1 research outputs found

    Perubahan Perilaku Masyarakat Jawa dalam Penyelenggaraan Resepsi Pernikahan di Kota Surakarta

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    The wedding party for the Javanese community is the main event from a series of the wedding events. The wedding reception was held twice in the Javanese community. The reception was held by female (bride) family and male (groom) family. Every event of the wedding has a different ceremonial procession. The purpose of this study was to determine the form of behavioral changes in the Javanese community in organizing wedding receptions or party and the factors which influence the organization of the wedding reception. The subject of this study is Javanese society in Surakarta. This study was descriptive qualitative study and analyzed using behavioral sociological theory by BF Skinner and adapted theory by Robert K. Merton. The data collection in this study was used observation techniques involving 26 informants. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling. Data analysis technique used was an interactive analysis technique that consists of three components. Those are data reduction, data display and conclusion. The results of the study showed that there has been a change in the implementation of a traditional wedding reception in Javanese society. The changes are the result of the adjustment between the old traditions of Javanese culture and modern changes. The changes cannot be separated from the role of couple\u27s parents as organizers. The parent\u27s decisions in this event is a part of the parent\u27s response from the surrounding influences. The adjustments in organizing the reception is due to several factors including the change of parents\u27s mindset, the influence of the environment and others. The changes of series of processions in the wedding ceremony is a proof that Javanese society always changes following the times