430 research outputs found


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    The paper describes how the supervisorā€™s awareness of their covert processes, thoughts, and feelings increased as a direct result of the work in the median group and in the supervision of supervision. When the supervisor misses the parallel process in the supervision group, it can be discovered in the supervision of supervision and during self-analysis. Some aspects of the parallel processes are discussed and presented through vignettes from supervision and median group sessions. The paper also presents the results of different studies about supervision and supervision of supervision observed from the perspective of supervisees and supervisors. Theoretical explanations of parallel process are presented as well


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    The paper describes how the supervisorā€™s awareness of their covert processes, thoughts, and feelings increased as a direct result of the work in the median group and in the supervision of supervision. When the supervisor misses the parallel process in the supervision group, it can be discovered in the supervision of supervision and during self-analysis. Some aspects of the parallel processes are discussed and presented through vignettes from supervision and median group sessions. The paper also presents the results of different studies about supervision and supervision of supervision observed from the perspective of supervisees and supervisors. Theoretical explanations of parallel process are presented as well

    Geostatistical approach to spatial analysis of forest damage

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    Background and Purpose: Significantly increased forest damage has recently been observed in the Republic of Croatia, as well as increased proportion of unplanned felling in prescribed cuts, which has negative repercussions for sustainable management. The objective of this study was is to explore the possibilities of simple and reliable detection, inventorying (mapping) and monitoring forest health condition by means of color infrared (CIR) imagery and geostatistical methods. Materials and Methods: Four trees (crowns) closest to the point of the raster (100 Ā“ 100 m) which was set up in the digital orthophoto for the area, were interpreted in CIR images. Forest damage indicators, mean damage and damage index were calculated for the whole area under observation. The assessment and identification of spatial distribution of these damage indicators were performed using raster point data, from which a random (966 points) and a systematic (445 points) sample were created. The results on forest damage acquired by interpreting CIR images were used for geostatistical analysis. A model of theoretical semivariograms provided parameters which were used for interpolation of both damage indicators with ordinary kriging. Continuous maps of damage degree distribution were then constructed. The results of interpolation were tested with the cross-validation method. Results and discussion: Damage indicator maps are the result of the following: data variability, sampling intensity and method, form of experimental and theoretical semivariograms which were subsequently used to compute kriging matrices, method of selecting a particular semivariogram, assessment accuracy, the choice of interpolation methods (kriging, cokriging, stochastic simulation, inverse distance, etc.). Tree damage generally does not have regular, but rather random spatial distribution. This is why the primary aim in identifying forest damage is to incorporate the whole area of interest into sampling. Sampling intensity should be adapted to the required accuracy and to the time and funds at our disposal. Conclusions: This research relies on the application of CIR aerial photographs and geostatistical tools in spatial analysis of forest damage. Continuous maps of damage indicators acquired with kriging provide a better insight into the spatial distribution of damage than do thematic maps obtained by interpreting CIR aerial imagery on the basis of a systematic sample (the raster method). Integration of interpretation results of CIR aerial images and geostatistical approach ensures a more precise distribution of damage indicators, and consequently, the possibility of better spatial analysis of the occurrence, trends and development of damage in the study area

    Distribution of North American ash species in the Drava River basin and Danube basin (Croatia)

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    There are two North American ash species which have been acclimatized in north Croatian forest ecosystems: the white ash (Fraxinus americana L.) and the green ash (F. pennsylvanica Marshall). In the lowlands forests of the Drava River basin and Danube basin a total number of 960 subcompartments with North American ash species were established. According to the collected dendrological material the green ash was determined in twenty subcompartments. In those subcompartments the white ash was not found. Accordingly, the distribution of an important neophyte for wood production in the Drava River basin and Danube basin has been mapped for the first time. North American ash species are present in small, mostly isolated depressions where they were planted at the beginning or in the middle of the 20th century. Also, they spontaneously spread to many locations and with other pioneer species colonize swamps and river islets. In these locations the green ash has a pioneer and reclamation role in preparing habitats for the arrival and success of the native narrow-leaved ash (F. angustifolia Vahl). The timber value of North American ash species is small because the trees are usually bent by wind, snow and ice. Also, the trees of North American ash species were more often pulled down than the trees of native species

