483 research outputs found

    Customer Switching Behavior dalam Membeli Batik dari UKM

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis customer switching behavior dalam membeli batik dari UKM . Desain penelitian ini adalah cross sectional, menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif dengan metode explanatory survei. Unit analisis konsumen sebanyak 106 orang. Pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan kuesioner. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah teknik deskriptif dengan menggunakan distribusi frekuensi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menggunakan analisis deskriptif, didapatkan hasil bahwa customer switching behavior berkatagori baik. Perbedaan penelitian ini dengan penelitian sebelumnya adalah terletak pada variabel independen, yaitu layanan purna jual pada produk otomotif, serta menggunakan teori atau referensi yang berbeda dengan peneliti sebelumnya

    Utilization of Mungbean's Green House Fodder and Silage in the Ration for Lactating Dairy Cows

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    Green house fodder (GHF) is high quality forage that is produced by hydroponic vertical farming system in green house in short time. Silage is also high quality feed that is available all year rounds. The research aimed to evaluate productivity and nutritive value of mungbean's GHF and its supplementation effect with and without silages based ration on dairy cow performances. The research was divided into two experiments. The first experiment studied the seed density (A1= 1.5 kg/m2; A2= 2.5 kg/m2; A3= 3.5 kg/m2) in bioslurry:ABmix 25:75 media as nutrient solution and used randomized block design. The second experiment studied mungbean's GHF supplementation that used twelve lactating dairy cows with 2 x 2 randomized factorial block design 2 x 2. Factor 1 compared silages utilization (S0= without silages; S1= silages) and factor 2 tested mungbean's GHF supplementation level (G0= 0% DM; G1= 5% DM). The results showed that A1 produced the highest biomass conversion (5.27). GHF had high digestibility and fermentability indicated that GHF had potential as dairy feed. Supplementation of GHF increased nutrient intake. Silage is a high quality feed, so that GHF supplementation did not give significant effects on nutrient digestibility and milk production. It can be concluded that the low seed density (1.5 kg/m2) had high productivity and nutrition quality, and its supplementation increased nutrient intake, but did not affect nutrient digestibility and milk production

    Aspek Keselamatan Operasi Penyimpanan Sementara Bahan Bakar Nuklir Bekas

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    Facility of Instalation Storage for Spent Fuel (ISFSF) designed to be able to place Spent Nuclear Fuel (SNF) as result of 25 years Versatile Reactor – G. A. Siwabbesy added by 1 core unload. In normal operation, there is change of 8 SNF and there is 7 cycles in a year with storage capacity is 1448 SNF elements including used element control rod. Until the end of 2011, real situation of ISFSF has only 245 SNF and normal operation has 6 times change SNF each cycles and 4 cycles in a year, therefore storage capaccity of ISFSF can reach 60 operational years. After SNF moved from reactor fuel to ISFSF emits heat 42,10 watt each elements and heat total is 6 kW. ISFSF completed with cooler system to hold on water temperation not more than 35 ºC and VAC hold on air temperation not more than 25 ºC. Heat transfer in ISFSF shows the increasing 0,057 ºC of water temperature each day in non operational cooler system and VAC operates into 67 ºC abnormal temperature limit for 560 days. While in non opeartional cooler system condition and VAC, there is increasing 0,25 ºC each day for water temperature with the achievement limitation 128 days and the air temperature becomes 35 ºC each day in 2 hours 11 minutes. Value of radiation exposure in ISFSF between 0,14 – 0,77 μSv each hour is safe for workers and the environment. While surface contamination value of alpha from 0.00 to 0.00 Bq/cm2, beta from 0.00 to 0.02 Bq/cm2 and air contamination alpha values from 0.00 to 0.00 Bq/cm2, beta from 0,00 to 0.23 Bq/cm2, included into the low contamination areas and is still below the level of contamination

    Analisis Media Online sebagai Sumber Informasi Wisatawan Australia dalam Mendapatkan Informasi Virus Corona di Bali

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    Tujuan: Penelitan ini bertujuan untuk mencari media yang menjadi sumber informasi wisatawan Australia yang mencari informasi tentang virus corona di Bali. Australia merupakan negara pengunjung Bali tertinggi menurut disparda pemerintah provinsi Bali tahun 2019. Dalam upaya pemulihan industri pariwisata dapat memanfaatkan teknologi informasi sebagai media dalam menyebarkan informasi. Metode penelitian: Metode penelitian menggunakan metode analisis kualitatif dengan melakukan observasi terhadap 100 artikel pada mesin pencari. Temuan: Hasil penelitian menemukan 80 website dari 11 negara sebagai sumber informasi yang tampil pada mesin pencari. Media tersebut digunakan pemangku kepentingan untuk mengupayakan peningkatan citra positif Bali. Implikasi: Implikasi praktis dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menyajikan daftar media online yang dapat digunakan untuk melakukan publikasi konten positif dan menarik. Publikasi diperlukan agar dapat meningkatkan keinginan masyarakat Australia untuk berkunjung ke Bali sebagai wisatawan

