19,363 research outputs found

    Orbital Properties of Sr3Ru2O7 and Related Ruthenates Probed by 17O-NMR

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    We report a site-separated 17^{17}O-NMR study of the layered perovskite ruthenate Sr3_3Ru2_2O7_7, which exhibits nearly two-dimensional transport properties and itinerant metamagnetism at low temperatures. The local hole occupancies and the spin densities in the oxygen 2p2p orbitals are obtained by means of tight-binding analyses of electric field gradients and anisotropic Knight shifts. These quantities are compared with two other layered perovskite ruthenates: the two-dimensional paramagnet Sr2_2RuO4_4 and the three-dimensional ferromagnet SrRuO3_3. The hole occupancies at the oxygen sites are very large, about one hole per ruthenium atom. This is due to the strong covalent character of the Ru-O bonding in this compound. The magnitude of the hole occupancy might be related to the rotation or tilt of the RuO6_6 octahedra. The spin densities at the oxygen sites are also large, 20-40% of the bulk susceptibilities, but in contrast to the hole occupancies, the spin densities strongly depend on the dimensionality. This result suggests that the density-of-states at the oxygen sites plays an essential role for the understanding of the complex magnetism found in the layered perovskite ruthenates.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Note on restoring manifest rotational symmetry in hyperfine and fine structure in light-front QED

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    We study the part of the renormalized, cutoff QED light-front Hamiltonian that does not change particle number. The Hamiltonian contains interactions that must be treated in second-order bound state perturbation theory to obtain hyperfine structure. We show that a simple unitary transformation leads directly to the familiar Breit-Fermi spin-spin and tensor interactions, which can be treated in degenerate first-order bound-state perturbation theory, thus simplifying analytic light-front QED calculations. To the order in momenta we need to consider, this transformation is equivalent to a Melosh rotation. We also study how the similarity transformation affects spin-orbit interactions.Comment: 17 pages, latex fil

    Association of Breakfast Intake with Obesity, Dietary and Physical Activity Behavior Among Urban School-Aged Adolescents in Delhi, India: Results of a Cross-Sectional Study

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    In developed countries, regular breakfast consumption is inversely associated with excess weight and directly associated with better dietary and improved physical activity behaviors. Our objective was to describe the frequency of breakfast consumption among school-going adolescents in Delhi and evaluate its association with overweight and obesity as well as other dietary, physical activity, and sedentary behaviors. Methods: Design: Cross-sectional study. Setting: Eight schools (Private and Government) of Delhi in the year 2006. Participants: 1814 students from 8th and 10th grades; response rate was 87.2%; 55% were 8th graders, 60% were boys and 52% attended Private schools. Main outcome measures: Body mass index, self-reported breakfast consumption, diet and physical activity related behaviors, and psychosocial factors. Data analysis: Mixed effects regression models were employed, adjusting for age, gender, grade level and school type (SES). Results: Significantly more Government school (lower SES) students consumed breakfast daily as compared to Private school (higher SES) students (73.8% vs. 66.3%; p<0.01). More 8th graders consumed breakfast daily vs. 10th graders (72.3% vs. 67.0%; p<0.05). A dose-response relationship was observed such that overall prevalence of overweight and obesity among adolescents who consumed breakfast daily (14.6%) was significantly lower vs. those who only sometimes (15.2%) or never (22.9%) consumed breakfast (p<0.05 for trend). This relationship was statistically significant for boys (15.4 % vs. 16.5% vs. 26.0; p<0.05 for trend) but not for girls. Intake of dairy products, fruits and vegetables was 5.5 (95% CI 2.4-12.5), 1.7 (95% CI 1.1-2.5) and 2.2 (95% CI 1.3-3.5) times higher among those who consumed breakfast daily vs. those who never consumed breakfast. Breakfast consumption was associated with greater physical activity vs. those who never consumed breakfast. Positive values and beliefs about healthy eating; body image satisfaction; and positive peer and parental influence were positively associated with daily breakfast consumption, while depression was negatively associated. Conclusion: Daily breakfast consumption is associated with less overweight and obesity and with healthier dietary-and physical activity-related behaviors among urban Indian students. Although prospective studies should confirm the present results, intervention programs to prevent or treat childhood obesity in India should consider emphasizing regular breakfast consumption.Obesity Prevention Center, University of MinnesotaPRIME program of the University of Texas, School of Public Health (Stigler, PI)Center for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Research in Underserved Population

