6 research outputs found

    Predicting the earliest deviation in weight gain in the course towards manifest overweight in offspring exposed to obesity in pregnancy: a longitudinal cohort study

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    BACKGROUND: Obesity in pregnancy and related early-life factors place the offspring at the highest risk of being overweight. Despite convincing evidence on these associations, there is an unmet public health need to identify “high-risk” offspring by predicting very early deviations in weight gain patterns as a subclinical stage towards overweight. However, data and methods for individual risk prediction are lacking. We aimed to identify those infants exposed to obesity in pregnancy at ages 3 months, 1 year, and 2 years who likely will follow a higher-than-normal body mass index (BMI) growth trajectory towards manifest overweight by developing an early-risk quantification system. METHODS: This study uses data from the prospective mother-child cohort study Programming of Enhanced Adiposity Risk in CHildhood–Early Screening (PEACHES) comprising 1671 mothers with pre-conception obesity and without (controls) and their offspring. Exposures were pre- and postnatal risks documented in patient-held maternal and child health records. The main outcome was a “higher-than-normal BMI growth pattern” preceding overweight, defined as BMI z-score >1 SD (i.e., World Health Organization [WHO] cut-off “at risk of overweight”) at least twice during consecutive offspring growth periods between age 6 months and 5 years. The independent cohort PErinatal Prevention of Obesity (PEPO) comprising 11,730 mother-child pairs recruited close to school entry (around age 6 years) was available for data validation. Cluster analysis and sequential prediction modelling were performed. RESULTS: Data of 1557 PEACHES mother-child pairs and the validation cohort were analyzed comprising more than 50,000 offspring BMI measurements. More than 1-in-5 offspring exposed to obesity in pregnancy belonged to an upper BMI z-score cluster as a distinct pattern of BMI development (above the cut-off of 1 SD) from the first months of life onwards resulting in preschool overweight/obesity (age 5 years: odds ratio [OR] 16.13; 95% confidence interval [CI] 9.98–26.05). Contributing early-life factors including excessive weight gain (OR 2.08; 95% CI 1.25–3.45) and smoking (OR 1.94; 95% CI 1.27–2.95) in pregnancy were instrumental in predicting a “higher-than-normal BMI growth pattern” at age 3 months and re-evaluating the risk at ages 1 year and 2 years (area under the receiver operating characteristic [AUROC] 0.69–0.79, sensitivity 70.7–76.0%, specificity 64.7–78.1%). External validation of prediction models demonstrated adequate predictive performances. CONCLUSIONS: We devised a novel sequential strategy of individual prediction and re-evaluation of a higher-than-normal weight gain in “high-risk” infants well before developing overweight to guide decision-making. The strategy holds promise to elaborate interventions in an early preventive manner for integration in systems of well-child care. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1186/s12916-022-02318-z

    Neonatal antibiotic exposure impairs child growth during the first six years of life by perturbing intestinal microbial colonization

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    Exposure to antibiotics in the first days of life is thought to affect various physiological aspects of neonatal development. Here, we investigate the long-term impact of antibiotic treatment in the neonatal period and early childhood on child growth in an unselected birth cohort of 12,422 children born at full term. We find significant attenuation of weight and height gain during the first 6 years of life after neonatal antibiotic exposure in boys, but not in girls, after adjusting for potential confounders. In contrast, antibiotic use after the neonatal period but during the first 6 years of life is associated with significantly higher body mass index throughout the study period in both boys and girls. Neonatal antibiotic exposure is associated with significant differences in the gut microbiome, particularly in decreased abundance and diversity of fecal Bifidobacteria until 2 years of age. Finally, we demonstrate that fecal microbiota transplant from antibiotic-exposed children to germ-free male, but not female, mice results in significant growth impairment. Thus, we conclude that neonatal antibiotic exposure is associated with a long-term gut microbiome perturbation and may result in reduced growth in boys during the first six years of life while antibiotic use later in childhood is associated with increased body mass index. In this study, Omry Koren, Samuli Rautava and colleagues report a sex-specific association between neonatal antibiotic exposure and weight and height gain during the first six years of life and showing that boys but not girls exposed to neonatal antibiotics exhibit impaired weight and height development

    Real-world performance of the atrial fibrillation monitor in patients with a subcutaneous ICD

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    Introduction: The third-generation subcutaneous implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (S-ICD) (EMBLEMℱ A219, Boston Scientific) contains a new diagnostic tool to detect atrial fibrillation (AF) in S-ICD patients, without the use of an intracardiac lead. This is the first study to evaluate the performance of the S-ICD AF monitor (AFM). Methods: The AFM algorithm analyzes a subcutaneous signal for the presence of AF, similar to the signals collected by implantable and wearable diagnostic devices. The AFM algorithm combines heart rate (HR) scatter analysis with an HR histogram. The algorithm was tested against publicly available electrocardiogram databases (simulated performance). Real-world performance of the algorithm was evaluated by using the S-ICD LATITUDE remote monitoring (RM) database. Results: The simulated performance of the AFM algorithm resulted in a sensitivity of 95.0%, specificity of 100.0%, and positive predictive value (PPV) of 100.0%. To evaluate the real-world performance of the AFM, 7744 S-ICD devices were followed for up to 30 months by RM, whereof 99.5% had the AFM enabled. A total of 387 AF episodes were randomly chosen for adjudication, resulting in a PPV of 67.7%. The main cause of misclassification was atrial and ventricular ectopy. Conclusion: The AFM exhibited a very high sensitivity and specificity in a simulated setting, designed to maximize PPV in order to minimize the clinical burden of reviewing falsely detected AF events. The real-world performance of the AFM, enabled in 99.5% of S-ICD patients, is a PPV of 67.7%

    Neonatal antibiotic exposure impairs child growth during the first six years of life by perturbing intestinal microbial colonization

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    Exposure to antibiotics in the first days of life is thought to affect various physiological aspects of neonatal development. Here, we investigate the long-term impact of antibiotic treatment in the neonatal period and early childhood on child growth in an unselected birth cohort of 12,422 children born at full term. We find significant attenuation of weight and height gain during the first 6 years of life after neonatal antibiotic exposure in boys, but not in girls, after adjusting for potential confounders. In contrast, antibiotic use after the neonatal period but during the first 6 years of life is associated with significantly higher body mass index throughout the study period in both boys and girls. Neonatal antibiotic exposure is associated with significant differences in the gut microbiome, particularly in decreased abundance and diversity of fecal Bifidobacteria until 2 years of age. Finally, we demonstrate that fecal microbiota transplant from antibiotic-exposed children to germ-free male, but not female, mice results in significant growth impairment. Thus, we conclude that neonatal antibiotic exposure is associated with a long-term gut microbiome perturbation and may result in reduced growth in boys during the first six years of life while antibiotic use later in childhood is associated with increased body mass index. In this study, Omry Koren, Samuli Rautava and colleagues report a sex-specific association between neonatal antibiotic exposure and weight and height gain during the first six years of life and showing that boys but not girls exposed to neonatal antibiotics exhibit impaired weight and height development.Peer reviewe