56 research outputs found

    Differential Regulation of the Period Genes in Striatal Regions following Cocaine Exposure

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    Several studies have suggested that disruptions in circadian rhythms contribute to the pathophysiology of multiple psychiatric diseases, including drug addiction. In fact, a number of the genes involved in the regulation of circadian rhythms are also involved in modulating the reward value for drugs of abuse, like cocaine. Thus, we wanted to determine the effects of chronic cocaine on the expression of several circadian genes in the Nucleus Accumbens (NAc) and Caudate Putamen (CP), regions of the brain known to be involved in the behavioral responses to drugs of abuse. Moreover, we wanted to explore the mechanism by which these genes are regulated following cocaine exposure. Here we find that after repeated cocaine exposure, expression of the Period (Per) genes and Neuronal PAS Domain Protein 2 (Npas2) are elevated, in a somewhat regionally selective fashion. Moreover, NPAS2 (but not CLOCK (Circadian Locomotor Output Cycles Kaput)) protein binding at Per gene promoters was enhanced following cocaine treatment. Mice lacking a functional Npas2 gene failed to exhibit any induction of Per gene expression after cocaine, suggesting that NPAS2 is necessary for this cocaine-induced regulation. Examination of Per gene and Npas2 expression over twenty-four hours identified changes in diurnal rhythmicity of these genes following chronic cocaine, which were regionally specific. Taken together, these studies point to selective disruptions in Per gene rhythmicity in striatial regions following chronic cocaine treatment, which are mediated primarily by NPAS2. © 2013 Falcon et al

    Day differences in the cortisol awakening response predict day differences in synaptic plasticity in the brain

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    The cortisol awakening response (CAR) is the most prominent, dynamic and variable part of the circadian pattern of cortisol secretion. Despite this its precise purpose is unknown. Aberrant patterns of the CAR are associated with impaired physical and mental health and reduced cognitive function, suggesting that it may have a pervasive role or roles. It has been suggested that the CAR primes the brain for the expected demands of the day but the mechanisms underlying this process are unknown. We examined temporal covariation of the CAR and rapid transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS)-induced long term depression (LTD)-like responses in the motor cortex. Plasticity was evaluated across 180 measures from 5 time points on 4 sessions across 9 researcher participants, mean age 25 ± 2.5 years. Plasticity estimates were obtained in the afternoon after measurement of the CAR on 4 days, at least 3 days apart. As both CAR magnitude and rTMS-induced responses are variable across days we hypothesised that days with larger than individual average CARs would be associated with a greater than individual average plasticity response. This was confirmed by mixed regression modelling where variation in the CAR predicted variation in rTMS-induced responses (Df: 1, 148.24; F: 10.41; p=0.002). As the magnitude of the CAR is regulated by the ‘master’ circadian CLOCK, and synaptic plasticity is known to be modulated by peripheral ‘slave’ CLOCK genes, we suggest that the CAR may be a mediator between the master and peripheral circadian systems to entrain daily levels of synaptic plasticity

    A network of (autonomic) clock outputs.

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    The circadian clock in the suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) is composed of thousands of oscillator neurons, each dependent on the cell-autonomous action of a defined set of circadian clock genes. A major question is still how these individual oscillators are organized into a biological clock that produces a coherent output capable of timing all the different daily changes in behavior and physiology. We investigated which anatomical connections and neurotransmitters are used by the biological clock to control the daily release pattern of a number of hormones. The picture that emerged shows projections contacting target neurons in the medial hypothalamus surrounding the SCN. The activity of these pre-autonomic and neuro-endocrine target neurons is controlled by differentially timed waves of vasopressin, GABA, and glutamate release from SCN terminals, among other factors. Together our data indicate that, with regard to the timing of their main release period within the LD cycle, at least four subpopulations of SCN neurons should be discernible. The different subgroups do not necessarily follow the phenotypic differences among SCN neurons. Thus, different subgroups can be found within neuron populations containing the same neurotransmitter. Remarkably, a similar distinction of four differentially timed subpopulations of SCN neurons was recently also discovered in experiments determining the temporal patterns of rhythmicity in individual SCN neurons by way of the electrophysiology or clock gene expression. Moreover, the specialization of the SCN may go as far as a single body structure, i.e., the SCN seems to contain neurons that specifically target the liver, pineal gland, and adrenal gland.

