1,671 research outputs found

    Analysis of The Hipparcos Measurements of HD10697 - A Mass Determination of a Brown-Dwarf Secondary

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    HD10697 is a nearby main-sequence star around which a planet candidate has recently been discovered by means of radial-velocity measurements (Vogt et al. 1999, submitted to ApJ). The stellar orbit has a period of about three years, the secondary minimum mass is 6.35 Jupiter masses and the minimum semi-major axis is 0.36 milli-arc-sec (mas). Using the Hipparcos data of HD10697 together with the spectroscopic elements of Vogt et al. (1999) we found a semi-major axis of 2.1 +/- 0.7 mas, implying a mass of 38 +/- 13 Jupiter masses for the unseen companion. We therefore suggest that the secondary of HD10697 is probably a brown dwarf, orbiting around its parent star at a distance of 2 AU.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, LaTex, aastex, accepted for publication by ApJ Letter

    Differential Emission Measure Determination of Collisionally Ionized Plasma: II. Application to Hot Stars

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    In a previous paper we have described a technique to derive constraints on the differential emission measure (DEM) distribution, a measure of the temperature distribution, of collisionally ionized hot plasmas from their X-ray emission line spectra. We apply this technique to the Chandra/HETG spectra of all of the nine hot stars available to us at the time this project was initiated. We find that DEM distributions of six of the seven O stars in our sample are very similar but that theta Ori has an X-ray spectrum characterized by higher temperatures. The DEM distributions of both of B stars in our sample have lower magnitudes than those of the O stars and one, tau Sco, is characterized by higher temperatures than the other, beta Cru. These results confirm previous work in which high temperatures have been found for theta Ori and tau Sco and taken as evidence for channeling of the wind in magnetic fields, the existence of which are related to the stars' youth. Our results demonstrate the utility of our method for deriving temperature information for large samples of X-ray emission line spectra.Comment: The contents of this paper were formerly part of astro-ph/0403603 which was split into two paper

    VLBI observations of weak extragalactic radio sources for the alignment of the future GAIA frame with the ICRF

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    The space astrometry mission GAIA will construct a dense optical QSO-based celestial reference frame. For consistency between the optical and radio positions, it will be important to align the GAIA frame and the International Celestial Reference Frame (ICRF) with the highest accuracy. Currently, it is found that only 10% of the ICRF sources are suitable to establish this link, either because they are not bright enough at optical wavelengths or because they have significant extended radio emission which precludes reaching the highest astrometric accuracy. In order to improve the situation, we have initiated a VLBI survey dedicated to finding additional high-quality radio sources for aligning the two frames. The sample consists of about 450 sources, typically 20 times weaker than the current ICRF sources, which have been selected by cross-correlating optical and radio catalogues. This paper presents the observing strategy and includes preliminary results of observation of 224 of these sources with the European VLBI Network in June 2007

    Light Propagation in the Gravitational Field of Moving Bodies by means of Lorentz Transformation. I. Mass monopoles moving with constant velocities

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    We show how to derive the equations of light propagation in the gravitational field of uniformly moving mass monopoles without formulating and integrating the differential equations of light propagation in that field. The well-known equations of light propagation in the gravitational field of a motionless mass monopole are combined with a suitable Lorentz transformation. The possibility to generalize this technique for the more complicated case of uniformly moving body of arbitrary multipole structure is discussed.Comment: 10 page

    Diseases of winter linseed : occurrence, effects and importance

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    In 1998, a survey of the incidence and severity of diseases was carried out on 30 crops of winter linseed at early flowering and again at crop maturity. Five crops each were selected in south west, east, east Midlands, west Midlands and north of England and from Scotland. Crops were predominantly cv. Oliver (90% crops), grown from certified seed (83%) and sown in September (97%). Pasmo (Mycosphaerella) was the most important disease, affecting leaves of 73% crops at early flowering and 90% crops at maturity. Powdery mildew (70% crops), Alternaria (30% crops) on leaves and Botrytis on capsules (70% crops) were also common. Regional differences were apparent for powdery mildew, which was present in all regions except the southwest, whilst Alternaria predominated in the Midlands. Half of the crops surveyed had received fungicide sprays, but this appeared to have made limited impact on disease severity. Pasmo is a new threat to UK linseed crops and this raises concerns about the threat it poses to spring linsee

