33 research outputs found

    The elementary excitations of the exactly solvable Russian doll BCS model of superconductivity

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    The recently proposed Russian doll BCS model provides a simple example of a many body system whose renormalization group analysis reveals the existence of limit cycles in the running coupling constants of the model. The model was first studied using RG, mean field and numerical methods showing the Russian doll scaling of the spectrum, E(n) ~ E0 exp(-l n}, where l is the RG period. In this paper we use the recently discovered exact solution of this model to study the low energy spectrum. We find that, in addition to the standard quasiparticles, the electrons can bind into Cooper pairs that are different from those forming the condensate and with higher energy. These excited Cooper pairs can be described by a quantum number Q which appears in the Bethe ansatz equation and has a RG interpretation.Comment: 36 pages, 12 figure

    The cross-sectional GRAS sample: A comprehensive phenotypical data collection of schizophrenic patients

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Schizophrenia is the collective term for an exclusively clinically diagnosed, heterogeneous group of mental disorders with still obscure biological roots. Based on the assumption that valuable information about relevant genetic and environmental disease mechanisms can be obtained by association studies on patient cohorts of ≥ 1000 patients, if performed on detailed clinical datasets and quantifiable biological readouts, we generated a new schizophrenia data base, the GRAS (Göttingen Research Association for Schizophrenia) data collection. GRAS is the necessary ground to study genetic causes of the schizophrenic phenotype in a 'phenotype-based genetic association study' (PGAS). This approach is different from and complementary to the genome-wide association studies (GWAS) on schizophrenia.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>For this purpose, 1085 patients were recruited between 2005 and 2010 by an invariable team of traveling investigators in a cross-sectional field study that comprised 23 German psychiatric hospitals. Additionally, chart records and discharge letters of all patients were collected.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The corresponding dataset extracted and presented in form of an overview here, comprises biographic information, disease history, medication including side effects, and results of comprehensive cross-sectional psychopathological, neuropsychological, and neurological examinations. With >3000 data points per schizophrenic subject, this data base of living patients, who are also accessible for follow-up studies, provides a wide-ranging and standardized phenotype characterization of as yet unprecedented detail.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The GRAS data base will serve as prerequisite for PGAS, a novel approach to better understanding 'the schizophrenias' through exploring the contribution of genetic variation to the schizophrenic phenotypes.</p

    Influence of alongslope processes on modern turbidite systems and canyons in the Alboran Sea (southwestern Mediterranean)

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    This is an interdisciplinary study that combines morphoseismics, sedimentology and numerical modelling to elucidate at different scales of resolution the influence of alongslope processes on the turbidite systems (TSs) and canyons in the Alboran Sea (southwestern Mediterranean). Nine TSs are mapped in the Spanish margin (La Linea, Guadiaro, Baños, Torrenueva, Fuengirola, Salobreña, Sacratif, Calahonda and Almeria) and two in the Alboran Ridge (Piedra Escuela and Al-Borani). In the Moroccan margin, there are only two canyons (Ceuta and Nekor). Distinctive morphoseismic and sedimentological signatures from TSs and canyons have enabled three regional models of alongslope influence to be distinguished: a) Alongslope processes are dominant. This scenario characterizes the canyons of the Moroccan margin. The diagnostic signature is the lack of leveed channels and lobes at the Ceuta and Nekor Canyon mouths. b) Different degrees of interplay exist between alongslope and downslope processes. This scenario occurs in the TSs of the western Spanish margin. Here, the alongslope influence on TSs (La Linea, Guadiaro, Baños, Torrenueva and Fuengirola) is evidenced by the lack of overbank deposits in the La Linea and Guadiaro Canyons and an alongslope trend in the morpho-architecture of the channelized lobes and in the textural distribution of canyon/channel deposits (mass-flow deposits and turbidites). Both signatures indicate sandier TSs as well as Bouma turbidite sequences lacking the finest levels towards the Strait of Gibraltar. Local intercalations of contourites are also present in the Guadiaro lobe deposits. c) Downslope processes are dominant. This scenario characterizes the TSs of the eastern and central Spanish margin and Alboran Ridge. There, TSs seem to be controlled solely by the characteristics of the downslope gravity flows that transport sediment. The hydrodynamic and sediment dispersion models confirm that the main oceanographic factors governing the variable alongslope influence in TSs and canyons are the following: a vigorous WMDW flow along the Moroccan margin and the energetic Atlantic Jet, western Atlantic anticyclonic gyre and general acceleration of the Mediterranean waters towards the Strait of Gibraltar, along the western Spanish margin. This study demonstrates the pivotal role that alongslope processes can play in the onset and formation of TSs and canyons at continental margins

