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Measurement of actinide neutron cross sections
The maintenance of strong scientific expertise is criticalto the U.S. nuclear attribution community. It is particularly importantto train students in actinide chemistry and physics. Neutroncross-section data are vital components to strategies for detectingexplosives and fissile materials, and these measurements requireexpertise in chemical separations, actinide target preparation, nuclearspectroscopy, and analytical chemistry. At the University of California,Berkeley and the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory we have trainedstudents in actinide chemistry for many years. LBNL is a leader innuclear data and has published the Table of Isotopes for over 60 years.Recently, LBNL led an international collaboration to measure thermalneutron capture radiative cross sections and prepared the EvaluatedGamma-ray Activation File (EGAF) in collaboration with the IAEA. Thisfile of 35,000 prompt and delayed gamma ray cross-sections for allelements from Z=1-92 is essential for the neutron interrogation ofnuclear materials. LBNL has also developed new, high flux neutrongenerators and recently opened a 1010 n/s D+D neutron generatorexperimental facility