    A network of (autonomic) clock outputs.

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    The circadian clock in the suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) is composed of thousands of oscillator neurons, each dependent on the cell-autonomous action of a defined set of circadian clock genes. A major question is still how these individual oscillators are organized into a biological clock that produces a coherent output capable of timing all the different daily changes in behavior and physiology. We investigated which anatomical connections and neurotransmitters are used by the biological clock to control the daily release pattern of a number of hormones. The picture that emerged shows projections contacting target neurons in the medial hypothalamus surrounding the SCN. The activity of these pre-autonomic and neuro-endocrine target neurons is controlled by differentially timed waves of vasopressin, GABA, and glutamate release from SCN terminals, among other factors. Together our data indicate that, with regard to the timing of their main release period within the LD cycle, at least four subpopulations of SCN neurons should be discernible. The different subgroups do not necessarily follow the phenotypic differences among SCN neurons. Thus, different subgroups can be found within neuron populations containing the same neurotransmitter. Remarkably, a similar distinction of four differentially timed subpopulations of SCN neurons was recently also discovered in experiments determining the temporal patterns of rhythmicity in individual SCN neurons by way of the electrophysiology or clock gene expression. Moreover, the specialization of the SCN may go as far as a single body structure, i.e., the SCN seems to contain neurons that specifically target the liver, pineal gland, and adrenal gland

    Glutamatergic clock output stimulates melatonin synthesis at night

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    The rhythm of melatonin synthesis in the rat pineal gland is under the control of the biological clock, which is located in the suprachiasmatic nucleus of the hypothalamus (SCN). Previous studies demonstrated a daytime inhibitory influence of the SCN on melatonin synthesis, by using gamma-aminobutyric acid input to the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus (PVN). Nevertheless, a recent lesion study suggested the presence of a stimulatory clock output in the control of the melatonin rhythm as well. In order to further investigate this output in acute in vivo conditions, we first measured the release of melatonin in the pineal gland before, during and after a temporary shutdown of either SCN or PVN neuronal activity, using multiple microdialysis. For both targets, SCN and PVN, the application of tetrodotoxin by reverse dialysis in the middle of the night decreased melatonin levels. Due to recent evidence of the existence of glutamatergic clock output, we then studied the effect on melatonin release of glutamate antagonist application within the PVN in the middle of the night. Blockade of the glutamatergic input to the PVN significantly decreased melatonin release. These results demonstrate that (i) neuronal activity of both PVN and SCN is necessary to stimulate melatonin synthesis during the dark period and (ii) glutamatergic signalling within the PVN plays an important role in melatonin synthesi

    The biological clock: the bodyguard of temporal homeostasis

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    In order for any organism to function properly, it is crucial that it be table to control the timing of its biological functions. An internal biological clock, located, in mammals, in the suprachiasmatic nucleus of the hypothalamus (SCN), therefore carefully guards this temporal homeostasis by delivering its message of time throughout the body. In view of the large variety of body functions (behavioral, physiological, and endocrine) as well as the large variety in their preferred time of main activity along the light:dark cycle, it seems logical to envision different means of time distribution by the SCN. In the present review, we propose that even though it presents a unimodal circadian rhythm of general electrical and metabolic activity, the SCN seems to use several sorts of output connections that are active at different times along the light:dark cycle to control the rhythmic expression of different body functions. Although the SCN is suggested to use diffusion of synchronizing factors in the rhythmic control of behavioral functions, it also needs neuronal connections for the control of endocrine functions. The distribution of the time-of-day message to neuroendocrine systems is either directly onto endocrine neurons or via intermediate neurons located in specific SCN targets. In addition, the SCN uses its connections with the autonomic nervous system for spreading its time-of-day message, either by setting the sensitivity of endocrine glands (i.e., thyroid, adrenal, ovary) or by directly controlling an endocrine output (i.e., melatonin synthesis). Moreover, the SCN seems to use different neurotransmitters released at different times along the light:dark cycle for each of the different connection types presented. Clearly, the temporal homeostasis of endocrine functions results from a diverse set of biological clock output

    In vivo evidence for a controlled offset of melatonin synthesis at dawn by the suprachiasmatic nucleus in the rat.

