38 research outputs found

    Assessment of grain oil content stability in early maturing soybean genotypes

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    in the grain. The processing industry, as well as individual agricultural producers, pays special attention to these two parameters, setting requirements for varieties with high oil content for industrial processing, or varieties with high protein content for animal feed. Therefore, breeding practice is aimed at developing varieties not only of high yield but also varieties of improved grain quality. Soybean genotypes maintained in the collection of the Maize Research Institute Zemun Polje are characterized by a protein content ranging from 36.3% to 43.2%, and an oil content ranging from 15.6% to 22.0%. Both traits are of a complex quantitative nature, determined both by genetic factors and the influence of environmental conditions during their accumulation in the grain, as well as the interaction of genotype and environment. The aim of this study was to examine the value of genotype × environment interaction for oil content in soybean genotypes from the collection of Maize Research Institute Zemun Polje and to identify stable sources that can be utilized as starting material for breeding for oil content. The experiment included 14 genotypes of soybean from maturity group 00 (very early varieties). The field trials were set up over two years, at two locations (Zemun Polje and Pancevo), according to a completely randomized block design with three replications. After harvest, the oil content in the grain was measured on a NIRT device "Infraneo", Chopin Technologies. The linear-bilinear AMMI-1 model was applied to analyze the genotype × environment interaction for grain oil content. A large part of the variation (80.91%) of the genotype × environment interaction for the grain oil content in soybean genotypes was explained by the first interaction axis of the AMMI-1 model. The differences in the main effects of the examined environments were not large, since all environments had a value of oil content close to the general average. Four environments had a variable influence on the examined genotypes. For both locations, a positive interaction effect was found in 2012 and a negative interaction effect in 2011, with the genotypes tested in Zemun Polje in 2012 being the most unstable, while the genotypes tested in 2011 showed approximately equal stability at both locations. A number of genotypes (Canatto, Kabott, Olima, Gi 291 / 70-79, Krajina, Agassiz, Maple Presto and Luso) were distributed close to the stability line. Genotypes with above the average oil content and high stability (Maple Presto and Ljuso) deserved special attention, as well as the Agassiz genotype, which had the maximum average value of this parameter, and a small value of interaction with environments. Genotypes of low average values of oil content (Mini Soybeans and Progress) had very poor stability, which can be attributed to their divergent germplasm and specific response to environmental conditions that differ from the conditions in the region of their origin.Prerađivačka industrija kao i individualni poljoprivredni proizvođači obraćaju posebnu pažnju na ova dva parametra, postavljajući zahteve za sortama visokog sadržaja ulja za industrijsku preradu, ili sortama visokog sadržaja proteina za dobijanje stočne hrane. Stoga je selekcionerski rad usmeren je ka stvaranju sorti ne samo visokog prinosa već i sorti poboljšanog kvaliteta zrna. Genotipovi soje koji se čuvaju u kolekciji Instituta za kukuruz Zemun Polje odlikuju se sadržajem proteina koji varira od 36.3% do 43.2%, i sadržajem ulja u rasponu od 15.6% do22.0%. Oba svojstva su kompleksne kvantitativne prirode, determinisana kako naslednim faktorima tako i uticajem uslova spoljašnje sredine u vreme njihove akumulacije u zrnu, kao i interakcijom genotipa i spoljašnje sredine. Cilj ovog rada bio je da se ispita vrednost interakcije genotip × spoljašnja sredina za sadržaj ulja kod genotipova soje iz kolekcije Instituta za kukuruz Zemun Polje i otkriju stabilni izvori koji mogu poslužiti kao početni materijal za oplemenjivanje na sadržaj ulja. Eksperimentom je obuhvaćeno 14 genotipova soje grupe zrenja 00 (veoma rane sorte). Ogledi su postavljeni u toku dve godine, na dve lokacije (Zemun Polje i Pančevo), po potpuno slučajnom blok dizajnu u tri ponavljanja. Nakon žetve, sadržaj ulja u semenu izmeren je na uređaju NIRT tehnologije „Infraneo“, Chopin Technologies. Za analizu interakcije genotipa i spoljašnje sredine za sadržaj ulja u zrnu primenjen je linearno-bilinearni AMMI-1 model. Veliki deo varijacije (80,91%) interakcije genotipa i spoljašnje sredine za sadržaj ulja u zrnu ispitivanih genotipova soje objašnjen je prvom interakcijskom osom AMMI-1 modela. Razlike u glavnim efektima ispitivanih spoljašnjih sredina nisu bile velike, s obzirom da su sve sredine imale vrednost sadržaja ulja blizu opšteg proseka. Četiri spoljašnje sredine imale su varijabilan uticaj na ispitivane genotipove. Za oba lokaliteta utvrđen je pozitivan interakcijski efekat u 2012. i negativan interakcijski efekat u 2011. godini, pri čemu su genotipovi ispitivani u Zemun Polju 2012. godine bili najnestabilniji, dok su genotipovi ispitivani u toku 2011. godine pokazali približno jednaku stabilnost na obe lokacije Veći broj genotipova (Canatto, Kabott, Olima, Gi 291/70-79, Krajina, Agassiz, Maple Presto i Ljuso) bio je raspoređen blizu linije stabilnosti, pri čemu posebnu pažnju zaslužuju genotipovi iznad posečnog sadržaja ulja i visoke stabilnosti (Maple Presto i Ljuso) kao i genotip Agassiz, koji je imao maksimalnu prosečnu vrednost ovog parametra, i malu vrednost interakcije sa spoljašnjim sredinama. Genotipovi niskih prosečnih vrednosti sadržaja ulja (Mini Soja i Progres) imali su veoma slabu stabilnost, što se može pripisati njihovoj divergentnoj germplazmi i specifičnoj reakciji na uslove ispitivanja koji se razlikuju u odnosu na uslove regiona u kojem su ove sorte selekcionisane

