4 research outputs found

    Adverse Externalities: Impact of the Jatibaru Raya Road Closure Policy on Third Parties

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    In his 100 days of leadership, Governor Anies issued a policy of closing one of the roads for the street vendor selling area (PKL), which led to pros and cons. The Jatibaru Raya road closure policy is seen as a step towards the realization of Anies campaign promise to establish 200,000 UMKM during the DKI Jakarta Election in 2017. Deeply examined by the externality model of neo-classical economics, the third party who is disadvantaged from the road closure policy is Block G traders, pedestrians, and city transport drivers. These problems are examined using the externality model of the neo-classical economic theory. The externality model is a model that views the impact (of transactions) of a third party (who does not participate in a transaction) in an agreement made between the first party and the second party. This research is about to answer the reasons why Governor Anies issued a policy on managing the Blok G Tanah Abang Market by closing one of the Jatibaru Raya Road segments and who benefited from the management policy of the Blok G Tanah Abang Market and which parties were disadvantaged for the implementation of the policy. In establishing the policy, Governor Anies reasoned to accommodate the street vendors so that the disadvantaged parties emerged from the policy so that Governor Anies was deemed to have mal-administrated the Ombudsman, one of which was by violating Law No. 22 of 2009 concerning Road Traffic and Transportation

    Strategic Issues in Dam Operation and Maintenance in Indonesia

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    Strategic issues in dam operation and maintenance are important to meet domestic water needs and the study was conducted by the Dam Operational Improvement and Safety Project (DOISP) in two phases. DOISP Phase I was established to continue the Dam Safety Program with the focus on the operational improvement and the safety of dams. The Dam Operational Improvement and Safety Project Phase II (DOISP Phase II) is a continuation of DOISP Phase I that previously has provided support to the completion of remedial and rehabilitation works and operational and safety improvement of 34 dams owned the Ministry of Public Works and Housing (MPWH) as well as the preparation of various guidelines which relate to the dam management operation. Strategic issues in operation and maintenance are prepared in 2020-2024, strategic plan by the Directorate of Water Resources and Irrigation (Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas). Planning based on strategic issues in operation and maintenance is important because a dam and reservoir can support hydropower, navigation, recreation, flood control, irrigation, and water supply, with each multipurpose benefit having a significant social and economic impact at the local level, regional and national

    Perencanaan Pembangunan Lepas Pantai: Strategi Pembangunan Berkelanjutan di Teluk Jakarta melalui Pembangunan Waduk Lepas Pantai

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    Permasalahan ibukota semakin hari semakin meningkat dimana permasalahan tersebut meliputi berbagai aspek, baik sosial, ekonomi maupun lingkungan. Untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan tersebut dibutuhkan solusi yang tidak hanya mampu mengatasi masalah tetapi juga dapat mengembangkan potensi Jakarta. Selain itu, solusi penyelesaian tersebut harus mampu mendukung tercapainya pembangunan kota Jakarta yang berkelanjutan yang mengacu pada pencapaian target Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2015-2030. Salah satu langkah yang diambil dari permasalahan tersebut adalah perencanaan pembangunan Waduk Lepas Pantai yang diusulkan sebagai solusi holistik dan berkelanjutan dari permasalahan yang dihadapi di Teluk Jakarta. Dalam Konsep Waduk Lepas Pantai direncanakan akan dibangun tanggul sepanjang ± 50,6 km pada kedalaman mencapai -20 m membentang dari Muara Sungai Cisadane (Provinsi Banten) sampai Muara Gembong (Provinsi Jawa Barat). Tanggul tersebut akan menciptakan sistem pertahanan banjir yang andal, kolam tampungan dan pengolah air baku, dan sekaligus pengembangan kawasan pesisir di Teluk Jakarta

    Citarum Harum Project: A Restoration Model of River Basin

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    ‘Citarum Harum' is a program to restore the Citarum River. The problem of waste and sewage and the existence of the strategic Citarum River by splitting West Java Province are very supportive of economic growth, especially labour-intensive industries that can absorb a lot of labour into serious problems. Citarum, which is known as one of the dirtiest rivers in the world, urges the government to immediately issue regulations to start the restoration of the Citarum River Basin (DAS Citarum). Citarum watershed pollution and damage mitigation measures in an integrated strategic pace for control and law enforcement that integrate authority between government agencies and stakeholders related to Citarum watershed recovery based on Presidential Regulation No. 15 of 2018 concerning Acceleration of Pollution and Damage Control in the Citarum River Basin. Various steps and methods were taken to restore the Citarum watershed, as well as communication and coordination of the central government with various related parties such as the Environmental Service Office (DLH) of the West Java Provincial Government and Kodam III Siliwangi to be enhanced to immediately realize Harum Citarum