    Business Analysis of Illegal Selling and Copyrights Violation on E-Commerce (Case Study Shopee)

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    Nowadays technology is growing rapidly. Buying and selling interactions that are usually done directly can now be done online through E-Commerce applications. Because more and more people are using E-Commerce applications, the government makes regulations regarding the PMSE Government Regulation which was set in 2019. This article was carried out with the aim of finding out whether there are still business actors who do not follow the PMSE Government Regulation. This research focuses more on business actors who sell book products and also software applications on the Shopee application. This research uses three methods, namely conducting a literature study related to the PMSE Government Regulation, exploring the E-Commerce platform, conducting interviews with buyers or book readers and book creators. This study shows the results that there are still business actors who do not follow the PMSE Government Regulations. The implication of finding business actors on E-Commerce Shopee who do not follow PMSE Government Regulations is that in future research they can conduct research on other E-Commerce platforms, for example such as Lazada, Tokopedia, JD ID and other platforms

    Pecundang dari Perdagangan Internasional: Studi Kasus Impor 28 Jenis Buah Musiman di Indonesia

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    The quality of the Indonesian fruit production is actually insufficient to meet domestic consumption, the geographical condition, with its tropical climate is perfect for growing the seasonal fruit. This study aims to determine whether the imports of the 28 seasonal fruit, which is also grown domestically, put pressure on the domestic production. International trade theory states, imports will put pressure on the domestic producers. The data used to test these theories is the time series data from 1970 to 2012 of 28 types of seasonal fruit.We use the natural log for the import and also the domestic production instead of the nominal amount.The impactof Indonesian trade policy periodization also try to explain by using dummy variables in the standart regression model. The results showed the negative impact of imports on production of 28 types of the local fruit. Other results also show that in the period before the 1980 production was 53 percent higher than in the period after it, which the period wherethe economic openness are higher

    Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan terhadap Kepuasan dan Loyalitas Nasabah pada LPD Desa Adat Kedonganan

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    Globalization that happened bring emulation consequence which progressively tighten. To a any company of its effort area of the emulation will always force them to always to give service as well as possible to cutomer, or them will be remained by cutomer. To Lembaga Perkreditan Desa (LPD), one of the all important factor to increase satisfaction of cutomer is by giving service which as well as possible to cutomer or client. This research regarding influence of is quality of service to and satisfaction of loyalitas client at LPD Countryside Custom of Kedonganan. Target of research to know influence of is quality of service to satisfaction of client, influence of satisfaction of client to client loyalty, influence of is quality of service to client loyalty. Method data collecting in this research pass observation method, interview, and kuisioner. This research use primary data and of sekunder, by using two analysis that is descriptive statistic and analysis of inferensial. From this research is obtained by result of that quality of service have an effect on positive to satisfaction of client, satisfaction of client have an effect on positive to client loyalitas, quality of service have an effect on positive to client loyalty. Suggestion able to be given by management and employees shall LPD Countryside Custom of Kedonganan pay attention five dimension of is quality of service especially empathy indicator

    Pengaruh Switching Cost terhadap Customer Behavioral Loyalty dan Attitudinal Loyalty pada Pelanggan Pre-Paid GSM Perusahaan Telekomunikasi di Kota Denpasar

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    Research to test and analyse influence of cost switching to loyalty behavioral customer and of attitudinal loyalty. Research responder amount to 150 one who use GSM prabayar provider. Intake of sampel use method of is non sampling probability specially sampling purposive. Research hypothesis tested to use technique analyse Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) with AMOS software 16.0. Result of analysis indicate that cost switching have an effect on positive and signifikan to loyalty behavioral customer and of attitudinal loyalty. Its meaning of excelsior of is expense of changing over consumer to other provider hence behavioral excelsior of attitude and loyalitas of loyalitas consumer at USAge of GSM provider. Practical Implication to company of telecommunications specially at GSM prabayar provider is ever take care of and improve loyalitas USAge of product, to be can maintain its cutomer, and anticipate all competitor which continue to have order to face emulation
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