    Obrada otpadnih voda nakon poboljŔanih pranja sirove vune

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    Textile industry processes need high amounts of water for wet treatment of textiles. Therefore, high amounts of wastewater also appear containing different inorganic and organic substances depending on the used materials and processes. Raw wool is contaminated with wool wax, suint, skin flakes, dirt, sand, vegetable matter, urine and various microorganisms. The methods for raw wool scouring and cleaning today often in use are: scouring in the suint, scouring with soaps or tenside in alkaline, extraction by organic solvents and freezing. The different methods for wastewater purification after scouring in use are: settling/floculation, biological treatment, adsorption and catalytic oxidation. In this work, wastewater treatments after improved raw wool scouring with enzymes and EDTA have been investigated. Isothermal adsorption on zeolite A, active carbon and a natural and H+ type of bentonite for removal of the obtained wastewater impurities was used. The results were determined by means of different physical-chemical test methods.U tekstilnoj industriji troÅ”e se velike količine vode za mokre obrade tekstila. Stoga nastaju i velike količine otpadnih voda, koje sadrže različite anorganske i organske tvari ovisno o uporabljenim materijalima i procesima. Sirova vuna je onečiŔćena vunenim voskom, znojem, komadićima kože, pijeskom, vegetabilnim tvarima, urinom i različitim mikroorganizmima. NajčeŔće se primijenjuju metode pranja i čiŔćenja vune: pranje u znoju, u sapunima ili tenzidima u alkalnoj sredini, ekstrakcija u organskim otapalima i zamrzavanje. Također su poznate različite metode pročiŔćavanja otpadnih voda poslije pranja vune: taloženje/flokulacija, bioloÅ”ka obrada, adsorpcija i katalitička oksidacija. U ovom radu je ispitivana obrada otpadnih voda nakon poboljÅ”anih pranja sirove vune s enzimima i EDTA. Za uklanjanje onečiŔćenja otpadnih voda upotrijebljena je izotermna adsorpcija na zeolitu A, aktivnom ugljenu, prirodnom i H+ tipu bentonita. Rezultati su određivani upotrebom različitih fizikalno-kemijskih metoda ispitivanj

    Obrada otpadnih voda nakon poboljŔanih pranja sirove vune

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    Textile industry processes need high amounts of water for wet treatment of textiles. Therefore, high amounts of wastewater also appear containing different inorganic and organic substances depending on the used materials and processes. Raw wool is contaminated with wool wax, suint, skin flakes, dirt, sand, vegetable matter, urine and various microorganisms. The methods for raw wool scouring and cleaning today often in use are: scouring in the suint, scouring with soaps or tenside in alkaline, extraction by organic solvents and freezing. The different methods for wastewater purification after scouring in use are: settling/floculation, biological treatment, adsorption and catalytic oxidation. In this work, wastewater treatments after improved raw wool scouring with enzymes and EDTA have been investigated. Isothermal adsorption on zeolite A, active carbon and a natural and H+ type of bentonite for removal of the obtained wastewater impurities was used. The results were determined by means of different physical-chemical test methods.U tekstilnoj industriji troÅ”e se velike količine vode za mokre obrade tekstila. Stoga nastaju i velike količine otpadnih voda, koje sadrže različite anorganske i organske tvari ovisno o uporabljenim materijalima i procesima. Sirova vuna je onečiŔćena vunenim voskom, znojem, komadićima kože, pijeskom, vegetabilnim tvarima, urinom i različitim mikroorganizmima. NajčeŔće se primijenjuju metode pranja i čiŔćenja vune: pranje u znoju, u sapunima ili tenzidima u alkalnoj sredini, ekstrakcija u organskim otapalima i zamrzavanje. Također su poznate različite metode pročiŔćavanja otpadnih voda poslije pranja vune: taloženje/flokulacija, bioloÅ”ka obrada, adsorpcija i katalitička oksidacija. U ovom radu je ispitivana obrada otpadnih voda nakon poboljÅ”anih pranja sirove vune s enzimima i EDTA. Za uklanjanje onečiŔćenja otpadnih voda upotrijebljena je izotermna adsorpcija na zeolitu A, aktivnom ugljenu, prirodnom i H+ tipu bentonita. Rezultati su određivani upotrebom različitih fizikalno-kemijskih metoda ispitivanj