    Influence of intercropping and bio-fertilizer on the level of antioxidants in soybean and common millet grains

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    While climate change severely affects food production and its security, each practice which boost yield and quality of crops in an eco-friendly way is required. Soybean (S) and common millet (M) present valuable crops regarding nutritive quality of grains, and their intercropping (IC) can be used to enhance performance of both crops in a sustainable way. Field experiment was performed during 2018 and 2020, as completely randomized block design. Three combinations of intercrops: S-M, SS-MM and SS-MMMM, as well as sole crops were included in trial. Additionally, the influence of bio-fertilizer Coveron (containing Glomus sp., Trichoderma atroviride and plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria) was also investigated. The quality of grains was determined by measuring the level of three important antioxidants: yellow pigment - YP, total phenolic compounds - TPC and phytic phosphorus - PPhy. In terms of soybean, IC was insignificant for variability in concentration of antioxidants, while in millet grains, concentrations of Pphy, TPC and YP were significantly affected by IC. Pphy and TPC levels were mainly increased by IC, but not YP level. The only combination that influenced simultaneous increase of all three parameters was SS-MM combination. Consequently, this planting pattern is suggested as an effective for increasing antioxidants level in millet grain. On the other side, BF significantly affected only Pphy in soybean, increasing its concentration, which proved positive effect of BF on enhanced phosphorus availability and accumulation in grain. These findings indicate the importance of planting pattern in managing nutritive quality of grains, emphasizing 1:1 ratio set as alternating strips in soybean-common millet intercropping

    Effects of different insecticides on the antioxidative defense system of the European Corn Borer (Ostrinia nubilalis Hubner) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) larvae

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    The European corn borer (Ostrinia nubilalis) is one of the most important insect pests of maize, and has a significant impact on the production of this crop. In this work, we examined the effects of different insecticides on the antioxidative defense system of O. nubilalis larvae. The experimental setup consisted of a completely randomized block design with 4 replicates. Four experimental groups were formed as follows: control (C), indoxacarb (250 mL ha(-1)), chlorantraniliprole (100 mL ha(-1)) and the chlorantraniliprole+lambda cyhalothrin (200 mL ha(-1)) group. Larvae from maize stems were collected 20 days after insecticide application and the whole larvae were homogenized. The activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidase (GPx), glutathione reductase (GR) and glutathione S-transferase (GST), and the total amount of free SH groups were assessed. Comparison of the experimental groups showed that indoxacarb significantly affected the activities of GST, GPx and the total amount of free SH groups, while chlorantraniliprole significantly affected the activities of SOD, CAT, GST and the total amount of free SH groups, while chlorantraniliprole+ lambda cyhalothrin significantly affected the activities of CAT, GST and the total amount of free SH groups. The results show that exposure to insecticides considerably affects the antioxidative defense components of the European corn borer larvae, especially chlorantraniliprole (T2)

