13 research outputs found

    Osteometrijsko određivanje spola žrtava Domovinskoga rata temeljem dimenzija acetabuluma, aurikularne i retroaurikularne plohe zdjelične kosti [Osteometric sex determination based on dimension of acetabulum, auricular and retroauricular surface of pelvic bone in victims of the War of Independence in Croatia]

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    Aim: The purpose of this research was to establish osteometric standards for sex determination of skeletal remains of Croats, by measuring acetabula, auricular and retroauricular surface. The skeletal remains included were victims of Croatian War of Independence and they represent contemporary Croatian population. ----- Materials and methods: The material consisted of 100 male and 100 females pelvic bones. Nine variables were measured on the acetabulum, auricular and retroauricular surface using sliding caliper and flexible measuring tape. Measured variables were noted in milimeters and were used in statistical analysis. ----- Results: Measured variables showed significantly higher values in men than in women with the exception of transverse diameter of auricular surface which showed no statistical significant difference between the sexes. Unifactor analysis showed the transverse acetabulum diameter is the best single variable with the accuracy of sex estimation in 88%. Four models of discirminant function equations were established. The best accuracy was achieved with model which included six variables when the accuracy of sex estimation was 89%. ----- Conclusion: Satisfactory accuracy can be achieved when using these set standards for Croatian population in sex estimation, both for forensic and legal puproses of identifying skeletal remains

    Methodological Approach for Evaluation and Improvement of Quality Transport Service in Public Road Passenger Transport

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    Achieving the appropriate level of quality transport service is essential in the operations of the carriers in the public road intercity line passenger transport due to an increased competition between road carriers in the market of transport services. Effective assessment of achieved competitiveness is important for the survival and development of public road passenger carriers. The problem of research is reflected in the appropriate organization and giving importance to the criteria of quality of transport service in order to improve the methodology of its evaluation with the aim of optimizing business and competitiveness in public road intercity line passenger traffic. An efficient method for evaluating the quality of transport service would solve the problem of assessing the quality of transport service and assessing the competitiveness of bus carriers. It is proposed to develop a multi-criteria model for evaluating the quality of transport services by the method of measuring passenger satisfaction. The developed VAZP model (Multicriteria Analysis of Passenger Satisfaction) is based on multicriteria analysis AHP (Analytical Hierarchical Process) which is based on the disaggregated approach and linear programming modeling. The results of the research will be described using numerical values and will be graphically presented using descriptive statistical analysis. The ability to qualitatively represent passengerꞌs judgments and preferences makes the model a suitable tool for assessing passenger satisfaction and evaluating quality service in the transportation sector, as well as strategically positioning and gaining a competitive opportunities in the transportation services market. Using the Expert Choice software tool and sensitivity analysis it would establish differences between reached level of the quality of transport service of individual bus carriers and propose possible improvements to the business to gain a competitive advantage in the market of transportation services. Systematic optimization and quality management through continuous assessment of market competitiveness contributes to the development of the business of companies for road passenger transportation

    Modeling the Permeable Power of the Road on a Semaforized Crossing Using Petri Nets

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    With the growth in demand and the development of traffic over the last fifty years, the need for the introduction of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) is growing every day. With a modern approach they solve complex traffic problems. One modern approach is modeling the dynamics of Petri Nets. The Petri Nets is a powerful graphical and mathematical model for working with discrete systems. This paper describes how using a Petri Net can manage signaled intersections, assist in choosing the best alternative route, or manage an intersection at which an incident occurred. The research was carried out in a real traffic environment, at the intersection of Zagrebačka Road and Bistrička Road in the center of the city Sesvete, by modeling with coloured timed Petri Nets