    Covid-19: dogma over potential for prolonged droplet dispersal in air

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    Background / Outline: Many of us will have seen a plume of smoke drifting on the breeze from somebody smoking but it is much harder to show where the air breathed out, sneezed or coughed by another person has travelled in a street or aisle of a supermarket. Smoke can indicate where breath and tiny droplets coughed or sneezed may travel to but there are important differences to their dispersal due to the size of droplets compared to smoke particles. This perspectives article briefly explores evidence of dispersal of fine spray droplets in air, including not only microscopic droplets normally considered to form an aerosol and disperse in air, but also relatively large ‘ballistic droplets produced by coughing that might travel up to only a few metres, and then focuses on an under-reported intermediate-sized droplet that previous research investigating rain-splashed plant pathogens has shown can be blown significant distances in wind. The article gives examples of fall-speeds calculated for different sized droplets in still air and reports distances fine spray droplets were blown in a wind tunnel experiment. The article is very timely in that it discusses this issue in the context of the Covid-19 epidemic and the role of guidance on separation distances and use of facemasks to block a potential transmission route. This proposed ‘perspectives’ article is not only timely but also of importance to help ensure that good science is conducted to help researchers working on the current Covid-19 epidemic by making them aware of the wealth of existing knowledge produced by experts in other disciplines

    The Evolution of L and T Dwarfs in Color-Magnitude Diagrams

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    We present new evolution sequences for very low mass stars, brown dwarfs and giant planets and use them to explore a variety of influences on the evolution of these objects. We compare our results with previous work and discuss the causes of the differences and argue for the importance of the surface boundary condition provided by atmosphere models including clouds. The L- to T-type ultracool dwarf transition can be accommodated within the Ackerman & Marley (2001) cloud model by varying the cloud sedimentation parameter. We develop a simple model for the evolution across the L/T transition. By combining the evolution calculation and our atmosphere models, we generate colors and magnitudes of synthetic populations of ultracool dwarfs in the field and in galactic clusters. We focus on near infrared color- magnitude diagrams (CMDs) and on the nature of the ``second parameter'' that is responsible for the scatter of colors along the Teff sequence. Variations in metallicity and cloud parameters, unresolved binaries and possibly a relatively young population all play a role in defining the spread of brown dwarfs along the cooling sequence. We find that the transition from cloudy L dwarfs to cloudless T dwarfs slows down the evolution and causes a pile up of substellar objects in the transition region, in contradiction with previous studies. We apply the same model to the Pleiades brown dwarf sequence. Taken at face value, the Pleiades data suggest that the L/T transition occurs at lower Teff for lower gravity objects. The simulated populations of brown dwarfs also reveal that the phase of deuterium burning produces a distinctive feature in CMDs that should be detectable in ~50-100 Myr old clusters.Comment: Accepted for publication in the ApJ. 52 pages including 20 figure

    Sub-Saturn Planet Candidates to HD 16141 and HD 46375

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    Precision Doppler measurements from the Keck/HIRES spectrometer reveal periodic Keplerian velocity variations in the stars HD 16141 and HD 46375. HD 16141 (G5 IV) has a period of 75.8 d and a velocity amplitude of 11 m/s, yielding a companion having Msini = 0.22 Mjup and a semimajor axis, a = 0.35 AU. HD 46375 (K1 IV/V) has a period of 3.024 d and a velocity amplitude of 35 m/s, yielding a companion with Msini=0.25 Mjup, a semimajor axis of a = 0.041 AU, and an eccentricity of 0.04 (consistent with zero). These companions contribute to the rising planet mass function toward lower masses.Comment: 4 Figure

    First Astronomical Application of a Cryogenic TES Spectrophotometer

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    We report on the first astronomical observations with a photon counting pixel detector that provides arrival time- (delta t = 100ns) and energy- (delta E_gamma < 0.15eV) resolved measurements from the near IR through the near UV. Our test observations were performed by coupling this Transition Edge Sensor (TES) device to a 0.6m telescope; we have obtained the first simultaneous optical near-IR phase-resolved spectra of the Crab pulsar. A varying infrared turnover gives evidence of self-absorption in the pulsar plasma. The potential of such detectors in imaging arrays from a space platform are briefly described.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure
