74 research outputs found

    Laporan Ekskavasi Terhadap Situs Bomboro: Situs Tambang Rijang di Lembah Bomboro, Kabupaten Maros, Sulawesi Selatan

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    Wilayah karst Maros-Pangkep berisi banyak situs arkeologi Holosen dan Late-Pleistocene, banyak di antaranya berisi kumpulan artefak yang didominasi oleh artefak rijang. Namun dimikian, belum ada sumber untuk bahan baku yang telah diidentifikasi. Sementara batuan dasar kapur yang melimpah kadang-kadang berisi kantong dan lapisan nodul rijang, singkapan ini menunjukkan sedikit bukti untuk eksploitasi atau tambangan prasejarah, dan kecil kemungkinan rijang diperoleh dari anak sungai atau sungai. Situs Bomboro dipilih untuk penggalian karena permukaan tanahnya yang kaya dengan artefak batu termasuk serpihan, batu inti, dan tatal. Rijangnya mungkin telah ditambang dari nodul yang keluar dari batu gamping lokal di Lembah Bomboro. Sampai sekarang, situs ini merupakan tambang batu kuno pertama yang diidentifikasi di wilayah tersebut. Sementara tambang terbuka tidak ada duanya, itu mungkin berfungsi sebagai sumber rijang selama periode Toalean, sekitar 2-8 ribu tahun yang lalu. Ā  The Maros-Pangkep region contains numerous archaeological sites dating from the Holocene and Late-Pleistocene, many of which contain artefact assemblages dominated by flaked chert artefacts. However, no sources for this raw material have yet been identified. While the abundant limestone bedrock contains occasional pockets and seams of chert nodules, these outcrops show little evidence for prehistoric exploitation or quarrying, and it is unlikely the chert was acquired from streambeds. The Bomboro site was selected for excavation as the ground surface is rich in chert stone artefacts including flakes, cores, and debris. Theis chert was likely quarried from the local nodules outcropping from the surrounding limestone bedrock in the Bomboro Valley, and this report describes the excavation of the first ancient stone quarry site to be identified in the region. While the open quarry was undateable, it may have served as a chert source during the Toalean period, around 2-8 thousand years ago.Wilayah karst Maros-Pangkep berisi banyak situs arkeologi Holosen dan Late-Pleistocene, banyak di antaranya berisi kumpulan artefak yang didominasi oleh artefak rijang. Namun dimikian, belum ada sumber untuk bahan baku yang telah diidentifikasi. Sementara batuan dasar kapur yang melimpah kadang-kadang berisi kantong dan lapisan nodul rijang, singkapan ini menunjukkan sedikit bukti untuk eksploitasi atau tambangan prasejarah, dan kecil kemungkinan rijang diperoleh dari anak sungai atau sungai. Situs Bomboro dipilih untuk penggalian karena permukaan tanahnya yang kaya dengan artefak batu termasuk serpihan, batu inti, dan tatal. Rijangnya mungkin telah ditambang dari nodul yang keluar dari batu gamping lokal di Lembah Bomboro. Sampai sekarang, situs ini merupakan tambang batu kuno pertama yang diidentifikasi di wilayah tersebut. Sementara tambang terbuka tidak ada duanya, itu mungkin berfungsi sebagai sumber rijang selama periode Toalean, sekitar 2-8 ribu tahun yang lalu. Ā  The Maros-Pangkep region contains numerous archaeological sites dating from the Holocene and Late-Pleistocene, many of which contain artefact assemblages dominated by flaked chert artefacts. However, no sources for this raw material have yet been identified. While the abundant limestone bedrock contains occasional pockets and seams of chert nodules, these outcrops show little evidence for prehistoric exploitation or quarrying, and it is unlikely the chert was acquired from streambeds. The Bomboro site was selected for excavation as the ground surface is rich in chert stone artefacts including flakes, cores, and debris. Theis chert was likely quarried from the local nodules outcropping from the surrounding limestone bedrock in the Bomboro Valley, and this report describes the excavation of the first ancient stone quarry site to be identified in the region. While the open quarry was undateable, it may have served as a chert source during the Toalean period, around 2-8 thousand years ago

    Laporan Ekskavasi Terhadap Situs Rakkoe: Situs Toala yang Baru Dangan Seni Pahat di Lembah Bomboro, Kabupaten Maros, Sulawesi Selatan

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    Kumpulan pra-Neolitik di Sulawesi Selatan didominasi oleh endapan dari periode Toala, namun demikian sifat dan luas teknokultur Toala masih mengandung teka-teki. Hingga saat ini, kronologi dari teknologi Toala masih belum jelas dan belum ada karya seni yang bisa dikaitkan dengan periode ini, meskipun terdapat seni gua dengan gambar cadas di wilayah Karst Kabupaten Maros dan Pangkep. Ekskavasi dilakukan di ceruk Leang Rakkoe, di Lembah Bomboro Maros, dengan tujuan untuk membantu mengklarifikasi masalah ini. Sementara itu, endapan tersebut terbukti tidak stabil dan tidak bisa dilakukan penanggalan, penggalian ini memberikan wawasan baru tentang teknik pembuatan artefak batu Toala pada situs dengan contoh-contoh seni pahat yang sebelumnya tidak didokumentasikan. South Sulawesi's pre-Neolithic assemblages are dominated by Toalean-period cultural deposits, however the nature and extent of the Toalean technoculture continues to be enigmatic. To date, the chronology of Toalean technology remains unclear, and no art has yet been attributed to this period despite the rich cave art of the karst region of the Maros and Pangkep regencies. An excavation was conducted at Leang Rakkoe rockshelter, in the Bomboro Valley of Maros, in the hope that it could help clarify these issues. While the deposits proved unstable and could not be directly dated, the excavation did provide new insights into Toalean stone artefact manufacture techniques at a site containing previously-undocumented examples of engraved art