    Conjunctive effect of environment and genotype in maize seed production.

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    Significant sources of normal plant development are the amount of available water, light, temperature and nutrients. This study aimed to examine to what extent the relationship between plant genetic structure and environmental conditions affects habitus and plant yield. In the two-year research, 2019 (Y1), and 2020 (Y2), with three maize lines (L1, L2, L3) produced at the Maize Research Institute, experiments were performed to assess the impact of genotype and environmental conditions on plant height to tassel (PHT), plant height to ear (PHE), ear weight (EW), cob weight (CW) and grain yield (GY). Seeds of different sizes were used in three sowings: large (S1), small (S2), and undivided (S3). The results of the PHE trial in the first year indicated a dominant genotype effect. L1 for all three sowings by seed size had the lowest cob position, S3G1 (69 cm), while L3 had the highest, (86.72 cm) for S3G1. In the second year of the study, environmental conditions and seed size significantly affected (p≤0.05) the PHE, as well as the PHT. The significance of the year effect was not confirmed by the weight of the cob. The highest yield was achieved for L1Y1S1 at 9.01 t ha-1 and the lowest for L1Y2S3 at 2.18 t ha-1. Significant mutual effects of factors on the variability of traits are Y × L, Y × S, and Y × L × S. Differences in environmental conditions significantly affect the variability of maize corn seed properties. These effects can be reduced by proper genotype selection and the sowing of uniform size seeds

    Application of lavender and mint essential oils for improvement of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) seed properties

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    Essential oils (EOs) are widely studied in agriculture. The study's objective was to examine the impact of EOs on alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) seed dormancy. The four different varieties of alfalfa were used for the experiment (Zaječarka-83, Banatska-VS, K-28, Novosadska H-11). Two essential oils, lavender (Lavandula angustifolia Mill.) and peppermint (Mentha piperita L.) were applied at four concentrations:1%, 0.5%, 0.2%, and 0.02%, along with water as a control. Germination, dormant seeds and dead seeds were evaluated in a laboratory setting according to ISTA rules. The type of EOs had no discernible influence on germinated seeds, dormancy, and dead seeds. Both EOs in concentrations of 1% and 0.5% inhibited seed germination. The maximum germination of 91.66% was achieved with the Novosadska H-11 variety using lavender oil at a concentration of 0.02%, with reduced dormancy. Varieties Zaječarka-83 and Banatska-VS had the highest level of dead and dormant seeds when lavender and peppermint EOs were applied at a concentration of 0.2%. This study showed that both EOs at a concentration of 0.02% had a stimulatory effect on seed germination, simultaneously reducing seed dormancy, emphasizing their potential use for seed quality improvement in organic farmingOdrživ sistem uključuje korišćenje prirodnih resursa za zaštitu bilja, suzbijanje bolesti, štetočina i korova bez upotrebe sintetičkih hemikalija. Etarska ulja (EO) su dobro poznati metaboliti koji imaju potencijalnu primenu u poljoprivredi. Cilj studije je bio da se utvrdi značaj delovanja Eunamirovanje (dormantnost) semenalucerke (Medicago sativa L.).Za ogled je korišćen semenski material četiri sorte lucerke (Zaječarka-83, Banatska-VS, K-28, Novosadska H-11). Dva EO, lavande (Lavandula angustifolia Mill.) i pitome nane (Mentha piperita L.) primenjena su na semenu lucerke u četiri koncentracije: 1%, 0,5%, 0,2% i 0,02%, zajedno sa vodom kaokontrolom. Ulja pitome nane i lavande korišćena u eksperimentu su komercijalna ulja. Klijavost, dormantnost i mrtvo seme su procenjeni u laboratorijskim uslovima prema ISTA pravilima, u petrijevim posudama na filter papiru. Klijanje je testiran ou komori za klijanje. Rezultati su pokazali da vrsta EO nije imala značajan uticaj na klijanje semena, mirovanje i mrtvo seme. Koncentracija ulja je bila najznačajniji faktor koji je uticao na fiziološke karakteristike. Oba ulja u koncentracijama od 1% i 0,5% su inhibirala klijanje. Maksimalna klijavost od 91,66% je postignuta kod sorte Novosadska H-11 uz korišćenje ulja lavande u koncentraciji 0,02%, dok se mirovanje smanjilo. Sorte Zaječarka-83 i Banatska-VS su imali najviši nivo mrtvog i dormantnog semena, kada su tretirane uljem lavande i pitome nane u koncentraciji od 0,2%. Ova studija je pokazala da su oba EO u koncentraciji od 0,02% imala stimulativni efekat na klijavost semena, i istovremeno smanjila mirovanje semena, naglašavajući njihovu potencijalnu primenu za poboljšanje kvaliteta semena u organskoj poljoprivred

