75 research outputs found
Combinatorial aspects of exceptional sequences on (rational) surfaces
We investigate combinatorial aspects of exceptional sequences in the derived
category of coherent sheaves on certain smooth and complete algebraic surfaces.
We show that to any such sequence there is canonically associated a complete
toric surface whose torus fixpoints are either smooth or cyclic T-singularities
(in the sense of Wahl) of type . We also show that
any exceptional sequence can be transformed by mutation into an exceptional
sequence which consists only of objects of rank one.Comment: 35 pages, substantial revision
Resolutions and Cohomologies of Toric Sheaves. The affine case
We study equivariant resolutions and local cohomologies of toric sheaves for
affine toric varieties, where our focus is on the construction of new examples
of decomposable maximal Cohen-Macaulay modules of higher rank. A result of
Klyachko states that the category of reflexive toric sheaves is equivalent to
the category of vector spaces together with a certain family of filtrations.
Within this setting, we develop machinery which facilitates the construction of
minimal free resolutions for the smooth case as well as resolutions which are
acyclic with respect to local cohomology functors for the general case. We give
two main applications. First, over the polynomial ring, we determine in
explicit combinatorial terms the Z^n-graded Betti numbers and local cohomology
of reflexive modules whose associated filtrations form a hyperplane
arrangement. Second, for the non-smooth, simplicial case in dimension d >= 3,
we construct new examples of indecomposable maximal Cohen-Macaulay modules of
rank d - 1.Comment: 39 pages, requires packages ams*, enumerat
Vector bundles on proper toric 3-folds and certain other schemes
We show that a proper algebraic n-dimensional scheme Y admits nontrivial
vector bundles of rank n, even if Y is non-projective, provided that there is a
modification containing a projective Cartier divisor that intersects the
exceptional locus in only finitely many points. Moreover, there are such vector
bundles with arbitrarily large top Chern number. Applying this to toric
varieties, we infer that every proper toric threefold admits such vector
bundles of rank three. Furthermore, we describe a class of higher-dimensional
toric varieties for which the result applies, in terms of convexity properties
around rays.Comment: 28 pages, minor changes, to appear in Trans. Amer. Math. So
Equivariant Primary Decomposition and Toric Sheaves
We study global primary decompositions in the category of sheaves on a scheme
which are equivariant under the action of an algebraic group. We show that
equivariant primary decompositions exist if the group is connected. As main
application we consider the case of varieties which are quotients of a
quasi-affine variety by the action of a diagonalizable group and thus admit a
homogeneous coordinate ring, such as toric varieties. Comparing these
decompositions with primary decompositions of graded modules over the
homogeneous coordinate ring, we show that these are equivalent if the action of
the diagonalizable group is free. We give some specific examples for the case
of toric varieties.Comment: 35 pages, requires packages ams*, enumerate, xy; partially rewritten,
includes primary decomposition for general varieties admitting a homogeneous
coordinate ring. to appear in manuscripta mat
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