    Myoepithelial Carcinoma of the Parotid Gland

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    Rare malignant tumor of the salivary gland, a myoepithelial carcinoma, arose de novo in the right parotid gland. The initial tumor was composed predominantly of myoepithelial cells. Subsequently the tumor recurred three times, with infiltration of the bones of the cranial base. Histological examination showed sarcomatoid neoplasm composed of malignant spindle cells with high mitotic rate and perineural invasion. There was no involvement of cervical lymph nodes. Immunohistochemistry demonstrated myoepithelial differentiation: tumor cells were positively stained with vimentin, alpha smooth muscle actin and S-100 protein antibodies, and focal positively was noticed with cytokeratin (AE1/AE3) antibody. Large number of tumor cells nuclei was reactive with the monoclonal anti-p63 antibody, clone 4A4. Myoepithelial carcinomas exhibit a wide spectrum of morphological heterogeneity and for that reason could be confused with many tumors. Cytoarchitectural patterns and immunohistochemical profile are crucial for identification. These tumors are malignant neoplasms with diverse clinical outcomes, sometimes very aggressive

    Snakebites in Mostar Region, Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    The aim of this study was to provide an overview of the snakebites in patients hospitalized at the Mostar Clinical Hospital, admitted between 1983 and 2006. A total of 341 patients were recorded, with moderate men predominance (52.8%). Majority of patients were bitten for the first time (99.1%). In 98.8% of patients snakebite occurred to the bare skin, most commonly during June to September period (64.2%). Snakebites were the commonest in agricultural workers (48.1%). Until 2003 all admitted patients were treated according to Russel’s scheme (3-anti). As of 2003 new treatment scheme was applied, resulting in the reduction of antidote and supportive treatment use, causing a reduction in the number of clinically apparent allergic reactions. Serum sickness was recorded in only 2 patients, while lethal outcome was recorded in one (0.3%). Overall results indicate that lethality of snakebite is low, and that patients were often administered treatment without medical indication. High number of tourists as well as the presence of the peace keeping troops and other visiting personnel in this region make the snakebites and awareness on snakes not only a local issue, but also more general concern

    Expression of guanylate cyclase C in human prefrontal cortex depends on sex and feeding status

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    IntroductionGuanylate cyclase C (GC-C) has been detected in the rodent brain in neurons of the cerebral cortex, amygdala, midbrain, hypothalamus, and cerebellum.MethodsIn this study we determined GC-C protein expression in Brodmann areas (BA) 9, BA10, BA11, and BA32 of the human prefrontal cortex involved in regulation of feeding behavior, as well as in the cerebellar cortex, arcuate nucleus of hypothalamus and substantia nigra in brain samples of human 21 male and 13 female brains by ELISA with postmortem delay < 24 h.ResultsGC-C was found in all tested brain areas and it was expressed in neurons of the third cortical layer of BA9. The regulation of GC-C expression by feeding was found in male BA11 and BA10-M, where GC-C expression was in negative correlation to the volume of stomach content during autopsy. In female BA11 there was no correlation detected, while in BA10-M there was even positive correlation. This suggests sex differences in GC-C expression regulation in BA11 and BA10-M. The amount of GC-C was higher in female BA9 only when the death occurred shortly after a meal, while expression of GC-C was higher in BA10-O only when the stomach was empty. The expression of GC-C in female hypothalamus was lower when compared to male hypothalamus only when the stomach was full, suggesting possibly lower satiety effects of GC-C agonists in women.DiscussionThese results point toward the possible role of GC-C in regulation of feeding behavior. Since, this is first study of GC-C regulation and its possible function in prefrontal cortex, to determine exact role of GC-C in different region of prefrontal cortex, especially in humans, need further studies

    Osteometric sex determination based on dimension of acetabulum, auricular and retroauricular surface of pelvic bone in victims of the War of Independence in Croatia