    A reassessment of the early archaeological record at Leang Burung 2, a Late Pleistocene rock-shelter site on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi

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    This paper presents a reassessment of the archaeological record at Leang Burung 2, a key early human occupation site in the Late Pleistocene of Southeast Asia. Excavated originally by Ian Glover in 1975, this limestone rock-shelter in the Maros karsts of Sulawesi, Indonesia, has long held significance in our understanding of early human dispersals into \u27Wallacea\u27, the vast zone of oceanic islands between continental Asia and Australia. We present new stratigraphic information and dating evidence from Leang Burung 2 collected during the course of our excavations at this site in 2007 and 2011-13. Our findings suggest that the classic Late Pleistocene modern human occupation sequence identified previously at Leang Burung 2, and proposed to span around 31,000 to 19,000 conventional 14C years BP (~35-24 ka cal BP), may actually represent an amalgam of reworked archaeological materials. Sources for cultural materials of mixed ages comprise breccias from the rear wall of the rock-shelter-remnants of older, eroded deposits dated to 35-23 ka cal BP-and cultural remains of early Holocene antiquity. Below the upper levels affected by the mass loss of Late Pleistocene deposits, our deep-trench excavations uncovered evidence for an earlier hominin presence at the site. These findings include fossils of now-extinct proboscideans and other \u27megafauna\u27 in stratified context, as well as a cobble-based stone artifact technology comparable to that produced by late Middle Pleistocene hominins elsewhere on Sulawesi

    A reassessment of the early archaeological record at Leang Burung 2, a Late Pleistocene rock-shelter site on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi

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    This paper presents a reassessment of the archaeological record at Leang Burung 2, a key early human occupation site in the Late Pleistocene of Southeast Asia. Excavated originally by Ian Glover in 1975, this limestone rock-shelter in the Maros karsts of Sulawesi, Indonesia, has long held significance in our understanding of early human dispersals into 'Wallacea', the vast zone of oceanic islands between continental Asia and Australia. We present new stratigraphic information and dating evidence from Leang Burung 2 collected during the course of our excavations at this site in 2007 and 2011-13. Our findings suggest that the classic Late Pleistocene modern human occupation sequence identified previously at Leang Burung 2, and proposed to span around 31,000 to 19,000 conventional 14C years BP (~35-24 ka cal BP), may actually represent an amalgam of reworked archaeological materials. Sources for cultural materials of mixed ages comprise breccias from the rear wall of the rock-shelter-remnants of older, eroded deposits dated to 35-23 ka cal BP-and cultural remains of early Holocene antiquity. Below the upper levels affected by the mass loss of Late Pleistocene deposits, our deep-trench excavations uncovered evidence for an earlier hominin presence at the site. These findings include fossils of now-extinct proboscideans and other 'megafauna' in stratified context, as well as a cobble-based stone artifact technology comparable to that produced by late Middle Pleistocene hominins elsewhere on Sulawesi

    A concise Indonesian/English guide to common terms used in excavation and archaeological research |Ā Panduan singkat bahasa Indonesia/Inggris untuk frasa umum yang digunakan dalam ekskavasi dan penelitian arkeologi

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    International collaboration has played an important role in archaeological research in Indonesia for well over a century. This article provides a basic list of translations for the most common archaeological terms in the two languages that are currently most frequently used for research, publications, and fieldwork relating to Indonesian research: English and Indonesian. Ā  Kolaborasi internasional telah memainkan peran penting dalam penelitian arkeologi di Indonesia selama lebih dari satu abad. Artikel ini memberikan daftar terjemahan dasar untuk istilah arkeologi yang paling umum dalam dua bahasa yang saat ini paling sering digunakan untuk penelitian, publikasi, dan kerja lapangan yang berkaitan dengan penelitian di Indonesia: bahasa Inggris dan bahasa Indonesia

    Experimental cobble core displaying a ā€˜chopperā€™ morphology.

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    <p>Silcrete, experiment 17, after 17 blows. The rounded morphology on the side of the cobble prevented the identification of potential platforms in that location, and reduction up to this point in the experiment progressed bifacially towards this rounded surface. Scale 50 mm.</p

    Experimental bifacial cores and ā€˜predeterminedā€™ flakes.

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    <p>Both cores were made on silcrete cobbles. (A) Experiment 7, after blow 26. (B) Flake struck from the scar on D. (C) Flake struck from the scar on A. (D) Experiment 4, after blow 26. Scale 50 mm.</p

    Platforms identified and eliminated.

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    <p>Platforms identified and eliminated.</p

    Platform creation and elimination per blow.

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    <p>Platform creation and elimination per blow.</p

    Negative scar on a silcrete cobble showing platform positions.

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    <p>ā€˜Position 1ā€™ platforms are located in a zone extending from the proximal end to 30% of the scarā€™s length, ā€˜Position 2ā€™ are located between 30% to 80% of the scarā€™s length, and ā€˜Position 3ā€™ platforms are located on the scarā€™s distal end, beyond 80% of its length. Negative scars are always concave and many of the scars produced in the experiments were markedly so. Because of this factor, and the difficulty of landing percussion blows in a concave surface, platforms were usually located within the 10% of the scarā€™s width extending from the scarā€™s edge. ā€˜Position 4ā€™ platforms are cortical surfaces; ventral surfaces or dorsal scar remnants from core reduction on dorsal surfaces of flake blank cores; or small core scar remnants that could not be classified into the other platform types.</p
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