    Impact of soybean-common millet intercropping on element land equivalent ratio

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    Здруживање усева представља једну од одрживих пракси пољопривреде. Посебан значај огледа се у повећању квалитета зрна, услед побољшане искористивости земљишних ресурса код комплементарних усева. Мера ефикасности оваквог система најбоље се исказује преко односа еквивалената земљишта (ЛЕР), док се принос елемената у зрну може пратити помоћу Е-ЛЕР-а (елементарни однос еквивалената земљишта). Циљ истраживања био је испитивање утицаја здруживања соје и проса на Е-ЛЕР (Ca, Mg, S, B, Al, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Se, Mo) у зрну како би се утврдио ефекат и комплементарност наведених врста. Соја и просо су посејани у 3 комбинације: наизменични редови соје и проса (С-М), наизменичне траке 2 реда соје и 2 реда проса (СС-ММ) и наизменичне траке 2 реда соје и 4 реда проса (СС-ММММ), паралено са самосталним (контролним) усевима, 2018. и 2020. године. Осим комбиновања, испитиван је и утицај био-ђубрива Coveron (БФ). Резултати су показали да је СС-ММ+БФ комбинација најефикаснија, с обзиром да су вредности Е-ЛЕР-а за све испитиване елементе веће од 1, што указује на укупно повећање приноса сваког од елемената. У овој комбинацији највише вредности су добијене за Mn-ЛЕР (1.67), Fe-ЛЕР (1.66) и Ca-ЛЕР (1.60). Упоређујући огледне комбинације без био-ђубрива, СС-ММ се и овде издвојила као најпогоднија, са вишим вредностима Е-ЛЕР-а у односу на друге две комбинације (највише вредности су добијене за B-ЛЕР, Mn-ЛЕР и Fe-ЛЕР, 1.38, 1.34 и 1.34, респективно). Здруживање усева у другачијим односима дало је вредности Е-ЛЕР-а близу 1 за већину елемената. На основу добијених резултата може се закључити да су соја и просо компатибилне врсте за здруживање, као и да комбинација 2 реда соје и 2 реда проса обезбеђује највиши однос еквивалената елемената, односно акумулацију елемената у зрну испитиваних врста, позитивно се одражавајући на квалитет зрна.The intercropping presents prominent sustainable agricultural practice. Its particular importance is reflected through increased grain quality due to improved use of land resources by inter, i.e. complementary crops. The measure of efficiency of such system is expressed in the best way through the land equivalent ratio (LER), while the yield of elements in grain can be monitored using E-LER (element land equivalent ratio). The aim of research was to examine the impact of soybean-common millet intercropping on E-LER (Ca, Mg, S, B, Al, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Se, Mo) of grain, in order to determine the effect and complementarity of crops. Soybean and millet were sown in 3 combinations: alternating rows (S-М), alternating strips with 2 rows of soybean and 2 rows of millet (SS-ММ) and alternating strips with 2 rows of soybean and 4 rows of millet (SS-ММММ), together with sole crops (control), during 2018 and 2020. The impact of bio-fertilizer Coveron (BF) was also investigated. The results showed that SS-MM+BF combination is the most efficient considering values of E-LER which are higher than 1 for all examined elements, indicating a total increase in the yield of each of the elements. In this combination the highest values were obtained for Mn-LER (1.67), Fe-LER (1.66) and Ca-LER (1.60). Comparing experimental combinations without BF, SS-MM also stood out as the most efficient, with higher E-LER values compared to the other two combinations (the highest values were obtained for B-LER, Mn-LER and Fe-LER, 1.38, 1.34 and 1.34, respectively). Other intercrop combinations gave values of E-LER close to 1 for most elements. Based on the obtained results, it can be concluded that soybean and common millet are compatible crops for intercropping. The combination of 2 rows of soybean and 2 rows of millet provides the highest E-LER values, i.e. accumulation of elements in grains, which positively reflects on grain quality

