3 research outputs found


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    The present article deals with the theoretical and practical aspects of interdisciplinary integration in the teaching of biological chemistry. The mechanism of implementation of subject-oriented learning within the frame work of interdisciplinary vertical integration on the example of the topic “Introduction to the metabolism and energy” is considered. Specific ways to improve the effectiveness of teaching biochemistry through cross-curricular communication are suggested. The implementation of the principles of interdisciplinary integration during lectures requires the teacher of deep knowledge not only of his subject, but also of many other basic disciplines, including subjects of professional preparation of students-pharmacists. It is extremely important to strike the right balance between the subject matter taught during the lecture and the related topics or courses. The use of principles of interdisciplinary integration in the study of biological chemistry contributes to the increase of students’ motivation, that is the awareness of the practical importance of educational material and acquired competences in their future professional activity.У статті проаналізовано теоретичні та практичні аспекти міждисциплінарної інтеграції при викладанні біологічної хімії. Розглянуто механізм реалізації предметно-орієнтованого навчання в межах вертикальної міждисциплінарної інтеграції на прикладі теми «Вступ до обміну речовин та енергії». Запропоновано конкретні шляхи підвищення ефективності викладання біохімії засобами міжпредметних зв’язків. Реалізація принципів міждисциплінарної інтеграції під час проведення лекційних занять вимагає від викладача глибоких знань не лише його предмета, але й багатьох інших навчальних дисциплін, у тому числі і предметів фахової підготовки студентів-фармацевтів. Вкрай важливо дотримуватися оптимального балансу між матеріалом теми, що вивчається під час лекції, та інформацією суміжних тем чи навчальних дисциплін. Використання принципів міждисциплінарної інтеграції при вивченні біологічної хімії сприяє підвищенню мотивації студентів, а саме усвідомленню практичної значущості навчального матеріалу та набутих компетентностей у майбутній професійній діяльності

    Ustekinumab versus adalimumab for induction and maintenance therapy in biologic-naive patients with moderately to severely active Crohn's disease: a multicentre, randomised, double-blind, parallel-group, phase 3b trial

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    Background: Active-comparator trials are important to inform patient and physician choice. We aimed to evaluate the efficacy and safety of monotherapy with either ustekinumab or adalimumab in biologic-naive patients with moderately to severely active Crohn's disease. Methods: We conducted a randomised, double-blind, parallel-group, active-comparator, phase 3b trial (SEAVUE) at 121 hospitals or private practices in 18 countries. We included biologic-naive patients aged 18 years or older with moderately to severely active Crohn's disease and a Crohn's Disease Activity Index (CDAI) score of 220–450, who had not responded to or were intolerant to conventional therapy (or were corticosteroid dependent) and had at least one ulcer of any size at baseline endoscopic evaluation. Eligible patients were randomly assigned (1:1; via an interactive web response system) to receive ustekinumab (approximately 6 mg/kg intravenously on day 0, then 90 mg subcutaneously once every 8 weeks) or adalimumab (160 mg on day 0, 80 mg at 2 weeks, then 40 mg once every 2 weeks, subcutaneously) through week 56. Study treatments were administered as monotherapy and without dose modifications. Patients, investigators, and study site personnel were masked to treatment group assignment. The primary endpoint was the proportion of patients who were in clinical remission (CDAI score <150) at week 52 in the intention-to-treat population (ie, all patients who were randomly assigned to a treatment group). This trial is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, NCT03464136, and EudraCT, 2017-004209-41. Findings: Between June 28, 2018, and Dec 12, 2019, 633 patients were assessed for eligibility and 386 were enrolled and randomly assigned to receive ustekinumab (n=191) or adalimumab (n=195). 29 (15%) of 191 patients in the ustekinumab group and 46 (24%) of 195 in the adalimumab group discontinued study treatment before week 52. There was no significant difference between the ustekinumab and adalimumab groups in the occurrence of the primary endpoint; at week 52, 124 (65%) of 191 patients in the ustekinumab group versus 119 (61%) of 195 in the adalimumab group were in clinical remission (between-group difference 4%, 95% CI –6 to 14; p=0·42). Safety for both groups was consistent with previous reports. Serious infections were reported in four (2%) of 191 patients in the ustekinumab group and five (3%) of 195 in the adalimumab group. No deaths occurred through week 52 of the study. Interpretation: Both ustekinumab and adalimumab monotherapies were highly effective in this population of biologic-naive patients, with no difference in the primary outcome between the drugs. Funding: Janssen Scientific Affairs

    Vedolizumab versus Adalimumab for Moderate-to-Severe Ulcerative Colitis

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