21 research outputs found

    Pengukuran Tingkat Kesadaran Merek (Brand Awareness) pada Motor Honda (Studi Kasus pada Mahasiswa Fakultas Ilmu Sosia dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Riau)

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    This study was conducted to test the Brand Awareness Level Measurement (Brand Awareness) At Honda Motor (Case study of social, Faculty of Science and Political Science, University of Riau). Brand awareness measurement can be done by characterizing the four elements, namely, top of mind, brand recall, brand recognition, unaware of the brand. The sampling method used is convenience sampling that samples can be found easily, as many as 100 respondents.Analysis technique used is descriptive analysis, which can be interpreted as the troubleshooting procedures that are surrounded by depict or describe the circumstances, the subject or object of research at the present time based on the facts that appear or as it is. Data are presented in tabular form with the numbers percentage delengkapi with descriptions.From the calculation of the analysis we found that the motorcycle brand Honda took first place by 58% of respondents, brand recall brand motorcycle Honda finished second at 25%, the brand recognition of 80% indicating so familiar brands of motorcycles honda among consumers, the analysis unaware of brand honda motorcycle brands are not categorized within unaware of the brand for the majority of respondents know the brands of motorbikes honda

    Tinjauan Arsitektur Interior Tradisional Desa Kanekes

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    Traditional architecture born of cultural and inherited by the previous generation. One of the traditional architecture that still survives is the tradisional architecture of Kanekes indigenous Or known as people of Baduy, live in mountainous region Kendeng, Lebak regency , sub distric Lewi Damar, Banten – Indonesia. Traditional architecture is characterized by its simplicity, but it contains a high value philosophy. And maintain continuity between humans and nature. Indigenous Architecture Kanekes still bound by customary rules, so that traditional values ​​growing stronger

    Wettability Alteration Induced by Surface Roughening During Low Salinity Waterflooding

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    Wettability alteration during low salinity waterflooding (LSW) is expected to be one of the prominent reasons for enhanced oil recovery. However, the underlying mechanisms of improved oil recovery in sandstone during LSW are not entirely clear. Thus, a series of experiments was carried out to investigate the underlying mechanisms that drive the wettability alteration. FTIR spectroscopy was combined with thermogravimetric analysis to quantify the amount of adsorbed hydrocarbon components in sandstone with various clay contents. Afterward, the time-dependent contact angle in fabricated sandstone substrate (RMS roughness 9.911.31) was observed with various clay and brine contents to monitor the wettability alteration during LSW. The existence of divalent ions (Ca2+ and Mg2+) was found to stabilize the sandstone and prevent it from swelling. Surprisingly, with the presence of divalent ions, the rate of contact angle change was insignificant (, even though a reduction of divalent ions occurred and the rate of contact angle change with the sole presence of NaCl was notably altered (. Furthermore, the presence of higher clay content showed an increased contact angle alteration. We propose that these phenomena are partially driven by macroscopic phenomena of clay swelling, which leads to surface roughening and enhances the water-wetness

    Analisis Kebijakan Pengembangan Industri Kreatif Di Kota Bandung

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    Industri kreatif didefinisikan sebagai industri yang berfokus pada kreasi dan eksploitasi karya kepemilikan intelektual seperti seni, film, permainan atau desain fashion, dan termasuk layanan kreatif antar Perusahaan seperti iklan. Industri kreatif ini bersumber dari ide, seni dan teknologi yang dikelola untuk menciptakan kemakmuran. Sedangkan ekonomi yang bersumber pada kegiatan ekonomi dari industry kreatif dinamakan ekonomi kreatif. Dalam ekonomi kreatif, pemerintah (regulator) dan Perusahaan (operator) memerlukan suatu paradigm tersendiri dalam penentuan kebijakan dan manajemen. Kota bandung dikenal sebagai kota seni yang masyarakatnya memiliki kreativitas yang tinggi, baik dalam hal rancangan busana yang unik, hingga kreasi makanan yang selalu mengalami perkembangan terbaru. Oleh karena itu terdapat keinginan untuk menjadikan Kota Bandung sebagai ikon kota kreatif di Indonesia. Dari hasil metode wawancara yang dilakukan kepada seluruh informan kunci, semua informan mempunyai kesamaan pandangan bahwa Bandung memiliki potensi sebagai kota kreatif. Umumnya potensi ini dilihat dari potensi sumber daya manusia di Bandung yang ditunjang oleh banyaknya institusi pendidikan dan tempat untuk menimba ilmu. Usulan perangkat kebijakan mengenai pengembangan Bandung sebagai kota kreatif yang ditemukan dari hasil analisis dan pengumpulan data menunjukan bahwa semua sebenarnya sudah terdapat instrumen-instrumen kebijakan yang bisa digunakan untuk menyokong industri kreatif. Hanya saja penerapan dari kebijakan tersebutlah yang sering kali tidak memuaskan. Salah satu usulan yang perlu dicermati adalah program jangka panjang yang membutuhkan komitmen dari semua pihak agar program berkesinambungan penegakan hokum dan sosialisasi juga menjadi kebijakan yang dapat mengefektifkan kebijakan lain. Kebijakan yang hampir selalu disebutkan oleh informan adalah penyediaan ruang public, infrastruktur dan hak paten. Katakunci:industri kreatif, kebijakan, kota kreatif, Kota Bandun

    Preliminary Estimation On Air Pollution Load Over Bogor City Towards Development Of Clean Air Action Plan

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    Emission inventory (EI) data are crucial to provide source apportionment and relative strength of various air pollutant sources in a city. The process of EI compilation can be either bottom-up or top-down, which depends on data availability and other resources. For a city like Bogor, known as a buffer zone of the capital of the Republic of Indonesia, these EI data are now available only for greenhouse gases (GHGs) but not for the air pollutants. Therefore, a top-down EI was designed and implemented for the city in the base year of 2016. Note that the sources of activity data were compiled from the previously arranged GHGs EI database as well as some other data gathered from the local authority. We adopted the EI framework of the Atmospheric Brown Cloud Emission Inventory Manual spreadsheet for the compilation. We included SO2, CO, NO2, PM10, PM2.5, NMVOC, and PM components (black carbon and organic carbon). Point sources, area sources, as well as mobile sources, were considered in the emission estimation. The latter species were included as they are known as strong short-lived climate-forcing pollutants (SLCPs). On-road transport contributed significantly to SO2, NMVOC, and PM2.5, with a portion of 60-86% of the total emission. Industrial combustion sources dominated the shares to the total emissions of NOx (91%) and CO (92%). Based on this baseline information, we then proposed the source wise clean air action plan for the city in order to reduce the emission. A more accurate and up to date EI database should be done through a survey to get local representative activity data and to be compiled on a regular basis