192 research outputs found

    PHYS 111-001: Physics I

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    PHYS 111-025: Physics I

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    PHYS 432 - 001: Electromagnetism I

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    PHYS 121-016: Physics II

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    PHYS 111-001: Physics I

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    PHYS 433 - 002: Electromagnetism II

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    PHYS 111-025: Physics I

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    Large scale plasma density perturbations in the polar F-region ionosphere

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    The most compelling evidence of the complex interaction between the geomagnetic field of the Earth and the magnetic field of the Sun is found in the polar ionosphere. Large scale F-region plasma density perturbations result from the coupling between the two fields. Plasma density enhancements known as ionization patches, and depletions can have lifetimes of several hours in the F region and are almost always present everywhere throughout the nighttime polar ionosphere. The perturbations can seed ionospheric irregularities that severely hamper communication and navigational networks, even during times of subdued geomagnetic activity. Up until recently, it has been difficult to study the perturbations due to the remoteness of their location. In the past decade an array of optical and radio instruments have been deployed to the Canadian sector of the Arctic, enabling a more thorough sampling of the polar ionosphere and the large scale perturbations therein. In this work, common volume measurements from the Rankin Inlet Super Dual Auroral Radar Network (SuperDARN), Resolute Bay Incoherent Scatter Radar - North (RISR-N) and Optical Mesosphere and Thermosphere Imagers (OMTI) system at Resolute Bay are employed to investigate the generation mechanisms, transport properties, and optical and radio signatures of the large scale perturbations. A model connecting the optical signatures of patches to their velocity profile through the ionosphere is introduced and applied to OMTI data. In addition, an algorithm is developed to detect the presence of patches using RISR-N. Using the algorithm, a survey of patches sampled over several days is conducted, providing a comprehensive account of the variable polar ionosphere in terms of its plasma state parameters. Furthermore, the algorithm is used to diagnose patches as a primary source of coherent backscatter for the Rankin Inlet SuperDARN radar. Lastly, the generation of a deep plasma density depletion is analyzed using the three aforementioned instruments. Using a model, it is shown that such perturbations can be forged by intense frictional heating events in the polar ionosphere on a time scale of 15 minutes, and can subsequently be transported through the region

    Optimization of a 50 MHz Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave radar system for the study of auroral E-region coherent backscatter

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    A 50 MHz Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave (FMCW) radar system, developed at the University of Saskatchewan to provide improved spatial and temporal resolution measurements of auroral E-region plasma processes, introduces ambiguous spectral information, due to spectral ghosting, for scattering events in which multiple radar echoes are detected. This thesis identifies two Linearly Frequency Modulated (LFM) radar waveforms used by the FMCW system as the source of the ghosting. An analysis procedure designed to counteract the spectral ghosting problem is developed but is not an ideal solution, and therefore replacement of the LFM waveforms is recommended. A detailed investigation of alternative radar waveforms using the Ambiguity Function and Ambiguity Diagram techniques is performed. A frequency coded continuous wave radar waveform based on a composite Costas sequence is proposed as a successor to the LFM waveforms. The composite Costas radar waveform will conserve the spatial and temporal resolutions extended by the LFM waveforms and preclude any spectral ghosting. Implementing the proposed radar waveform and avoiding receiver saturation issues with the mono-static FMCW radar system in which both the transmitting and receiving antenna arrays are simultaneously and continuously active and geographically co-located is also discussed. In addition to this, two 50 MHz backscatter events are presented in this thesis to demonstrate the effectiveness of the FMCW system, notwithstanding the spectral ghosting complication. The first event from November 21, 2009 is identified as a Type 1 instability and the second from September 13, 2009 is identified as a Type 2 instability which lasted for ~ 16 minutes. Linear plasma fluid theory is used to provide a brief interpretation of both scattering events