223 research outputs found

    Relationship between a uterine fibroid diagnosis and the risk of adverse obstetrical outcomes:a cohort study

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    ObjectiveThe aim was to investigate the association between clinically significant uterine fibroids and preterm birth, caesarean section (CS), postpartum haemorrhage (PPH), placental abruption, intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) and uterine rupture.Methods, participants and settingA historical cohort study based on data from the Danish National Birth Cohort, the Danish National Patient Registry and the Danish National Birth Registry (DNBR). The final study population consisted of 92 696 pregnancies and was divided into four groups for comparison. Group 1: pregnancies of women without a fibroid diagnosis code or fibroid operation code; group 2: pregnancies of women with a fibroid diagnosis code before pregnancy, during pregnancy or up to 1 year after delivery, and no fibroid operation code before pregnancy; group 3: pregnancies of women with a fibroid diagnosis code given more than 1 year after delivery; and group 4: pregnancies of women with a fibroid operation code given before pregnancy.ResultsA diagnosis of fibroids before pregnancy yielded an increased risk of preterm birth (gestational age (GA) ≤37 weeks) (OR 2.27 (1.30─3.96)) and extreme preterm birth (GA 22+0─27+6 weeks, OR 20.09 (8.04─50.22)). The risk of CS was increased (OR 1.83 (1.23─2.72)) for women with a fibroid diagnosis code given before pregnancy; significantly increased risk of elective CS (OR 1.92 (1.11─3.32)), but not acute CS (OR 1.54 (0.94─2.52)). The risks of PPH, placental abruption or IUGR were not increased in any of the groups.ConclusionWe found a strong association between clinically significant uterine fibroids and preterm birth, and an association between clinically significant uterine fibroids and CS. In contrast, no association between clinically significant uterine fibroids and PPH, placental abruption or IUGR was seen

    Systemteori som vej til inkluderende fællesskaber : Udvikling i Fællesskaber, professionsudvikling og inklusion

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    Med udgangspunkt i et projekt med fokus på inklusion i en Nordjysk kommune diskuteres hvordan arbejdet med systemteori som grundlag for inklusion i den pædagogiske praksis, åbner op for en måde de professionelle kan forstå deres praksis. Men teorien giver ikke direkte handlemuligheder for arbejdet med inklusion. Vi mener, at tilgangen kræver, at lærer og pædagoger omsætter deres forståelse af systemteori i forhold til deres forståelse af inklusion. Samtidig vil vi argumentere for, at det fordrer at den systemteoretiske tænkning kobles til deres selvforståelse som professionelle

    Primary health care staff's perceptions of childhood tuberculosis: a qualitative study from Tanzania

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Diagnosing tuberculosis in children remains a great challenge in developing countries. Health staff working in the front line of the health service delivery system has a major responsibility for timely identification and referral of suspected cases of childhood tuberculosis. This study explored primary health care staff's perception, challenges and needs pertaining to the identification of children with tuberculosis in Muheza district in Tanzania.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We conducted a qualitative study that included 13 semi-structured interviews and 3 focus group discussions with a total of 29 health staff purposively sampled from primary health care facilities. Analysis was performed in accordance with the principles of a phenomenological analysis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Primary health care staff perceived childhood tuberculosis to be uncommon in the society and tuberculosis was rarely considered as a likely differential diagnosis. Long duration and severe signs of disease together with known exposure to tuberculosis were decisive for the staff to suspect tuberculosis in children and refer them to hospital. None of the staff felt equipped to identify cases of childhood tuberculosis and they experienced lack of knowledge, applicable tools and guidelines as the main challenges. They expressed the need for more training, supervision and referral feedback to improving case identification.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Inadequate awareness of the burden of childhood tuberculosis, limited knowledge of the wide spectrum of clinical presentation and lack of clinical decision support strategies is detrimental to the health staff's central responsibility of suspecting and referring children with tuberculosis especially in the early disease stages. Activities to improve case identification should focus on skills required by primary health care staff to fulfil their responsibility and reflect primary health care level capacities and challenges.</p

    Risk for Tuberculosis among Children

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    Risk among children is underestimated in countries with a high incidence of this disease
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