    Multivariate analysis of agronomic traits in mid-season soybean varieties

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    Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is a useful tool for processing multiple data, which are often encountered in breeding practice. This method is suitable for the evaluation of genotypes on the basis of multiple traits and graphical presentation of relationships between traits. This study included 16 soybean mid-season genotypes (maturity group I), originated from different regions of the world, maintained in soybean collection of Maize Research Institute Zemun Polje. Field trials were carried out at two locations, during two years, according to a RCB design with three replications. The genotypes were evaluated in respect to eight major agronomic traits: PH – plant height, NN – node number, PN – pod number, SN – seed number, TSW – 1000 seed weight, SYP – seed yield per plant, PROT – protein content, OIL – oil content. First two PCA axes encompassed a large portion of the variance of standardized data (75,9%). Biplot distinguished genotypes of potential importance for various breeding targets. Two genotypes stood out with the largest 1000 seed weight. One variety formed a larger number of pods and the seed number per plant as compared to the group average, achieving the highest grain yield per plant. Two genotypes were among the most productive ones, with a larger number of pods as well as a higher 1000 seed weight, compared to the average. The most promising variety was Laura, which had a high yield and higher protein content than the average, and could be used as a potential germplasm source for the simultaneous improvement of both traits. Correlations among traits determined by PC biplot were in accordance with Pearson’s correlation coefficients

    Total sugar content in soybean grain and its relationship with protein, oil and fibers

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    Soybean grain is one of the most important food and feed sources, containing approximately 40% protein, 20% oil, 35% carbohydrates and 5% minerals. The proportion of seed composition determines the uses of soybean. High-oil varieties are recommended for oil and soy-diesel industries, while food production usually requires lower oil, but higher protein and sugar contents.High level of sucrose, glucose, and fructose provides sweet taste and favourable flavour of soyproducts. The aim of the study was to evaluate 10 soybean genotypes (released cultivars and experimental lines) developed at the Maize Research Institute Zemun Polje by analysing their chemical composition and biochemical properties and determining the correlations between the observed parameters. The highest content of total fibre (NDF) was found in cultivar Lidija (22.75%), while the lowest was noted for line L193 (10.10%). Total proteins varied from 37.82% in variety Laura to 42.03% in cultivar Selena, while oil content reached values from 19.9% in L0161 to 22.05% in cultivar Laura.Total sugar content ranged from 6.48% in cultivar Laura to 11.52% in line L0161. Accordingly, the lowest (5.43%) and the highest (10.31%) sucrose content was observed for latter genotypes, confirming highly positive correlation between total sugar content and sucrose level (0.99).A negative correlation between total sugars and total fibre was observed (-0.37), as well as a negative correlation (-0.69) between total sugars and oil in soybean grain. Relationship between grain sugars and protein was extremely low (0.10), suggesting that improvement of sugars may not necessarily affect protein. A line L0161 was identified as a unique germplasm line with favourable seed composition, containing the highest level of sucrose and total sugar, minimum oil and above average protein content (39.87%)