    Yleiset alueet kiinteistöjärjestelmässä

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    Thesis of this master's thesis is public areas in cadastral system. This paper explores the legislative history of formation of public areas. This research emphasizes the active legislation's means of implementing the public areas in a municipality. Land ownership is addressed from the perspective of public areas. A process chart and work instructions illustrating the formation of public areas has been put together at the City Survey Department of city of Vantaa. As a part of this master's thesis the process chart and the related work instructions were brought up to date. Another objective of this work is to develop alternative work methods concerning the formation of public areas. A proposal including a single land surveyor taking the responsibility of the forming of public areas at a time is made on the paper. This responsibility could last for one year at a time for an example. The benefits of the described system would involve that the forming of public areas would be constant throughout the year, and the amount of public areas formed per year would be maximized. An alternative method would be to continue as is, with a yearly goal of public areas formed set for every surveyor. As a part of this master's thesis the persons responsible for real estate formation in Helsinki and Espoo were interviewed and inquiries were sent to 30 municipalities. Work methods concerning the formation of public areas and the problems related to them were examined in the municipalities with the help of the inquiries. Different systems used in the municipalities are introduced based on the results of the interviews and the inquiries.Diplomityön aiheena ovat yleiset alueet kiinteistöjärjestelmässä. Työssä käydään läpi yleisten alueiden muodostumisen lainsäädännön historiaa, mutta tutkimus painottuu voimassa olevan lainsäädännön keinoihin, joita kunnassa käytetään yleisten alueiden toteuttamiseen. Maanomistusta käsitellään yleisten alueiden näkökulmasta. Vantaan kaupungin mittausosastolla on laadittu prosessikaavio sekä työohjeet yleisen alueen lohkomiseen. Osana tätä työtä prosessikaavio ajantasaistettiin sekä siihen liittyviä työohjeita päivitettiin. Tavoitteena on myös kehittää vaihtoehtoisia työtapoja yleisten alueiden lohkomisiin. Työssä esitetään työtapa, jossa yksi Vantaan kaupungin mittausosaston toimitusinsinööreistä vuorollaan vastaisi vuorollaan yleisten alueiden lohkomisista. Vuoro olisi vaihtuva esimerkiksi vuoden valein. Järjestelmän etuna on, että yleisiä alueita tulee lohkotuksi tasaisesti koko vuoden ajan ja toimitusmäärät saataisiin optimoitua mahdollisimman suureksi. Toinen vaihtoehto on jatkaa nykyisellä menettelyllä, jossa jokaiselle toimitusinsinöörille asetetaan vuosittaiset kappalemäärätavoitteet yleisten alueiden toimituksiin. Työtä varten haastateltiin Helsingin ja Espoon kiinteistönmuodostuksesta vastaavia henkilöitä ja lähetettiin kysely 30 kuntaan. Kyselyn avulla selvitettiin yleisten alueiden lohkomisten työtapoja ja yleisten alueiden toimituksiin liittyviä ongelmia muissa kunnissa. Haastatteluiden ja kyselyjen tulosten perusteella esitetään yleisten alueiden lohkomisissa käytettyjä kuntien erilaisia käytäntöjä