8 research outputs found

    Workplace Well-Being and Intent to Stay by Health Care Workers Reassigned during the First COVID-19 Wave: Results of a Swiss Survey.

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    Our study aimed at investigating the way not having the choice to be reassigned was associated to a poorer experience of reassignment among health care workers (HCWs) during the first wave of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), and indirectly to a lower workplace well-being and reduced intent to stay at the hospital. We also investigated the moderating role of the perceived hospital management responsiveness on these associations. A cross sectional survey was sent to all professionals from 11 hospitals and clinics in the French-speaking part of Switzerland, in July 2020. Out of 2811 professionals who completed the survey, 436 were HCWs reassigned to COVID-19 units during the first wave of the pandemic and constituted our analysis sample. Results indicated that hospital management responsiveness moderated the association between lack of choice and reassignment experience, indicating that the more HCWs perceived responsiveness, the less the lack of choice affected their experience of reassignment and thus their intent to stay and workplace well-being. Lack of choice during reassignments can reduce intent to stay and workplace well-being, in particular if hospital management is not perceived to be responsive during the crisis. Attempts by hospital management to find solutions, such as flexibility in working hours or extraordinary leaves, can alleviate the perceived constraints of reassignment and be considered signs of responsiveness from hospital management

    Expérience de la première vague de Covid-19 par les professionnel·le·s de 11 hôpitaux suisses romands [Experience of the first wave of Covid-19 by the professionals of 11 hospitals in French-speaking Switzerland]

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    During the first wave of Covid-19, hospital professionals had to quickly adapt their practices and introduce several changes in the organization of work and patient care. In this study, we were interested in how these changes were experienced by the professionals of 11 hospitals in French-speaking Switzerland. The results underline the importance of support between colleagues and between services in this crisis, which seems to have been marked by an improvement in interprofessional coordination and collaboration. The support of direct managers also seems to have been crucial but largely dependent on their leadership skills. Respondents emphasized the need for a transparent institutional communication

    Trust in Institutions and the COVID-19 Threat: A Cross-Sectional Study on the Public Perception of Official Recommendations and of Othering in Switzerland.

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    Objectives: To explore how perceived disease threat and trust in institutions relate to vaccination intent, perceived effectiveness of official recommendations, and to othering strategies. Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional survey of Swiss adults in July 2020. Outcome variables were vaccination intent, perceived effectiveness of official recommendations and othering strategies (labelling a given social group as responsible for the disease and distancing from it). Independent variables were perceived disease threat, trust in various institutions, perceived health-related measures, and sociodemographic variables. Linear and logistic regressions were performed. Results: The response rate was 20.2% (1518/7500). Perceived disease threat and trust in medical/scientific institutions were positively associated with vaccination intent and perceived effectiveness of official recommendations for coronavirus mitigation measures. Only disease threat was associated with a perception of effectiveness among othering strategies. Age and education levels were associated with vaccination intent. Conclusion: Reinforcing trust in medical/scientific institutions can help strengthen the perceived effectiveness of official recommendations and vaccination. It however does not prevent adherence to ineffective protecting measures such as othering strategies, where decreasing perceptions of epidemic threat appears to be more efficient

    The diagnostic performance of functional dopaminergic scintigraphic imaging in the diagnosis of dementia with Lewy bodies: an updated systematic review.

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    Dopaminergic scintigraphic imaging is a cornerstone to support the diagnosis in dementia with Lewy bodies. To clarify the current state of knowledge on this imaging modality and its impact on clinical diagnosis, we performed an updated systematic review of the literature. This systematic review was carried out according to PRISMA guidelines. A comprehensive computer literature search of PubMed/MEDLINE, EMBASE, and Cochrane Library databases for studies published through June 2022 was performed using the following search algorithm: (a) "Lewy body" [TI] OR "Lewy bodies" [TI] and (b) ("DaTscan" OR "ioflupane" OR "123ip" OR "123?ip" OR "123 ip" OR "123i-FP-CIT" OR "FPCIT" OR "FP-CIT" OR "beta?CIT" OR "beta CIT" OR "CIT?SPECT" OR "CIT SPECT" OR "Dat?scan*" OR "dat scan*" OR "dat?spect*" OR "SPECT"). Risk of bias and applicability concerns of the studies were evaluated using the QUADAS-2 tool. We performed a qualitative analysis of 59 studies. Of the 59 studies, 19 (32%) addressed the diagnostic performance of dopamine transporter imaging, 15 (25%) assessed the identification of dementia with Lewy bodies in the spectrum of Lewy body disease and 18 (31%) investigated the role of functional dopaminergic imaging in distinguishing dementia with Lewy bodies from other dementias. Dopamine transporter loss was correlated with clinical outcomes in 19 studies (32%) and with other functional imaging modalities in 15 studies (25%). Heterogeneous technical aspects were found among the studies through the use of various radioligands, the more prevalent being the [123I]N‑ω‑fluoropropyl‑2β‑carbomethoxy‑3β‑(4‑iodophenyl) nortropane ( <sup>123</sup> I-FP-CIT) in 54 studies (91.5%). Image analysis used visual analysis (9 studies, 15%), semi-quantitative analysis (29 studies, 49%), or a combination of both (16 studies, 27%). Our systematic review confirms the major role of dopaminergic scintigraphic imaging in the assessment of dementia with Lewy bodies. Early diagnosis could be facilitated by identifying the prodromes of dementia with Lewy bodies using dopaminergic scintigraphic imaging coupled with emphasis on clinical neuropsychiatric symptoms. Most published studies use a semi-quantitative analytical assessment of tracer uptake, while there are no studies using quantitative analytical methods to measure dopamine transporter loss. The superiority of a purely quantitative approach to assess dopaminergic transmission more accurately needs to be further clarified