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    Cilj rada: Ovo istraživanje je provedeno u svrhu postavljanja ostemetrijskih standarda za procjenu spola, temeljem mjerenja acetabuluma, aurikularne i retroaurikularne plohe, na žrtvama Domovinskog rata, a koji su reprezentativni uzorci suvremene hrvatske populacije. Zdjelična kost do sada nije bila predmet istraživanja uopće u hrvatskoj populaciji, dok do danas u literaturi ne postoje diskriminantne funkcijske jednadžbe temeljem mjerenja aurikularne i retroaurikularne plohe, za bilo koju svjetsku populaciju. ----- Materijal i metode: Ukupan uzorak se sastojao od 100 muških i 100 ženskih zdjeličnih kostiju. Na acetabulumu, aurikularnoj i retroaurikularnoj plohi je mjereno ukupno devet varijabli, uz pomoć kliznog kalipera i fleksibilnog metra. Dobivene vrijednosti, izražene u milimetrima, dalje su korištene u statističkoj analizi. ----- Rezultati: Vrijednosti mjerenih varijabli značajno su veće kod muškarace u odnosu na žene, izuzev poprečnog promjera aurikularne plohe, koji nije pokazao statistički značajne razlike među spolovima. Unifaktorska analiza je pokazala da je poprečni promjer acetabuluma najbolja pojedinačna varijabla, koja postiže točnost u procjeni spola od 88%. Visina aurikualrne i retroaurikularne plohe su najbolje pojedinačne varijable u procjeni spola, promatranog stražnjeg segmenta zdjelične kosti. Postavljena su četiri modela diskriminantnih funkcijskih jednažbi, a najboljim se pokazao model sa šest varijabli, s točnošću procjene od 89%. ----- Zaključak: Postavljenim standardima za hrvatsku populaciju postiže se zadovoljavajuća točnost u forenzičkom, kao i u pravnom kontkstu, u svrhu identifikacije spola koštanih ostataka.Aim: The purpose of this research was to establish osteometric standards for sex determination of skeletal remains of Croats, by measuring acetabula, auricular and retroauricular surface. The skeletal remains included were victims of Croatian War of Independence and they represent contemporary Croatian population. ----- Materials and methods: The material consisted of 100 male and 100 females pelvic bones. Nine variables were measured on the acetabulum, auricular and retroauricular surface using sliding caliper and flexible measuring tape. Measured variables were noted in milimeters and were used in statistical analysis. ----- Results: Measured variables showed significantly higher values in men than in women with the exception of transverse diameter of auricular surface which showed no statistical significant difference between the sexes. Unifactor analysis showed the transverse acetabulum diameter is the best single variable with the accuracy of sex estimation in 88%. Four models of discirminant function equations were established. The best accuracy was achieved with model which included six variables when the accuracy of sex estimation was 89%. ----- Conclusion: Satisfactory accuracy can be achieved when using these set standards for Croatian population in sex estimation, both for forensic and legal puproses of identifying skeletal remains

    Osteometric sex determination based on dimension of acetabulum, auricular and retroauricular surface of pelvic bone in victims of the War of Independence in Croatia

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    Cilj rada: Ovo istraživanje je provedeno u svrhu postavljanja ostemetrijskih standarda za procjenu spola, temeljem mjerenja acetabuluma, aurikularne i retroaurikularne plohe, na žrtvama Domovinskog rata, a koji su reprezentativni uzorci suvremene hrvatske populacije. Zdjelična kost do sada nije bila predmet istraživanja uopće u hrvatskoj populaciji, dok do danas u literaturi ne postoje diskriminantne funkcijske jednadžbe temeljem mjerenja aurikularne i retroaurikularne plohe, za bilo koju svjetsku populaciju. ----- Materijal i metode: Ukupan uzorak se sastojao od 100 muških i 100 ženskih zdjeličnih kostiju. Na acetabulumu, aurikularnoj i retroaurikularnoj plohi je mjereno ukupno devet varijabli, uz pomoć kliznog kalipera i fleksibilnog metra. Dobivene vrijednosti, izražene u milimetrima, dalje su korištene u statističkoj analizi. ----- Rezultati: Vrijednosti mjerenih varijabli značajno su veće kod muškarace u odnosu na žene, izuzev poprečnog promjera aurikularne plohe, koji nije pokazao statistički značajne razlike među spolovima. Unifaktorska analiza je pokazala da je poprečni promjer acetabuluma najbolja pojedinačna varijabla, koja postiže točnost u procjeni spola od 88%. Visina aurikualrne i retroaurikularne plohe su najbolje pojedinačne varijable u procjeni spola, promatranog stražnjeg segmenta zdjelične kosti. Postavljena su četiri modela diskriminantnih funkcijskih jednažbi, a najboljim se pokazao model sa šest varijabli, s točnošću procjene od 89%. ----- Zaključak: Postavljenim standardima za hrvatsku populaciju postiže se zadovoljavajuća točnost u forenzičkom, kao i u pravnom kontkstu, u svrhu identifikacije spola koštanih ostataka.Aim: The purpose of this research was to establish osteometric standards for sex determination of skeletal remains of Croats, by measuring acetabula, auricular and retroauricular surface. The skeletal remains included were victims of Croatian War of Independence and they represent contemporary Croatian population. ----- Materials and methods: The material consisted of 100 male and 100 females pelvic bones. Nine variables were measured on the acetabulum, auricular and retroauricular surface using sliding caliper and flexible measuring tape. Measured variables were noted in milimeters and were used in statistical analysis. ----- Results: Measured variables showed significantly higher values in men than in women with the exception of transverse diameter of auricular surface which showed no statistical significant difference between the sexes. Unifactor analysis showed the transverse acetabulum diameter is the best single variable with the accuracy of sex estimation in 88%. Four models of discirminant function equations were established. The best accuracy was achieved with model which included six variables when the accuracy of sex estimation was 89%. ----- Conclusion: Satisfactory accuracy can be achieved when using these set standards for Croatian population in sex estimation, both for forensic and legal puproses of identifying skeletal remains

