonia in Children Under Five in Urban Village in Palu, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia

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    Pneumonia was dubbed as a major assassin of infant mortality, and under five in Indonesia, estimated pneumonia deaths in Indonesia reached five cases among 1000 infants / children under five die each year, or 12,500 casualties mount or 416 cases a day. Home and neighborhood sanitation is closely related to the incidence of infectious diseases, especially respiratory infections, house window does not meet the requirements, the house is damp and the walls and the morning sun is difficult to enter the house also easier for children stricken with pneumonia. This study aimed to know the relationship ventilation, humidity, natural lighting and the type of floor with the incidence of pneumonia in children under five in Palu City. This type of research case-control analytic approach, done at East Palu, District with a sample of 63 cases and 63 controls. The analysis used were univariate and bivariate with the chi-square test. The results showed that there is three physical house variable associated with the incidence of pneumonia disease in children under five in the city of Palu. The variables are the condition of home ventilation, natural lighting, and humidity. While the type of floor of the house is not associated with the incidence of pneumonia in children under five. The results of this study illustrate that people who have a habit to open windows every day can reduce the risk of pneumonia. The condition of the open window produces good air circulation and low humidity, thus preventing culture of germs


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    The aim of this research is  to know the effect of gradation natural aggregate to the characteristic of fresh concrete. Gradation of aggregate are found from composition of size granular fine and coarse aggregate. The method of research is an experimental method. Sample were made from four kinds of fine aggregate (zone 1,2,3, dan 4) and three kinds of coarse aggregate with the same composition. The result of research are good slump value made from zone 1 (very rough), zone 2 (rough), and zone 3 (fine). The fine aggregate with fines granular (zone 4) give eligible slump if mixed with coarse aggregate size of 40 mm. Required the appropriate bleeding acquired in the use of fine aggregate zone 1, zone 2, zone 3 and zone 4. Maximum grain size of coarse aggregate has no effect on the bleeding produced. The appropriate density factor required is obtained on the use of fine aggregate zone 1 and zone 2. Maximum grain size of coarse aggregate has no effect on the density of the resulting

    Pendidikan Kejuruan sebagai Bagian Pembangunan Berkelanjutan

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    Abstrak: Pembangunan berkelanjutan yang merupakan sistem pembangunan yang mempertimbangkan aspek lingkungan hidup, sosial dan ekonomi dilaksanakan secara menyeluruh. Pendidikan kejuruan sebagai upaya pengembangan sumber daya manusia yang memiliki pengetahuan dan keterampilan juga merupakan bagian dari pembangunan berkelanjutan. Dalam aspek lingkungan hidup, pendidikan kejuruan mengembangkan sikap kepedulian terhadap lingkungan yaitu mengembangkan motivasi peserta didik untuk terlibat dalam memelihara kelangsungan daya dukung lingkungan hidup. Dalam aspek ekonomi, pendidikan kejuruan mempersiapkan peserta didik untuk memasuki lapangan kerja. Olehnya, pendidikan kejuruan mendukung pengembangan kekuatan ekonomi secara individual dan kolektif. Dalam aspek sosial, pendidikan menyiapkan peserta didik untuk mampu bekerja dalam suatu tim kerja. Kemampuan kerja sama tersebut menjadi modal sosial dalam suatu masyarakat. Selain itu, pendidikan kejuruan juga mengembangkan kepribadian peserta didik yang mendukung interaksi sosialnya baik didunia kerja maupun di masyarakat
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