    Stability of grain yield and oil content in early maturing soybean varieties

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    The aim of this study was to examine the magnitude of genotype × environment (G × E) interaction for the grain yield and grain oil content in soybean genotypes from the collection of Maize Research Institute Zemun Polje and to identify stable sources for breeding for these traits. Fourteen soybean genotypes from maturity group 00 were tested in the field trials set up over two years, at two locations (Zemun Polje and Pancevo), according to a completely randomized block design. After harvest, the oil content in the grain was measured on a NIRT (near infra-red transmission) analyzer. Interaction G × E for grain yield and oil content was evaluated by the application of AMMI-1 (additive main effects and multiplicative interaction) model. A great portion of the variation (80.91%) of G × E interaction for the grain oil content in soybean genotypes was explained by the first interaction axis of the AMMI-1 model. Eight genotypes were distributed close to the stability line. The most important among them where two cultivars with above the average oil content and high stability, as well as the Agassiz variety, with a maximum average value of this parameter, expressing small interaction with environment. AMMI analysis for grain yield revealed that first interaction axis had explained 55.3% of the variation of G × E interaction for this trait. The largest number of genotypes achieved grain yield similar to the general average, with various interaction effects. The most stable grain yield was noted for Maple Presto variety, while the Olima, Evrika, PI 180507 and Kabott genotypes showed satisfactory stability. Cultivars Korana and Krajina proved to be superior to other genotypes, both in terms of yield and stability, confirming that domestic genotypes had adaptation to local agro-ecological conditions as compared to introduced ones

    Global Retinoblastoma Presentation and Analysis by National Income Level.

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    Importance: Early diagnosis of retinoblastoma, the most common intraocular cancer, can save both a child's life and vision. However, anecdotal evidence suggests that many children across the world are diagnosed late. To our knowledge, the clinical presentation of retinoblastoma has never been assessed on a global scale. Objectives: To report the retinoblastoma stage at diagnosis in patients across the world during a single year, to investigate associations between clinical variables and national income level, and to investigate risk factors for advanced disease at diagnosis. Design, Setting, and Participants: A total of 278 retinoblastoma treatment centers were recruited from June 2017 through December 2018 to participate in a cross-sectional analysis of treatment-naive patients with retinoblastoma who were diagnosed in 2017. Main Outcomes and Measures: Age at presentation, proportion of familial history of retinoblastoma, and tumor stage and metastasis. Results: The cohort included 4351 new patients from 153 countries; the median age at diagnosis was 30.5 (interquartile range, 18.3-45.9) months, and 1976 patients (45.4%) were female. Most patients (n = 3685 [84.7%]) were from low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Globally, the most common indication for referral was leukocoria (n = 2638 [62.8%]), followed by strabismus (n = 429 [10.2%]) and proptosis (n = 309 [7.4%]). Patients from high-income countries (HICs) were diagnosed at a median age of 14.1 months, with 656 of 666 (98.5%) patients having intraocular retinoblastoma and 2 (0.3%) having metastasis. Patients from low-income countries were diagnosed at a median age of 30.5 months, with 256 of 521 (49.1%) having extraocular retinoblastoma and 94 of 498 (18.9%) having metastasis. Lower national income level was associated with older presentation age, higher proportion of locally advanced disease and distant metastasis, and smaller proportion of familial history of retinoblastoma. Advanced disease at diagnosis was more common in LMICs even after adjusting for age (odds ratio for low-income countries vs upper-middle-income countries and HICs, 17.92 [95% CI, 12.94-24.80], and for lower-middle-income countries vs upper-middle-income countries and HICs, 5.74 [95% CI, 4.30-7.68]). Conclusions and Relevance: This study is estimated to have included more than half of all new retinoblastoma cases worldwide in 2017. Children from LMICs, where the main global retinoblastoma burden lies, presented at an older age with more advanced disease and demonstrated a smaller proportion of familial history of retinoblastoma, likely because many do not reach a childbearing age. Given that retinoblastoma is curable, these data are concerning and mandate intervention at national and international levels. Further studies are needed to investigate factors, other than age at presentation, that may be associated with advanced disease in LMICs