    Osteometric sex determination based on dimension of acetabulum, auricular and retroauricular surface of pelvic bone in victims of the War of Independence in Croatia

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    Cilj rada: Ovo istraživanje je provedeno u svrhu postavljanja ostemetrijskih standarda za procjenu spola, temeljem mjerenja acetabuluma, aurikularne i retroaurikularne plohe, na žrtvama Domovinskog rata, a koji su reprezentativni uzorci suvremene hrvatske populacije. Zdjelična kost do sada nije bila predmet istraživanja uopće u hrvatskoj populaciji, dok do danas u literaturi ne postoje diskriminantne funkcijske jednadžbe temeljem mjerenja aurikularne i retroaurikularne plohe, za bilo koju svjetsku populaciju. ----- Materijal i metode: Ukupan uzorak se sastojao od 100 muških i 100 ženskih zdjeličnih kostiju. Na acetabulumu, aurikularnoj i retroaurikularnoj plohi je mjereno ukupno devet varijabli, uz pomoć kliznog kalipera i fleksibilnog metra. Dobivene vrijednosti, izražene u milimetrima, dalje su korištene u statističkoj analizi. ----- Rezultati: Vrijednosti mjerenih varijabli značajno su veće kod muškarace u odnosu na žene, izuzev poprečnog promjera aurikularne plohe, koji nije pokazao statistički značajne razlike među spolovima. Unifaktorska analiza je pokazala da je poprečni promjer acetabuluma najbolja pojedinačna varijabla, koja postiže točnost u procjeni spola od 88%. Visina aurikualrne i retroaurikularne plohe su najbolje pojedinačne varijable u procjeni spola, promatranog stražnjeg segmenta zdjelične kosti. Postavljena su četiri modela diskriminantnih funkcijskih jednažbi, a najboljim se pokazao model sa šest varijabli, s točnošću procjene od 89%. ----- Zaključak: Postavljenim standardima za hrvatsku populaciju postiže se zadovoljavajuća točnost u forenzičkom, kao i u pravnom kontkstu, u svrhu identifikacije spola koštanih ostataka.Aim: The purpose of this research was to establish osteometric standards for sex determination of skeletal remains of Croats, by measuring acetabula, auricular and retroauricular surface. The skeletal remains included were victims of Croatian War of Independence and they represent contemporary Croatian population. ----- Materials and methods: The material consisted of 100 male and 100 females pelvic bones. Nine variables were measured on the acetabulum, auricular and retroauricular surface using sliding caliper and flexible measuring tape. Measured variables were noted in milimeters and were used in statistical analysis. ----- Results: Measured variables showed significantly higher values in men than in women with the exception of transverse diameter of auricular surface which showed no statistical significant difference between the sexes. Unifactor analysis showed the transverse acetabulum diameter is the best single variable with the accuracy of sex estimation in 88%. Four models of discirminant function equations were established. The best accuracy was achieved with model which included six variables when the accuracy of sex estimation was 89%. ----- Conclusion: Satisfactory accuracy can be achieved when using these set standards for Croatian population in sex estimation, both for forensic and legal puproses of identifying skeletal remains