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    The daily rhythm of melatonin synthesis in the rat pineal gland is controlled by the central biological clock, located in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), via a multi-synaptic pathway involving, successively, neurones of the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus (PVN), sympathetic preganglionic neurones of the intermediolateral cell column of the spinal cord, and norepinephrine containing sympathetic neurones of the superior cervical ganglion. Recently, we showed that, in the rat, the SCN uses a combination of daytime inhibitory and nighttime stimulatory signals toward the PVN-pineal pathway in order to control the daily rhythm of melatonin synthesis, GABA being responsible for the daytime inhibitory message and glutamate for the nighttime stimulation. The present study was initiated to further check this concept, and to investigate the involvement of the inhibitory SCN output in the early morning circadian decline of melatonin release, with the hypothesis that, at dawn, the increased release of GABA onto pre-autonomic PVN neurones results in a diminished norepinephrine stimulation of the pineal, and ultimately an arrest of melatonin release. First, we established that prolonged norepinephrine stimulation of the pineal gland was indeed sufficient to prevent the early morning decline of melatonin release. Blockade of GABA-ergic signaling in the PVN at dawn could not prevent the early morning decline of melatonin completely. Therefore, these results show that an increased GABAergic inhibition of the PVN neurones that control the sympathetic innervation of the pineal gland, at dawn, is not sufficient to explain the early morning decline of melatonin release

    Inhibition of the casein-kinase-1-ε/δ/ prevents relapse-like alcohol drinking

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    During the past decade, it has been shown that circadian clock genes have more than a simple circadian time-keeping role. Clock genes also modulate motivational processes and have been implicated in the development of psychiatric disorders such as drug addiction. Recent studies indicate that casein-kinase 1ɛ/δ (CK1ɛ/δ)—one of the components of the circadian molecular clockwork—might be involved in the etiology of addictive behavior. The present study was initiated to study the specific role of CK1ɛ/δ in alcohol relapse-like drinking using the ‘Alcohol Deprivation Effect’ model. The effect of CK1ɛ/δ inhibition was tested on alcohol consumption in long-term alcohol-drinking rats upon re-exposure to alcohol after deprivation using a four-bottle free-choice paradigm with water, 5%, 10%, and 20% ethanol solutions, as well as on saccharin preference in alcohol-naive rats. The inhibition of CK1ɛ/δ with systemic PF-670462 (0, 10, and 30 mg/kg) injections dose-dependently decreased, and at a higher dosage prevented the alcohol deprivation effect, as compared with vehicle-treated rats. The impact of the treatment was further characterized using nonlinear regression analyses on the daily profiles of drinking and locomotor activity. We reveal that CK1ɛ/δ inhibition blunted the high daytime alcohol intake typically observed upon alcohol re-exposure, and induced a phase shift of locomotor activity toward daytime. Only the highest dose of PF-670462 shifted the saccharin intake daily rhythm toward daytime during treatment, and decreased saccharin preference after treatment. Our data suggest that CK1 inhibitors may be candidates for drug treatment development for alcoholism

    SCN outputs and the hypothalamic balance of life.

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    The circadian clock in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) is composed of thousands of oscillator neurons, each dependent on the cell-autonomous action of a defined set of circadian clock genes. Still, the major question remains how these individual oscillators are organized into a biological clock producing a coherent output able to time all the different daily changes in behavior and physiology. In the present review, the authors discuss the anatomical connections and neurotransmitters used by the SCN to control the daily rhythms in hormone release. The efferent SCN projections mainly target neurons in the medial hypothalamus surrounding the SCN. The activity of these preautonomic and neuroendocrine target neurons is controlled by differentially timed waves of, among others, vasopressin, GABA, and glutamate release from SCN terminals. Together, the data on the SCN control of neuroendocrine rhythms provide clear evidence not only that the SCN consists of phenotypically (i.e., according to neurotransmitter content) different subpopulations of neurons but also that subpopulations should be distinguished (within phenotypically similar groups of neurons) based on the acrophase of their (electrical) activity. Moreover, the specialization of the SCN may go as far as a single body structure, that is, the SCN seems to contain neurons that specifically target the liver, pineal, and adrenal.
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