4 research outputs found

    Soybean (Glycine max) allergy in Europe: Gly m 5 (beta-conglycinin) and Gly m 6 (glycinin) are potential diagnostic markers for severe allergic reactions to soy

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    BACKGROUND: Soybean is considered an important allergenic food, but published data on soybean allergens are controversial. OBJECTIVE: We sought to identify relevant soybean allergens and correlate the IgE-binding pattern to clinical characteristics in European patients with confirmed soy allergy. METHODS: IgE-reactive proteins were identified from a soybean cDNA expression library, purified from natural soybean source, or expressed in Escherichia coli. The IgE reactivity in 30 sera from subjects with a positive double-blind, placebo-controlled soybean challenge (n = 25) or a convincing history of anaphylaxis to soy (n = 5) was analyzed by ELISA or CAP-FEIA. RESULTS: All subunits of Gly m 5 (beta-conglycinin) and Gly m 6 (glycinin) were IgE-reactive: 53% (16/30) of the study subjects had specific IgE to at least 1 major storage protein, 43% (13/30) to Gly m 5 , and 36% (11/30) to Gly m 6. Gly m 5 was IgE-reactive in 5 of 5 and Gly m 6 in 3 of 5 children. IgE-binding to Gly m 5 or Gly m 6 was found in 86% (6/7) subjects with anaphylaxis to soy and in 55% (6/11) of subjects with moderate but only 33% (4/12) of subjects with mild soy-related symptoms. The odds ratio (P < .05) for severe versus mild allergic reactions in subjects with specific IgE to Gly m 5 or Gly m6 was 12/1. CONCLUSION: Sensitization to the soybean allergens Gly m 5 or Gly m 6 is potentially indicative for severe allergic reactions to soy

    Primary structure determination of two lipid transfer proteins from apricot (Prunus armeniaca)

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    It has been recently demonstrated that the major allergen of apricot is a protein of molecular mass (M-r) 9000 belonging to the family of Lipid Transfer Protein. The aim of this study was the determination of the primary structure of apricot LTP by micro-sequencing and mass spectrometric analyses. Apricot LTP is a 91 amino acids protein like peach and almond LTPs with a sequence identity of 91% and 94%, respectively. Like for the peach LTP, out of the 25 amino acids forming the inner surface of the tunnel-like hydrophobic cavity in maize ns-LTP, 16 are identical and 7 similar in the apricot LTP, supporting the hypothesis of a similar function

    Identification of Grape and Wine Allergen as an Endochitinasis 4, a Lipid Transfer Protein and a Thaumatin

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    Background: Few allergic reactions to grape are reported in the literature. In some cases an association with peach and cherry allergy was observed. No IgE-mediated reactions to wine have been described, and no grape major allergens have yet been identified. Objective: We describe several severe reactions to grape or wine. We characterized the grape major allergens and tried to identify the allergen in wine. Methods: We collected documented histories of allergic reactions to grape and wine. Grape allergens were identified by means of SDS-PAGE and immunoblotting and purified by means of HPLC. Using amino acid sequencing and mass spectrometry, we identified the family of proteins to which the allergens belong. Cross-reactivity with peach and cherry was evaluated by means of cross-wise inhibition experiments. Results: Eleven patients with reactions to grape and 3 with anaphylactic reactions to wine were recruited. The major allergens were an endochitinase 4A and a lipid-transfer protein (LTP) that was homologous to and cross-reactive with peach LTP. A 24-kd protein homologous to the cherry thaumatin-like allergen was a minor allergen. Endochitinase 4A is very likely the allergen in vino novello and in vino Fragolino. Conclusions: Grape and wine might cause severe allergic reactions in sensitive patients. The major allergens of grape are endochitinase 4A, which is also the allergen of wine, and an LTP cross-reacting with the peach major allergen