    Psychological determinace of marriage

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    Brak je osobno i pravno obvezivanje dvoje ljudi. Ceremonija vjenčanja ima puno simboličkih detalja koji su tradicionalno preuzeti iz prijaÅ”njih generacija. Ti simbolički detalji su bijela haljina, veo, ceremonija, otac koji daje kćer... Obiteljski životni ciklusi pomažu nam u predočavanju bračnog i obiteljskog života tijekom vremena. Bračni odnos ima četiri faze: novopečeni brak, roditeljski brak, brak srednje dobi i brak starije dobi. U ranim fazama braka, svaki partner aktivno kreira bračnu ulogu koja se bazira na individualnim vrijednostima svakog od njih. Bračno se zadovoljstvo smanjuje nakon rođenja prvog djeteta, ali postoji velika Å”ansa da se ono povisi nakon Å”to djeca napuste roditeljski dom. Parovi koji su u braku srednje generacije nazivaju se generacija u sendviču. U kasnijem životu, muÅ”karci postaju manje kompetitivni i viÅ”e orijentirani na interpersonalne relacije, dok žene postaju viÅ”e neovisne i asertivne. Umirovljenje najčeŔće znači manju ili veću promjenu u rutini i odgovornostima u domaćinstvu. Problem koji se u kasnijoj dobi pojavljuje vezan je uz stereotip, raÅ”iren kako među mladim tako i starijim ljudima, prema kojem su stariji ljudi smanjenih seksualnih interesa. Često se podrazumijeva da stariji ljudi nisu sposobni za seksualne odnose. Nije dokazano da se neki tip braka može opisati kao stabilniji od nekog drugog.Marriage is both personal and legal commitment between partners. The wedding ceremony has many symbolic details which are based on traditions from past generations. Those symbolic details are white dress, a veil, the processional and the father who is giving the bride away. Family life cycle is a good representation of marriage and family life across time. Marital relationship has four stages: newlywed marriage, parental marriage, mid-life marriage and later-life marriage. In the early stages of marriage, each couple actively creates marital roles based on their own individual values. Marital satisfaction diminishes when the first baby is born and there is a great chance that it raises again after children leave the parental home. Couples in the mid-life marriage are usually called the sandwich generation. In later life, man become less competitive and more relationship oriented while women become more independent and assertive. Retirements mostly mean a more or less dramatic change of household routines and responsibilities. Problems of retirement years may occur due to a stereotypes about what it means to become old and the most serious misconceptions about old age, a stereotype that share both young and old people, is that sexual interests are diminished as the years go by. It is often assumed that older man can no longer performed sexually. Although marital satisfaction refers to how a person describes and evaluates the quality of his or her marriage, there is no one type of marriage that can be describing more stable than others

    Transport Mode Choice According to Transport Costs Rationalization Criteria

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    Predmet istraživanja u ovome radu jest Å”pedicija i odabir načina prijevoza po kriteriju racionalizacije transportnih troÅ”kova. Å pedicija korisnicima svojih usluga omogućava jednostavnu i ekonomičnu isporuku robe kao i distribuciju diljem svijeta. Ovisno o zahtjevima i potrebama komitenata, Å”pediter organizira i obavlja prijevoznu uslugu, bilo da se radi o direktnom ili zbirnom transportu. Pritom su troÅ”kovi jedan od glavnih parametara koji se uzimaju u obzir prilikom odabira načina prijevoza.The subject of this study is to select the shipping and transport based on the criteria of rationalization of transport costs. Freight forwarders provide theirs clients a simple and cost-effective delivery of goods and distribution worldwide. Depending on the requirements and customer needs, freight forwarder organize and carries out the transport service, whether it is a direct or groupage transport. The costs are one of the main parameters to be taken into consideration when choosing a mode of transportation

    Tannic resin synthesis and use as adhesive for particleboard production

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    pripreme taninske smole i njene uporabe kao adheziva za proizvodnju ploča iverica. U prvoj fazi rada sinetezom kondenzirajućeg tanina hrasta i krutog paraformaldehida pripremljena je taninska smola. Tako pripremljena smola u drugoj fazi koriÅ”tena za supstituciju dijela (5, 10 i 15 %) komercijalne urea-formaldehidne (UF) smole, primjenom koje su izrađene eksperimentalne ploče iverice. Usporedba fizikalno-mehaničkih svojstava ploča iverica izrađenih primjenom čiste UF smole i ploča izrađenih iz modificirane smole pokazala je da ploče izrađene uz dodatak taninske smole imaju bolja mehanička svojstva, ali i neÅ”to loÅ”ija fizikalna svojstva. Uz to rezultati su pokazali da se vrijednosti ispitanih svojstava ne kreću linearno s povećanjem/smanjenjem udjela taninske smole. Koncentracija slobodnog formaldehida ostala je gotovo ista neovisno o dodatku taninske smole. Dobiveni podaci sugeriraju na povoljan utjecaj dodatka taninske smole komercijalnim adhezivima za proizvodnju ploča iverica. Ipak, prije potencijalnog koriÅ”tenja taninskih smola u navedene svrhe, potrebno je optimirati uvjete sinteze smole i provesti dodatna istraživanja njihove strukture
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