    Initial bound state studies in light-front QCD

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    We present the first numerical QCD bound state calculation based on a renormalization group-improved light-front Hamiltonian formalism. The QCD Hamiltonian is determined to second order in the coupling, and it includes two-body confining interactions. We make a momentum expansion, obtaining an equal-time-like Schrodinger equation. This is solved for quark-antiquark constituent states, and we obtain a set of self-consistent parameters by fitting B meson spectra.Comment: 38 pages, latex, 5 latex figures include

    A new mechanism for negative refraction and focusing using selective diffraction from surface corrugation

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    Refraction at a smooth interface is accompanied by momentum transfer normal to the interface. We show that corrugating an initially smooth, totally reflecting, non-metallic interface provides a momentum kick parallel to the surface, which can be used to refract light negatively or positively. This new mechanism of negative refraction is demonstrated by visible light and microwave experiments on grisms (grating-prisms). Single-beam all-angle-negative-refraction is achieved by incorporating a surface grating on a flat multilayered material. This negative refraction mechanism is used to create a new optical device, a grating lens. A plano-concave grating lens is demonstrated to focus plane microwaves to a point image. These results show that customized surface engineering can be used to achieve negative refraction even though the bulk material has positive refractive index. The surface periodicity provides a tunable parameter to control beam propagation leading to novel optical and microwave devices.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures in RevTex forma

    The de Haas-van Alphen effect across the metamagnetic transition in Sr3_3Ru2_2O7_7

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    We report a study of the de Haas-van Alphen (dHvA) effect on the itinerant metamagnet Sr3_3Ru2_2O7_7. Extremely high sample purity allows the observation of dHvA oscillations both above and below the metamagnetic transition field of 7.9 T. The quasiparticle masses are fairly large away from the transition, and are enhanced by up to an extra factor of three as the transition is approached, but the Fermi surface topography change is quite small. The results are qualitatively consistent with a field-induced Stoner transition in which the mass enhancement is the result of critical fluctuations.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    SHG microscopic observations of polar state in Li-doped KTaO3 under electric field

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    Incipient ferroelectric KTaO3 with off-center Li impurity of the critical concentration of 2.8 mol% was investigated in order to clarify the dipole glass state under electric field. Using optical second-harmonic generation (SHG) microscope, we observed a marked history dependence of SHG intensity through zero-field cooling (ZFC), zero-field heating (ZFH), field heating after ZFC (FH/ZFC) and FH after field cooling (FH/FC). These show different paths with respect to temperature: In the ZFC/ZFH process, weak SHG was observed at low temperature, while in the FH/ZFC process, relatively high SHG appears in a limited temperature range below TF depending on the field strength, and in the FC and FH/FC processes, the SHG exhibits ferroelectric-like temperature dependence: it appears at the freezing temperature of 50K, increases with decreasing temperature and has a tendency of saturation. These experimental results strongly suggest that dipole glass state or polar nano-clusters which gradually freezes with decreasing temperature is transformed into semi-macroscopic polar state under the electric field. However at sufficiently low temperature, the freezing is so strong that the electric field cannot enlarge the polar clusters. These experimental results show that the polar nano-cluster model similar to relaxors would be more relevant in KTaO3 doped with the critical concentration of Li. Further experiments on the anisotropy of SHG determine that the average symmetry of the field-induced polar phase is tetragonal 4mm or 4, which is also confirmed by the X-ray diffraction measurement.Comment: 26 pages, 8 figures, 1 tabl

    The Importance of Static Correlation in the Band Structure of High Temperature Superconductors

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    Recently we presented a new band structure for La(2-x)Sr(x)CuO(4) and other high temperature superconductors in which a second narrow band was seen to cross the primary band at the Fermi level. The existence of this second Fermi level band is in complete disagreement with the commonly accepted LDA band structure. Yet it provided a crucial piece of physics which led to an explanation for superconductivity and other unusual phenomena in these materials. In this work we present details as to the nature of the failure of conventional methods in deriving the band structure of the cuprates. In particular, we use a number of chemical analogues to describe the problem of static correlation in the band structure calculations and show how this can be corrected with the predictable outcome of a Fermi level band crossing.Comment: The Journal of Physical Chemistry, in press. References and figures updated. See www.firstprinciples.com for more information related to this wor
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